Have anyone here gotten their game published? What are the requirments for doing so. I`ve seen some of games (Adventure genre games aswell) wish "shockingly" have gotten published and sold in stores. Wish I, as a newbie game designer probaply could do better with the tools available today. Do you got to know the right people? or is just having a decent product enougt to get it published? And what about selling it as a digital download at sites like Adventure shop, i guess that would not involve any costs for me execpt the time I invest in developing the game, anyone knows if the games on those sites sell well?
My only problems would be getting voice actors, and someone to help write the dialoge & storyline, I got the basics laid down, but know nothing of how to write a good game script. I do not have the money to get proffessional people to do it. Anyone have any ideas how I could solve this?