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Messages - fern

Pages: [1]
I'll try it on win XP. Is it possible to compile it on linux Mint? Or can you send me precompiled libraries?
Or will I send ".dcp" and you would do .apk? (this option will be complicated, my project is not yet complete, but I need to find out how it works on a mobile with an android)

Some bugs have reported this and are not running correctly. What version of android and java do you use when compiling?

hello, thank you for your help. when I tried to run in FreeImage3154 "," libfreetype-android "showed me error

PS D:\dokumenty\wmeprojects\dependencies-for\dependencies\freeimage3154> ndk-build
[armeabi] Compile++ thumb: freeimage <= BitmapAccess.cpp
jni/./Source/FreeImage/BitmapAccess.cpp:36:23: fatal error: FreeImage.h: No such file or directory
 #include "FreeImage.h"
compilation terminated.
make: *** [obj/local/armeabi/objs/freeimage/./Source/FreeImage/BitmapAccess.o] Error 1

"SDL" went right

I would like to learn to run it myself, but if you send the finished files, it will be great.

WME Lite / Re: Create .apk from precompiled sources in windows
« on: May 01, 2019, 02:26:18 PM »
Hi, thank you for the new repository. Unfortunately the problem is still the same. I'm definitely doing something wrong :-(

I edited the files:
org / example / yourapppackagename / (to my names)
res / values / strings.xml
org / deadcode / wmelite /
I created assets / files / data.png in the folder android_sdl_mixer

I ran in WindowsPowerShell NDK-build in folder android_sdl_mixer

I got an error message again
PS D: documents wmelite-rapaki android_sdl_mixer> ndk-build
Android NDK: ERROR: jn / src / freetype: LOCAL_SRC_FILES
Android NDK: Check that jni / src /../../../ prebuilt / android / armeabi / libfreetype.a
C: / android-ndk-r12b / build //../ build / core / 45: *** Android NDK: Aborting. Stop.
PS D: documents wmelite-rapaki android_sdl_mixer>

Do I have to take other steps?

Hi, sorry for my English, I use google translator.
I follow the instructions listed at, but I still can't create a .apk file.
I have installed:
Java build 1.8.0_211-b12

Path in windows set for ndk-build

Cloned Repository to D:

when you start NDK-build dosprompt writes me an error:
PS D: documents wmelite android_sdl_mixer> ndk-build
Android NDK: ERROR: jn / src / freetype: LOCAL_SRC_FILES
Android NDK: Check that jni / src /../../../ prebuilt / android / armeabi / libfreetype.a
C: / android-ndk-r12b / build //../ build / core / 45: *** Android NDK: Aborting. Stop.

What am I doing wrong? Could you give me an advice please?

Czech version:

postupuji podle instrukcí, které jsou uvedeny na, ale stále se mi nedaří vytvořit soubor.apk.
mám nainstalován:
Java build 1.8.0_211-b12

Cestu ve windows nastavenou pro ndk-build

Klonované repository do D:\dokumenty\wmelite

při spuštění ndk-build mi píše dosprompt chybu:
PS D:\dokumenty\wmelite\android_sdl_mixer> ndk-build
Android NDK: ERROR:jni/src/ LOCAL_SRC_FILES points to a missing file
Android NDK: Check that jni/src/../../../prebuilt/android/armeabi/libfreetype.a exists  or that its path is correct
C:/android-ndk-r12b/build//../build/core/ *** Android NDK: Aborting    .  Stop.

Co dělám špatně? Můžete mi prosím poradit?

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