Technical forum / An actor walking "off the stage"?
« on: July 19, 2008, 10:23:47 AM »
Is there any way to have the actor (2D) walk out of the X axis of the game stage? So for example if he is exiting the screen on the right, I am trying to make him walk entirely off the screen before switching. Currently he will just go to the edge, stop walking, then the game switches. I have tried extending the floor much to the right to give them the space to do so, but it still stops him at the edge. I know it is also possible to start the actor off the stage in a scene_init if the floor exists where you want him to be. However I just can't get it to work when trying to get him off the stage. Is this possible? If not, could it possibly be a feature request? I know it would greatly help the presentation if the character the player is using appears to continuously walk between scenes as opposed to stopping at the edge of a screen, then starting to walk again when the next one appears...Thanks!