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Messages - Maun

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / Hiding responses for a bit?
« on: August 22, 2004, 09:28:29 PM »
I have a unusual situation where i need to hide the response box for a while. How do I do this, since Game.ResponsesVisible is read-only? I know a "hack" in which I temporarily put a window on top of it to mask it off, but that doesn't seem an elegant way to do it. Any ideas ?

Technical forum / Re: 4 walking direction only?
« on: August 16, 2004, 11:52:19 AM »
Yeah it's related to that :) It's a top-down crate puzzle. I think I can make it work as it is now, but the character looks a bit silly, as if he's "ice skating", because of the diagonal directions.

Technical forum / 4 walking direction only?
« on: August 15, 2004, 10:36:38 PM »
Is there an easy way to restrict the chartacter to only 4 walking directions? I don't mean using the left animation for upperleft and lowerleft, I mean actually making it so that the character only walks in straight horizontal or vertical lines, no diagional paths?

Technical forum / Re: Show inventory when something is picked up?
« on: August 15, 2004, 10:17:12 PM »
Thanks, it works  ::rock

However the inventory now shows up for like a 1 second at the start up of the game. (Not a big deal but it's not very pretty.)

I tried adding
Game.InventoryVisible = false;


global InventoryHint = false;

right at the very beginning of game.script before evertyhing else is initiatlised, but that doesn't take it away

Any ideas?

Technical forum / Show inventory when something is picked up?
« on: August 13, 2004, 11:27:03 PM »
I use the same inv. as the WME demo. To make things more clear for the player(s) I want to show the inventory for 1 or 2 seconds when something is being added ot it. But doing Game.ShowInventory=true; and then back to false a second or two later doesn't work. I think game_deamon is making it not work?? Do you know a way to do this? Thanks  ::rock

Technical forum / Re: Fading in an object
« on: August 13, 2004, 11:25:21 PM »
Thanks. It works!  :D

Technical forum / Fading in an object
« on: August 12, 2004, 08:42:43 PM »

What's the best way to hide an object on the screen, and then fade it in?
I have a black screen with a picture on it, and I want to fade in the picture only after a while.

Sorry if this has been asked already, the search isn't working  :o  ;)


Help wanted and offered / Looking for bored coder! (that means YOU)
« on: June 26, 2004, 03:40:44 PM »
I'm working on a short (+- 6 screen) WME adventure game. I have an open position for:


Yes, I actually am going to include a crate pushing puzzle in my game. I want to give Broken Sword 3 a run for its money. The programming it is a bit out of my league though, which is where YOU come in (hopefully). You will, of course, receive proper credit, fame, glory, and 189% of the royalties (it's freeware).

The game is about half-way done at this point. I can show examples of the art, scenes, characters etc. I want to emphasize that this game is actually going to get finished.

Are you interested in helping out with programming the behaviors for this puzzle? Are you up to the challenge? Send me a PM! (Edit: or reply to this thread. Hey dude, I'm cool with anything.).

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