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Messages - teeobi

Pages: [1] 2 3
Game design / Re: Building a Library of Images for Everyone
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:14:59 AM »
Looking great! have fun!

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: March 01, 2019, 03:08:34 AM »
PS Mini is out and they all look shiny as an action figureee...
there is no way real life can emulate pixel/polyation...XP

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:31:56 PM »
I mean, would be fun if i can just, move from one style to another. Like just remembering the artist' name!

And then pooff! an object...Haha

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 12:30:32 PM »
....why does alot of toys dont rotate.

they dont even bow

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 12:29:11 PM »

Always a great reference of magical stuff whenever i work...
but with so much artists around, i don't really feel like "being".
Like it would be nice to,,, excel together with them.

I mean, i honestly would rather disappear from existence and just become part of the postWW2 japan
and just make anime for literally, eat the drawings and stuff...ahahaha
rather than conflicting re****** and competitive markets...

Hahaha, peaceful work and drawing. XD

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 07:09:02 AM »
Wintermute sure dont keep images much eh

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 07:07:32 AM »

Found meself over the shop called whitebase
The toy prized at 1700k... but it is 800k online...

The feeling that real object leaves you... always kinda
Beyond the imagery.... the texture.. polishing...
They are amazing...
However action figures also tend to scratch and the join will come loose after awhile..

Terrible investment unless you know how to take care of its durability... but then... even cds and memory card gets damaged
Over extreme temperatures and high pressure...
Man... this life... very disappointing.

One solution is to have even stronger material like iron
Or something...metal... but then they are not very toyish

Ah... i feel like drawing suddenly.
Just to ease this feeling of temporaries and things that never lasts...

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 27, 2019, 03:43:08 AM »

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 04:06:04 PM »
can i jumpt back to the pass and just make all these shiny stuffs,

Never got the proper study for theseeee

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 04:00:35 PM »

How to magically erase all three major artist hub from my memory so i can just recreate all these
magical scenes with programming/animation/drawing myself?
and sell them maybe hahaha

They are all practically burnt into my memory, tagged "not mine".
And the only thing  i consider awesome is just, the original.
Basically, unable to draw anything in fear of crossing the originals.

How do i get the previlege of doing the exact same thing

without being tracyyy?

basically reverse time and redo it first.

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 03:51:11 PM »
I could watch some of these all my life...
if i make them too.

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 03:49:15 PM »

I mean, what do i do?

They are all so amazing, i feel like current movies are not doing justice to these amazing artists...

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:33:11 PM »

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:31:58 PM »
Visiting artstation always adds me a new artist to enjoy...
Feels like, owning their gallery, draws em , and PLays it right away.

Game design / Re: artist appreciation thread
« on: February 26, 2019, 12:25:05 PM »

Okay, each of them has like, 625 : 235 ratio of deviations...
so i guess that makes, 125:47, or 2.55...:1 per deviation amount...

Not including journals and scraps i suppose...
I don't even know why i did that ratio calculation anyway.

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