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Messages - GiovanniLanza

Pages: [1]
Software and games / New MakeHuman release
« on: December 03, 2007, 03:30:59 PM »
A new MakeHuman release is downloadble from Dedalo (  )  :)
It is completely different form the previous one as functions.
 I hope to have been useful


Community bulletin board / Re: Poll: What 3D software are you using?
« on: April 04, 2007, 12:06:36 PM »
I am using Blender and MakeHuman.
But about this last, I am just making jist some experiments, until the programmers will be able to make a good and smart Poly Reduction  of the mesh we are using.

Software and games / Re: MakeHuman
« on: March 26, 2007, 08:30:21 AM »
That is not sad.
We did this to give everyone the opportunity to use MH, and then to export the human model (.obj) in one's preferred program.
Before this it was just a tool for blender people (like me), now it is much "universal".
In Blender (I talk about this because I know just this program) there is a good poly reducer (thanks to Campbell Barton  :) ) who gives the opportunity ti reduce the poly in a rational way,
Anyway, I know that there will be a the possibility to export a reduced body directly from MakeHuman. (the programmers are working about it).
That will be good (I was one of those who are forcing them in doing this, because of my interest in games....).

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