About the scrolling, I don't know how much you have learned so far. I haven't used scrolling in my game. I suggest that you take a look at the basics if you are not certain:
http://docs.dead-code.org/wme/inside_scenes_step1.htmlSearch for
OK, when we tested the scene, it didn’t scroll, right? Let’s fix it.
And make sure you follow the rules of scrolling, which is setting the main layer dimensions to be larger than the game's resolution.
Apart from that, in order for the actor to move beyond the edge and for scrolling to start, you have to extend your floor region to the whole scene. Furthermore, you can force the scene to scroll by using
Scene.ScrollTo() or
For reference to the possible commands for each entity type, I suggest that you go to
http://docs.dead-code.org/ and go to
Scripting in WME -> Script language reference and always have it available for reference. I use the online documentation because I can use the Chrome's search functionality to quickly find what I want.
Step 4 It seems you have the right idea here. Some testing will help you with the timings i.e. how much you Sleep().
Finally, for my cutscenes I used
PlayAnim instead of
PlayAnimAsync because, since it is a cutscene, I want the game to continue only after the animation has finished. For instace:
will result to actor1 doing
anim1 and after the animation is finished he does
anim2. This should apply to two different actors, though I haven't tried this in my game:
For new actors you can use
Scene.LoadActor(). This will create actors that will appear only in this scene. From what I see,
actor and
sally must have been loaded in game.script, using the command
Game.LoadActor() which creates actor visible in every scene.