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Messages - kypho

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Technical forum / How to test reasonably my game?
« on: December 08, 2008, 09:03:38 PM »
Hi... I wonder how is it possible to test game reasonably? For example, I put a new item to game. Take a save from early scene -> go to scene, take a item -> give error :( When I played the whole game from the start, it didn't give me that error anymore, is there a bug? hmm...This bothers me, cos I have to always play from start to end, if i want to test my new scene :P or am I just missing something?

-Kypho the beginner  C:-)

Technical forum / Re: Talk help
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:10:46 PM »
also it should be like this: #include "scripts\"

hope this gets you started

Technical forum / Re: Talk help
« on: October 29, 2008, 08:09:07 PM »
Here is a example of my Talk on one of my entities named "cultist". I hope this helps...

Code: [Select]
on "Talk"

   Game.Interactive = false;

  // greetings
  if(!StateRoom.TalkedToCultist) actor.Talk("Howdidlidou!");
  else actor.Talk("Wzup Ketchup, it's me again.");
  this.Talk("Hello, Fat Wizard.");

  // set the flag, so that we know we've already talked to him
  StateRoom.TalkedToCultist = true;

  else CultistDialogue3();
  // and let the dialogue begin

  // restore interactivity
  Game.Interactive = true;

some parts you can cut away, like the dialogues and so on, if you just want some really basic stuff said.

- Kypho the beginner

Jee JEE I got it working...Here is the code:

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

global TeleportOpen;

var e = Scene.GetNode("guarded");

on "LeftClick"
if (!TeleportOpen)
 e.Blocked = true;
 actor.Talk("I am too scared of the space monster!");
 actor.Talk("I can't go there");
 e.Blocked = false;
 actor.Talk("I think I can go there now safely");

function GoToObject ()

so you see, there is slight difference... I use e.Blocked and then on the else branch I use gotoobject function to make that lameass fat wizard to move :)

- Kypho the beginner

Hmm, now when I changed it to region entity it says the first texts when clicking on the region, but later when it should let the region be active when TeleportOpen == true then it doens't say anything or let the character walk on the area. I have the first codes now, which I put here after your glues...

AHhH, I see...thanks for your support again  O0

- Kypho

Hi :)

This script is tried to attach to "guarded" region as a guarded.script...I saw that you can put scripts to region, so I put and you can neither get to there from scenes folder or from sceneEdit.

- Kypho the beginner

Huh and Hi again :/ I can't get it working still...
Here is what I got...
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

global TeleportOpen;

var e = Scene.GetNode("guarded");

on "LeftClick"
if (!TeleportOpen)
 e.Active = false;
 actor.Talk("I am too scared of the space monster!");
 actor.Talk("I can't go there");
 e.Active = true;
 actor.Talk("I think I can go there now safely");

"guarded" is the name of my region and TeleportOpen is a global variable storing boolean false/true value.
The LeftClick didn't do anything if take the leftclick code away, it says I am too scared of the space monster! in the start of scene (as it should), but later I can't get the else branch working at all...

ALSO I tried following:

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

global TeleportOpen;

var e = Scene.GetNode("guarded");

if (!TeleportOpen)
 e.Active = true;
 e.Blocked = true;
 e.Active = true;
 e.Blocked = false;

but neither any of this code works :P

- Kypho the beginner

Technical forum / Re: On look, on book, on right click scripts
« on: October 29, 2008, 02:52:00 PM »
one thing I would like to tell, which meta already can make new items, let's say ironbar* and then put to some entity (npc or item):

on "ironbar"
//your code here for example he says something, takes the ironbar, whatever -> makes you get some open passage or item
//(whatever you imagination brings)

so you can make code which uses some of your inventory items :)

*this only to make meta's text more understable

-Kypho the beginner

Hi Meta and Catacomber :) Yes I am here and not scared, brave as a sir Lancelot :D...Thanks for your help, I'll try meta's code later today...see if I can get it work ;)

- Kypho the beginner

unfortunately it was something deeper, still wondering how deep :P ???

Technical forum / Re: Z-order guiding needed :)
« on: October 28, 2008, 06:53:36 PM »
hehe game is not so good looking (yet), it's about the police quest 2 quality :P:P:P C:-)

Hi, I tried to block one region (make it blocked from sceneedit) and then make a if statement that should release it if item is given to one guy. I tried this:

if (!TeleportOpen) Region.Blocked = true;
else Region.Blocked = false;

but as usually it didn't was only blocked for eternity :) hehe, I know this might be very basic to you guys, but I can't figure it out. The TeleportOpen is set to true if item is given to one npc entity. plz help :P

Thanks already!

- Kypho the Beginner

Technical forum / Re: Z-order guiding needed :)
« on: October 27, 2008, 04:02:47 PM »
Aaah, it was so simple to me :) it is just the order of things in *.scene file :D...I was thinking to use some difficult code to make that work, but now I could get it working much more easier, thanks again for your guidance and this engine. Btw I tried to find help file about that thing, but of course cos I was lazy to read I missed it  ::wave ...Now my character stands before the door as he should!

- Kypho the beginner

Technical forum / Z-order guiding needed :)
« on: October 26, 2008, 08:31:11 PM »
Hi everybody!

I could need a quick lecture about z-ordering. Just the basics for the start :)..How to use that infernal thing and how to use MoveToBottom() function for example and all those other functions as well.  ::slug

So the setup is like this. I have a sprite entity called "Gate" and I would like that to be on the bottom so that the actor can't go behind that gate. How do I control the z-order for this Gate I have? I have gate.script which contains the code of this gate and I think that I should put some code more to here, but don't know how. I tried to use that MoveToBottom() function, but all I get is error to my log  O0 ...heh.

Thnx already!

- Kypho the beginner

ps. when I get something done with this fantastic engine, I will let you see too ;)

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