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Messages - Jerrot

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 45
Hi Slade,

I already answered your PM by e-mail, but as you already mentioned the issue here, I'll answer it here for everybody, too.

It's a pity that the link in the Wiki doesn't work anymore and I don't have a copy of the 0.90 version by Tomas, did you try to contact him? His mail address is on that Wiki page - if it's still working.

Maybe somebody else still has that version and can send it to Mnemonic or me, so we could upload it and fix the link.

I'm the author of the original 0.82 patch, which already was a modified version of the original exporter (which you already tried), only that it _does_ export lights and cameras for WME. The link to that one (here in the forum, should still be valid.

The only real difference between this and the 0.90 version by Tomas is, that my script exports all objects while that 0.90 version only exports objects starting with the WME-Prefixes (like blk_, floor_, wpt_). So if you simply hide all other objects you don't want to export, it should work just the same.

I did not test it with the latest version of Blender though, but I'd be interested to hear your feedback.

Greetings Jerrot.

Game announcements / Re: Mapoco Mountain - Screenshot
« on: June 25, 2009, 01:15:08 PM »
The background looks awesome, but will the character get some more "depth"? He looks quite "flat" compared to the background yet.

Game announcements / Re: Wheels on Fire, by Adventure Box Studios
« on: June 25, 2009, 01:11:23 PM »
Looks sweet, good luck! I hope there will be a way to retrieve a copy over here. :)

General Discussion / Re: StarChat down! Backup channel started.
« on: June 09, 2009, 02:21:55 PM »
StarChat is back.

General Discussion / StarChat down! Backup channel started.
« on: June 09, 2009, 01:05:55 PM »

it seems, that StarChat forgot to renew their domain ownership, so it's on hold and not reachable anymore.

We created a "backup channel" on, channel name is "#wme" as before.

See you there,

Should be easy. You could create a separate entity which only displays your line effect.
Attach a script to that entity, which simply positions the entity to the current position of your actor in an infinite loop.

Well, that's it already. The actor and its animations are not affected by this method and the effect will just move together with the actor.

Technical forum / Re: command line parameteres when running a game
« on: January 06, 2009, 08:14:21 PM »
Plugin is the only way in this case, I think.

This should do the trick:

Unzip the plugin into your WME program folder and use it like this from your script:

Code: WME Script
  1. var HelperObject = new CommandLineHelper();
  2. var params = HelperObject.Parameters;

This only returns a string, so you'll have to care yourself about splitting the string according to your needs with WME's String class.

If you want the C++ code to implement it in your own plugin or whatever, simply add this to your plugin's "GetProperty" method:

Code: C
  1.         if({FNAMEL}.html">strcmp(Name, "Parameters")==0)
  2.         {
  3.                 this->m_Parameters = GetCommandLine();
  4.                 Value->SetVal(m_Parameters);
  5.                 return true;
  6.         }

General Discussion / Re: Latest beta: WME 1.8.9 (December 20, 2008)
« on: January 06, 2009, 02:58:57 PM »
Spawn: I don't understand you. If you try setting this resolution as your desktop resolution, you're seeing the same problem?

If I try 1280x768 resolution as desktop resolution then I have this problem(strech screen and move right) with 'Maintain aspect ratio'.

But your desktop itself (NOT WME!) looks normal at this resolution?

Technical forum / Re: ANN: The future of WME
« on: December 23, 2008, 05:15:48 PM »
Yes. Otherwise, it may not be sold.
It doesn't seem that the lack of shaders prevented you from selling several wme-based games, did it?

And - speaking of commercial titles - you guys hopefully donated Mnemonic a fair win percentage for the engine. ;)

I mean... just to be fair. Mnemonic did all this over the years and gives it away for free. For free! Yay! (Can't decide between  ::slug and  ::rock ...)
(I got no money from Mnemonic to write this! ;))

EDIT: I forgot the actual message: HOORAY for WME2!  HOORAY for Mnemonic! ::beer

Technical forum / Re: Installation problems on creating a game for Vista
« on: September 04, 2008, 04:03:59 PM »
I don't have a Wintermute Game installer script, but using InnoSetup, you can easily get a little setup.exe and your data as setup-1.bin (and setup-2.bin, etc. if needed) by using:

Code: [Select]

which Vista loves. I ran into the same trouble some months ago and this way it works like a charm.

PS: I can only recommend to use ISTool as Gui for InnoSetup for many more settings.

General Discussion / Re: GCDC in Leipzig
« on: June 18, 2008, 03:58:06 PM »
I'll be there from Monday to Thursday.

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: Poll: New Scene Edit or HLSL?
« on: March 26, 2008, 07:00:17 PM »
Hmm. Though HLSL is cool, it will bump the requirements up for the game engine.

1) If you don't want your target audience to require a card with Pixel Shaders - just don't use them. ;)
2) In general, shaders can have fallbacks, e.g. if the card doesn't support PS20, you can offer an alternative for PS11. Of course I don't know about the implementation idea of it in WME, but that's the usual way to go.

General Discussion / Merry christmas!
« on: December 24, 2007, 01:41:29 PM »
Hey fellow WME community,

as I'm ready to leave to my family and friends now, I want to wish you "merry christmas" and some peaceful days before I leave.

Enjoy the holidays!  0:)

Take care,

Obecné fórum / Re: Happy birthday to Mnemonic
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:05:27 PM »
Yuck. 31. What an odd age. I'm glad I'm over it already. ;)

Hey-hey Mr. BigBro'monic, best wishes for your birthday. I hope you enjoy it (and I'm sure you do, as you're not in the chat today...)!

Good health, luck and success (you reached the age where the order of the wishes changes) for the next year!

Kirsty & Jerrot.

Woohoo, glad you did it! :) (I already was afraid of having kicked you to "on hold" with my beta bug list. ;))
Congrats, congrats, congrats and thank you!!

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