I must say i wanted support for stencil shadows for some time now (though no1 on my wishlist is another feature)... Take Still Life for example.. the shadows look awesome. Now that it's been announced the next version of the engine offers support 4 stencil shadows i'm very happy. I'll try to address some stencil shadows issues.
Performace: it shouldn't be an issue in adventure games. They are not as cpu hungry as other genres so i think we could afford a fps drop as the price 4 stencil shadows.
However trying to optimize the code should always be important in any engine. And i really mean it..so what if we have more powerful video cards and CPUs? If most engines would be optimized (and i'm talking about fps engines, rpg engines and such) games would look like cgi on a decent configuration (just look at consoles.. take ps2, by optimizing the engines kh2 or god of war look better than their predecessors on the same hardware so the PS2 is used at its max performance. On PCs the hardware that appears is never used at max capacity because new hardware appears very fast and the new engines preffer to use the new power of the new hardware instead of optimizing and taking advantage of the max capacity of the old hardware). OK, sorry this is like an off-topic, but i felt the need to share this.
Another issue regarding performance: an option of setting the shadow detail per-scene as Mnemonic suggested is a great ideea. I mean why generate a stencil shadow in a scene in which there is little to none interaction with the geometry? It'll just use CPU for no gain. Optimizing your game to use stencil shadows only in the scenes that need them is key to great game design. Optimization is the word
Another good ideea is the alternate model 4 the characters. A very low-poly model, only 4 stencil shadow use, sounds good and combined with the option to use stencil shadows only in the scenes that need it, would make performance loss unnoticeable.
The next issue, realism: the farther the shadow is from a lightsource, the dimmer it gets. The closer, the darker. It adds just a bit more realism to it. I hope it'll be implemented in a future release. That will increase even more the realism.
However before stencil shadows, i really wanted a render-to-texure feature. Realtime mirrors and reflections is something i really need in my 1st game. I woun't even use real-time shadows (only simple shadows.. the blob
) in my 1st game, but i'll need lots of reflections. So Mnemonic, is there hope for a render-to-texture feature? Anyway i congratulate you for adding stencil shadows.
Keep up the good work!