I would support this request.
Well, module support is not easy, for you will have a little bit of timer juggling even when using a library, for the timer routines for modules are slightly more complicated and time consuming than the timer routines for streaming.
The size advantage is great, but as I know the "wintermute core", won't be an argument.
But ... there are huge advantages if the support does not only allow to load, play and stop, but offers a module object with module specific commands like pattern jump, for example. This is possibly the best argument -- a bit like in Unreal I, where you have nice background music changing seamless into a matching battle theme when you run into a fight. Adventures know this too, not to this extent, but that was the idea behing iMuse. Wolfenstein does this with mp3, and you CAN do this with ogg, but not as seamless and integrated as it is possible with pattern jumps inside the same mods. Most mod libs support this.
You can do even more tricks with mods. Every mod format has "reserved" commands you can use for your own needs, so you could add a callback mechanism to the mod object, which calls an assigned function every time this commands are triggered, passing the parameters. This can be used to control timing in cutscenes, make perhaps disco lights flash to the music or any other stuff timed to the music. Never underestimate the effect of animations tightly timed to the music. I could even think of a sprite walking through a disco, using a script to the frame before he finally sets his foot on the floor making it wait a bit before playing the next frame until the next beat, so the character starts to walk somewhat "dancy" and seems to be influenced by the rhythem (well, in fact, he is ... ;-) ). Most mod libs support stuff like this, too.
If create this as a plugin, please let us have a chat about that ;-)