i am trying to have some butterflies in some scenes.
so i created an 3dactor with a flying animation ..
and inserted it in a scene.
using 2d coordinates and GoTo (x,y) works fine. only problem is the butterflie is flying on the ground.
so i switched to 3d coordinates.
but GoTo3D (x,y,z) doesnt do anything for my. the butterflies arent moving anywhere ...
Skipto3D (x,y,z) works fine ...
here is the code:
#include "scripts\base.inc"
method WalkTo(x,y,z)
this.WalkAnimName = "walk";
this.Velocity = 8;
Sleep (1000);
this.SkipTo3D (0,1,0);
Sleep (1000);
this.SkipTo3D (-2,1,-2);
Sleep (1000);
this.SkipTo3D (-2,2,-2);
this.WalkTo (Random(0,100),Random(1,5),Random(0,100));
Sleep ( Random (1,2000));
i inserted the SkipTo3D lines for testing purpose and they work, but the GoTo3D doesnt.
GoTo3D isnt recognized (highlited in red) by the scite editor although ... SkipTo3D is ..
Can anybody help ?