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Author Topic: Inventory "boxes" in window  (Read 3201 times)

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Inventory "boxes" in window
« on: September 18, 2012, 01:42:36 PM »

Hello again, I have a new issue whilst working on the inventory in my game.

I have an inventory icon (window), which when clicked, displays another window which will be the inventory. This process works when I have a normal window as the inventory (although no items appear on it as the inventory item areas are not defined).

This issue I am having is that I don't understand how to code where the item should appear in the inventory window.

In the example project, there is an "inventory.def" file which is essentially a window with extra boxes to determine where the items go.

I found this post:

but I'm still not sure on this.

I have placed this code in my game.script and referenced it to be visible when you click on the icon:
Code: WME Script
  1. global WinInventoryOpen = Game.GetInventoryWindow("interface\inventory.def");

The above does not seem to work and nor does this as the file is not a window:
Code: WME Script
  1. global WinInventoryOpen = Game.LoadWindow("interface\inventory.def");

And I'm not sure how else you get the inventory boxes in a normal .window or how to reference the .def file in the game.script.

I hope the above makes sense!

Could anyone help me one this?



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Re: Inventory "boxes" in window
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2012, 03:39:28 PM »

Just in case anyone looks at this and wonders how it was solved, I found what I needed in the below documentation:

I'll make sure I look harder next time :)


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