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Topics - A.Y.

Pages: [1]
Техниче�?кий фор�?м / проблемы
« on: September 23, 2014, 10:25:51 PM »

Technical forum / restore the WME project
« on: August 10, 2008, 07:58:24 PM »
I lost the  WME project of my game (hard disk died), backup unfortunately also unavailable,
but I have survived compiled version of the game.
Can I restore the WME project of the compiled version of the game?

Help wanted and offered / Search programmer for a non-profit project
« on: March 05, 2008, 03:29:32 PM »
I am working on a non-profit game,
and search for a programmer that can help to create the game.
Game satiric, and is based on a play by B. Brecht "Threepenny Opera."
It will be a rigid anti-utopia, on the criminal and corrupt world
where good and evil are reversed.
Currently there are GDD and rough prototype,
it can be viewed at
If anyone is interested you can contact me
my icq: 346079316

Technical forum / AutoScroll followed by mouse.
« on: January 25, 2008, 12:50:35 AM »
Hi, I am again.
Now, I can not change MainObject,
in one scene I need to AutoScroll followed by mouse.

actor = Game.LoadActor("actors\pichem\");
global mouse = Scene.MouseX;

if (Scene.Name != "map")
Game.MainObject = actor;
Game.MainObject = mouse;
Scene.AutoScroll = true;


Technical forum / How can I know the location of entities?
« on: January 24, 2008, 12:41:15 AM »
How can I know the location of entities?

on "LeftClick"
 if (this.X == 280, this.X == 311)
this.SkipTo(380, 311);
this.SkipTo(280, 311);

I am doing so, but of course it does not work.

Help wanted and offered / I work 3-d artist.
« on: November 06, 2007, 02:02:32 PM »
I work 3-d artist.
here is a link to my work.
at last, my only characters.
Can help with the creation 3-d characters,
unfortunately not have the chance to work for free,
because I have a small child and the family.
but dare to work for reasonable money.
Simultaneously I do my project on the basis of engine WME, and I need the advice programmer.
My icq - 346-079-316. my e-mail
Best regards Yaroslav.

Technical forum / how to remove Actor?
« on: November 06, 2007, 01:10:59 PM »
Long did not appear in this forum,
during this time my son was born, and it already has grown a little.
I came time to start its project.
I would like to ask how to remove Actor from the Scene?
And, Entity can move independently like Actor?

Technical forum / "LeftDoubleClick"
« on: June 12, 2006, 12:48:39 PM »
I need the actor, on "LeftDoubleClick", executing "actor.SkipTo(Scene.MouseX,  Scene.MouseY);".

/////in scripts\game.script
on "LeftDoubleClick"

/////in scripts\scene.script
on "LeftDoubleClick"
  // when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
  actor.SkipTo(Scene.MouseX, Scene.MouseY);
on "LeftClick"
  // when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
  actor.GoTo(Scene.MouseX, Scene.MouseY);

But the actor еxecutes action, and then comes back to performance of the previous action.
What can I correct it?

Technical forum / ItemMoney.Amount
« on: June 11, 2006, 10:16:24 AM »
I want to make the counter of money.
The hero goes and collects coins, or distributes them.
What I do incorrectly?

if //////////hero take money
 AMOUNT = ItemMoney.Amount + 1
else ///////hero drop money 
 AMOUNT = ItemMoney.Amount - 1

Technical forum / return to the previous scene
« on: June 10, 2006, 09:54:28 AM »
I need to return to the previous scene.
But script does not work.
What I do incorrectly?

on "LeftClick"

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