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Messages - tnomad

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Game announcements / the white chamber source code released
« on: June 30, 2008, 12:56:02 PM »
Hi Everyone,

I've just released a new hopefully final version of the white chamber, and I've decided it's time to release the source code too. It's available from our site at Just make sure you read the enclosed readme.txt before you do anything with it.

I've mainly released this in the hope that it will be of use to the wintermute community as a whole. Although god knows my code isn't "best practice" I figure working game examples are worth their weight in gold, especially when you're getting started with a new engine.

I've used a creative commons license (attribution, non-commercial, share-alike) which means you distribute the game if you give us credit, you can't make any money from it and you ARE allowed to use our material to creative derivate products but if you do you HAVE to release the result under the same license.

Anyway enjoy....

Richard Perrin
Studio Trophis

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: WMECom 1.1
« on: March 16, 2006, 04:28:01 PM »
Yeah I had a search around the forum after posting here and and saw some of the discussion.

I think I've got an idea of how you could do this in WME using PHP and XML. I might try and put together a prototype of moving a couple of character around in the same environment, and talking to each other. (I'll probably just re-use white chamber art to test it out ^_^)

I'm not really looking toward getting into another big adventure game project at the moment as we're working on something else at the moment and have plans for the next title too. However I am "interested" in seeing if something small can be developed along these lines without huge resources.

I kind of like the idea of 2-4 people working together on solving puzzles in the same environment. To me it's one of those unique ideas that could be really fantastic if it works. I never played it but didn't Uru (the online Myst) do something like this, did anyone play it? [actually that question is going a bit OT in this thread]

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / Re: WMECom 1.1
« on: March 16, 2006, 10:15:39 AM »
Maybe it can open interaction with web services via XML, thus allowing creation of on-line adventures... using web services. Web 2.0 ahoy! :D

Now that is a really interesting idea. Collaborative puzzle solving and story telling would be quite interesting. As long as you could put together a design that has a smaller scope than some kind of MMORPG.

Help wanted and offered / Any French Translators available?
« on: January 09, 2006, 11:12:33 PM »
The international version of the white chamber is nearly ready but we've recently lost our French translator. Is there anyone who reads this board who's willing and able to translate the game into French for us.

If you think you can help out then please let us know:

Richard Perrin
Producer / Designer
Studio Trophis

Game announcements / Re: the white chamber [Due 31st March '05]
« on: April 01, 2005, 05:09:43 PM »
I'm glad your enjoyed the game. It did take quite a bit of work putting in all those on-screen overlays but I hoped it helped add to the immersion of the game. I was surprised the drod sequence was probably the easiest as I drew from code posted here on these forums which made it simple. ^_^

One area we did run into speed problems is room loading, which would actually lead me to give you one suggestion for improving the engine. Some of the rooms, especially the hub living room, have a lot of graphics they use but only require them one certain occaisons such all the animations involved in the fridge sequence. However we found that setting these to stream was too slow and made it hard to time sounds as the speed then varied on machine to machine. In most cases we left the game to load them into memory whether they were needed or not which unfortunately means on slower machines loading between certain rooms is quite long.

What we really needed is a middle ground between streaming and loading into memory on entering the room. What we really needed was to get the game to load the animations into memory when they were actually needed and then playback from memory. Actually as I type this now I'm wondering if maybe I could have dynamically created those sprites when they were needed using scripts (I can't believe I never thought of that during development) but that would still lose the nice aspect of working with the GUI to place animations in room.

Game announcements / Re: the white chamber [Due 31st March '05]
« on: April 01, 2005, 02:44:47 PM »
Really, that's quite a surprise. We've not encountered anything like that in testing especially not a machine of that kind of spec. Worst problem we've had is that the cutscenes don't run particularly smoothly on lower spec machines.

Game announcements / Re: the white chamber [Due 31st March '05]
« on: March 31, 2005, 04:28:05 PM »
The game is now online and can be downloaded from our website:
It's a 306mb download and you will require a bittorrent client to get it.

Hope you all enjoy...

Game announcements / the white chamber [Due 31st March '05]
« on: March 16, 2005, 11:37:34 PM »
Hi Everyone,

Our debut game the white chamber is now nearing completion, in fact we've already given out 250 preview copies at a UK anime convention. We're just making final changes based on the feedback we got and will be launching it for free download from our website at the end of the month.

Full details and screenshots can be found at our website:

It's a horror game that uses anime styled graphics, and even includes some beautifully hand animated cutscenes. It's taken about a year of production time now, including us originally writing our own engine and then porting over to WME when I realised how incredible a job Mnemonic has done.

Thought I'd give you all a heads up a few weeks in advance of the actual release and I would like to offer my deepest thanks to Mnemonic for producing such a fanastic piece of development software. Hope you all enjoy it when I upload the final version in a few weeks times.

Richard Perrin
Studio Trophis

Technical forum / Re: "Subtitle" style dialog
« on: December 20, 2004, 05:23:35 PM »
Thanks, I had considered that as my backup plan. If you can't think of anything more elegant I'll go with that.

Technical forum / Re: "Subtitle" style dialog
« on: December 19, 2004, 03:24:55 PM »
I've been using this code Mnemonic provided in my project for some time now but I've had an outstanding bug with it that I've finally been looking at today and after a few hours working on it I'm not getting anywhere so I thought I'd post here to see if I can get any help.

I'm using an adpated version of the code provided to make a "WinSubtitles" window that includes a nice image background while the character is talking. Now it works fine under normal usage, when the character talk method is called the overridden talk method shows the image window and displays the subtitles and then makes them disappear when the dialogue is finished.

However if the user clicks to walk away while the text is being shown then the subtitle text will disappear but the WinSubtitles image window does not.

I've tried using the istalking method in the daemon script to make sure the WinSubtitles image is not shown when it is not relevant but I can't write anything that works. If I knew how to get a block inside the daemon script that only ran when the character is talking I guess I could get this working, but if(!actor.IsTalking) didn't seem to work.

I would really really appreciate some help with this if possible...

Technical forum / Re: SPEED UP the SCROLLING
« on: September 19, 2004, 03:37:10 PM »
Although that works it is unfortunately far too jerky to use in practice. I guess I'll just have to live with the slow scrolling for now until you get a chance to deal with it...

Technical forum / Re: SPEED UP the SCROLLING
« on: September 14, 2004, 04:36:40 PM »
You mean mean the scene *never* scrolls to the correct position or it just takes long time for it to synchronize itself with actor's position?

I think is the last one. I had the same problem and I gave it  :-\

Yeah it just takes too long so you end having the character waiting at the far left (or right) of the screen for the room to catch up before you can continue to walk further...

Technical forum / Re: SPEED UP the SCROLLING
« on: September 14, 2004, 12:40:10 PM »
Thanks, that should sort out my main problem for now.

With regards to the scrolling, I can send you an example of my scene where the scrolling doesn't seem to synch with the character correctly if it will be of any help to you in testing?

Technical forum / Re: SPEED UP the SCROLLING
« on: September 12, 2004, 11:00:17 PM »
Thing is my game the actor moves much faster than the scrolling which isn't ideal, but the fact that I can't get a scene to start on the side where the character has entered is a bigger problem. It looks like of silly that the scene has to pan right until the character is shown every time you enter that room....

Technical forum / Re: SPEED UP the SCROLLING
« on: September 10, 2004, 08:36:32 PM »
Did you resolve this as I am running into problems with this?

I have added this code near the start of a scene_init.script:
Scene.OffsetX = 533;
Scene.ScrollingPixelsX = 5;

I was under the impression this would offset the scene to the right and make the scrolling much faster but it seems to have had no effect at all :(

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