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Messages - Tol

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Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 07, 2004, 12:53:18 PM »

That's indeed not possible ... we should start an online-petition for it :-)

We will be found to be antisocial kapitalists whom one monitor is not enought like to most of users in universe ;D

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 07, 2004, 12:46:18 PM »
Possible with a normal build? Or do you need some special version or a plugin?
Dunno, you

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 07, 2004, 12:35:45 PM »
I searched for it a while ago but didn't find anything ... I have to look again :-)

But it's really a must-have I think because it makes working with apps like this MUCH easier ... if only the material and render buttons could be on the second monitor it would be cool for me.

This is imo possible, what is impossible yet and pisses me is that you can

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 07, 2004, 12:02:01 PM »
It definately takes time to understand the interface, especially if you are used to easy-click-things - I worked with Bryce before starting with blender, that was a real cultural shock for me :-)

But now I like the Interface very much, it still has some missing features (what I mostly miss is multi-monitor-support), but the Blender-development is so fast that I'm sure all the things now missing will come soon.

I am glad that I am not the only one who cares for multimonitor support in Blender community:) Btw there is such thing, try to search Elysiun. com and forums, I saw that there is way to have buttons on second monitor. But it has still its limitations though :(

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 02, 2004, 09:10:40 AM »

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 02, 2004, 09:02:11 AM »
I guess its always the same thing. Think about Photoshop, everyone and his oncle say, its the best graphic app out there. But its wrong. I have worked with Photoshop and other apps (like Photopaint for example), and Photoshop is perhaps not worse than other apps, but today there are graphic apps which are as good.

I dont want to work with Blender, because i wasnt able to see through the control jungle ;) For example, i wanted to import some well known files (.3ds, .obj), and i had to install a plugin, and activate it with python or something like that - the tutorial was to difficult for me, i wasnt able to manage it and got several error messages (not included in the tut). The external rendering process with yafray (i think that was the name) was also not an easy thing. So, i maybe too stupid to use Blender, but nevertheless i know its powerful.

Software and games / Re: Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: June 01, 2004, 11:14:00 PM »
I think you can get some old version of Truespace for free, its nice, though not as powerful as Blender (this particular version), but easier to handle.

In my opinion, that old version of TrueSpace is awful (okay, it's six years old

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 09:23:28 PM »

Half- Base mesh of figure, riging and animation done in Poser, clothes modeling and uv maping done in Blender.

I will try to do it all in Blender, the models themselves are no problem thanks to MakeHuman ... hopefully someone scripts MakeAnimation before I have to start learning how to use armatures :)

How exactly did you work - first applying clothes and textures to the model and then animate it in Poser or vice versa? (Is it possible to export the bones animation from poser to dxf or something?)

We use licenced engine AGDS, the same Black Mirror uses and it is provided to us by our publisher. Were I knew about WME when we were signing contract, I would chose it for sure (and I mean it), but I didn

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 09:00:21 PM »
Very good looking graphics, but especially the character animation is very cool!
Have you done it in Blender or Poser?

But shame on you that you don't use Wintermute  ;)

Half- Base mesh of figure, riging and animation done in Poser, clothes modeling and uv maping done in Blender.

We use licenced engine AGDS, the same Black Mirror uses and it is provided to us by our publisher. Were I knew about WME when we were signing contract, I would chose it for sure (and I mean it), but I didn

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 08:19:24 PM »

Btw If you want se newest Ron Loo trailer made for Blender Conference 2003, follow this link

Just one point- if you are writing for some game magazine or something- this is unofficial trailer, just for conference and Blender community, it is more Blender trailer then game trailer and althought I got permission from our publisher, I love peace and  dislike reporters so if you know any, don

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 07:57:07 PM »
Hi guest star! ;)

Hi global moderator! (btw- in Peregrius we salute each other  "hi bitch!" , every time, I see "Hi", can

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 05:27:32 PM »
If you have too much time some day, it would be very cool to have english translations of your tutorials ;)

(or if I have too much time i learn the czech language :) )

One off-topic question: Is Gamedesigner your main-job, or do you have "normal" job too? (what I want to know is - can you live from designing adventures?)

I am afraid that I won

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 04, 2004, 09:49:23 AM »
ORO? :o Where my beautiful post went? :'(

OK, so short version:
1.Tutorial- I meant this tutorial, it it in czech but there are pictures and it documents how I make windows and door at the house

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 03, 2004, 06:22:39 PM »
ad 1: I don't know if it's the best way, but when I so things like this, I just use a cube, subdivide several times and cut out the windows and doors.

ad 3: I don't use boolean very often (aka never :-) ), so it's better too copy a solution from a tutorial:

Blender boolean operations are done using the "Intersect" button.

1) Position two or more objects so that they overlap or intersect in space.

2) Select those objects with "shift+right mouse click" and (CTRL-J) join them.

3) In editmode (TAB), select all (A) then hit the "Intersect" button.

This will perform a boolean operation that creates all standard forms of booleans at one time. You must then select which parts you want to keep. This is done in editmode. You simply put your mouse over the area you want to select and press the "L" key on your keyboard. This will select all of the connected points on an object. You can then move, rearrange or delete any portion of the new objects created by the boolean intersect.

As far as I know they will remain as joined meshes so that they can only be manipulated independently in editmode with the "L" key. Use "P" seperate the selected verticies.

ad 2: Not sure about this point ... I think there was a way, but I have to try out later.

Believe me that Booleans are really  the worst way to do doors, windows ect. and should be used only when it is really necesary (for example on rounded surfaces)- booleans are mostly unpredictable, need too much faces to perform, so it slows render and dificult later tweaking with proportions.
The really best way, experienced for all that years I am working with B., is that you find on pictures of that tutorial I have mentioned in my last post:) It is best becaus it is fast (faster then booleans) and it leaves nice meshes withouth unecessary polys completelly under your control.

And for booleans- there is no Intersection button in edit buttons anymore since 2.25. Now there are full booleans operations which you will find under "w" key out of edit mode :)

Software and games / Re:Blender (modeling, animation, rendering)
« on: January 03, 2004, 04:57:11 PM »

well... I'm messing around with Blender for a while now, where I learned to love the modelling possibilities. Now... I always had some questions in my mind, which might be very ridiculous for you and maybe quite general, but I'll just ask away, bcause I'm stuck with the second question currently.

1. If you are creating a simple shed (4 walls, 1 door, 1 window), what is the best way of arranging the parts of it ? I tried it by making separate objects for the walls (cutting out the window and the door), the floor, etc. ! That worked fine so far, but is it the best way ?

2. Now I want to use textures on it and the problems begin. I want to use some texture for the inside and another one for the outside (together with a bump map). How can I do that ? I guess I have to use UV coordinates, but I don't get how to use them. Or will I have to create a new object for the outer wall ? No, can't be the way, can it ?

3. Boolean operations: It seems to me they just don't work as I would expect them to do. Let's say we have a cube and and a smaller sphere. Now I want to create an object by subtracting the sphere from the cube... how ??! :)

Thanks for any input...

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