« on: July 24, 2014, 07:33:35 AM »
Can it be?
Frame object
The Frame object allows you to access the properties of your animation frame. Frame objects can be queried using the Sprite.GetFrame and Sprite.AddFrame methods.
Note: If there is only one subframe, all the subframe methods and attributes also apply to a frame object.
GetSound Returns the sound assigned to this frame.
SetSound Assigns a sound to this frame.
GetSubframe Returns a subframe of this frame.
AddSubframe Adds a new subframe to this animation frame.
InsertSubframe Inserts a new subframe to this animation frame.
Deletesubframe Removes specified subframe from this animation frame.
GetEvent Returns an event assigned to this frame.
AddEvent Adds an event to this frame.
DeleteEvent Removes an event from this frame.
Type (read only) Returns always "frame"
Delay The delay of this frame (in milliseconds)
Keyframe Specifies if this frame is a keyframe (not used).
KillSounds Specifies if this frame should stop all currently playing sounds started by this sprite.
MoveX Specifies the X movement applied to the owner object by this frame.
MoveY Specifies the Y movement applied to the owner object by this frame.
NumSubframes (read only) Returns the actual number of subframes if this frame.
NumEvents (read only) Returns the number of events assigned to this frame.