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Messages - ciberspace

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 8
Game announcements / Re: returning to an old project Colapso
« on: September 05, 2013, 06:21:50 PM »
Living cryonics

Game announcements / Re: returning to an old project Colapso
« on: August 31, 2013, 10:41:38 AM »
other street view

Game announcements / Re: Shadow Of Nebula
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:46:39 PM »
looks very nice

Game announcements / Re: El Engaño De Barbapoca
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:45:38 PM »
Saludos a todos soy nuevo en los foros :D; por medio de la página de facebook "Aventuras Gráficas Independientes en Español" me enteré de este juego y lo comencé a jugar... me ha parecido muy bueno en todo sentido, además que ayuda a saber cual es el potencial de WME que parece ser realmente capaz de todo es grandioso!

Muchas gracias por el juego, felicidades a los creadores, dan mucha ilusión para que uno mismo cumpla su sueño (crear mi propia aventura gráfica  ;D)
have a second chapter, I have tried both and it's a pleasure.

Game announcements / Re: returning to an old project Colapso
« on: August 29, 2013, 08:39:17 AM »
street view

Game announcements / Re: returning to an old project Colapso
« on: August 28, 2013, 01:28:00 PM »
leading actor

Game announcements / returning to an old project Colapso
« on: August 27, 2013, 09:41:43 AM »
returning to an old project.
first images

Technical forum / Re: Panels in WME
« on: May 28, 2013, 06:12:38 PM »
Response box
The response box represents the response selection window for your game. It defines the placement of the responses, some controls (such as the scrolling buttons) and the design of the background of the response selection.

Reponse box is defined in a simple text file which as a structure similar to this:

  FONT = "fonts\outline_white.font"
  FONT_HOVER = "fonts\outline_red.font"
  CURSOR = "path\response_cursor.png"
  TEXT_ALIGN = "left"
  VERTICAL_ALIGN = "bottom"

  AREA {40, 0, 800, 170}

    X = 0
    Y = 420
    WIDTH = 800
    HEIGHT = 180

      TEMPLATE = "ui_elements\template\but.button"
      IMAGE = "ui_elements\arrow_up.bmp"
      TEXT = ""
      NAME = "prev"

      X = 0
      Y = 0
      WIDTH = 30
      HEIGHT = 30

      TEMPLATE = "ui_elements\template\but.button"
      IMAGE = "ui_elements\arrow_down.bmp"
      TEXT = ""
      NAME = "next"

      X = 0
      Y = 150
      WIDTH = 30
      HEIGHT = 30


As you see, the first part (purple) defines some response-box specific attributes, while the second part (gray) defines the design. The second part is a casual window, as described in the Windows and controls chapter. The response-box window can contain any GUI elements you want, please see the mentioned chapter for more details about GUI definitions.

Let's take a closer look at the first section. It contains the following attributes:

FONT / FONT_HOVER - the fonts setting for the textual responses
CURSOR - the image to be used as a cursor for iconic responses
SPACING - the space between two responses
HORIZONTAL - specifies if the responses are ordered horizontally
TEXT_ALIGN - specifies the alignment of textual response lines; it can be either "left", "right" or "center"; the default value is "left"
VERTICAL_ALIGN - specifies the vertical alignment of responses within the response area (it has no effect on horizontally ordered items); it can be one of the following values: "top", "center" or "bottom"; the default value is "bottom"
AREA - defines a rectangle within the background window, where the responses will be displayed. The four numbers represent the X, Y coordinates of the upper left and bottom right points of the rectangle. Note that the area is defined relative to the responses window, NOT relative to screen.
Based on this setting, WME will automatically populate the defined rectangle with responses.


As for the second part, i.e. the window definitions, it's a normal window definition with a few exceptions. If you name some of the buttons "next" or "prev", WME will use them automatically for the response scrolling.

Technical forum / Re: Animation always played to its last frame
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:20:45 AM »
in scene.script in folder script

change de code:
Code: WME Script
  1. #include "scripts\"
  3. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. on "LeftClick"
  5. {
  6.   // when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
  7. }


Code: WME Script
  1. #include "scripts\"
  3. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  4. on "LeftClick"
  5. {
  6.   // when the scene is left-clicked, just send the actor to the specified point
  7.   if actor.IsWalking()== false
  8.       {
  9.       actor.GoTo(Scene.MouseX, Scene.MouseY);
  10.       }
  11. }


Technical forum / Re: inventory
« on: March 16, 2013, 09:56:47 PM »
To query all available inventory items, create a loop from 0 to Game.TotalNumItems - 1.

Foro técnico / Re: Una lista con todos los comandos?
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:11:41 PM »
Solo tenéis que mirar en el botón help de la aplicación y buscar actor object:
 8) ::wave
Actor object
The Actor object allows you to access the properties of your actors. Actor objects are created by loading an actor definition file using the Game.LoadActor or Scene.LoadActor methods.

Miscelaneous functions 
Reset Cancels the action the object was currently performing (like talking, walking etc.).
IsTalking Queries whether the object is currently talking.
StopTalking Cancels object's talking.
Talk Makes the object talk.
StickToRegion Forces this actor/entity to act like it's inside a given region
SetFont Sets font of this object.
GetFont Gets a font assigned to this object.
Particle functions 
CreateParticleEmitter Initializes the particle emitter attached to this object.
DeleteParticleEmitter Deletes the particle emitter attached to this object.
PlayAnim Plays an animation.
ForceTalkAnim Force a special animation to be used for a subsequent Talk call.
AddAttachment Adds an attached entity to this object.
RemoveAttachment Removes an attached entity from this object.
GetAttachment Gets a reference to an attached entity object.
SkipTo Moves an object to a specified location.
GoTo Makes the actor walk to a given point.
GoToObject Makes the actor walk to a specified entity.
TurnTo Makes actor turn to the given direction or to a given object.
IsWalking Queries whether the actor is currently walking.
SetSprite Sets the sprite to be used instead of actor's standing animations.
GetSprite Queries a sprite set by SetSprite().
GetSpriteObject Queries a sprite set by SetSprite().
MergeAnims Loads one or more animation sets from a file
UnloadAnim Unloads a specified animation set from memory
HasAnim Checks if the actor has an animation set with the specified name
Item functions 
TakeItem Adds an item into the inventory.
DropItem Removes an item from the inventory.
GetItem Queries an inventory item.
HasItem Queries whether a given item is in inventory of any of this object.
Cursor functions 
SetCursor Sets the standard cursor.
GetCursor Returns the filename of the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
GetCursorObject Returns a reference to the cursor sprite (or null if no cursor is set)
RemoveCursor Removes the standard cursor.
HasCursor Queries whether the standard cursor is set.
Script functions 
AttachScript Executes a script file and attaches it to the object.
DetachScript Terminates a specified script file and detaches it from an object.
IsScriptRunning Queries whether a specified script file is running and attached to an object.
CanHandleMethod Queries whether the object supports a method of a specified name.
Sound functions 
PlaySound Plays a sound. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any).
PlaySoundEvent Plays a sound and triggers an event when the sound is over. If the filename is omitted, the currently assigned sound is played (if any).
StopSound Stops the currently playing sound (if any).
PauseSound Pauses the currently playing sound.
ResumeSound Resumes a paused sound playback.
IsSoundPlaying Queries whether a sound playback is in progress.
SetSoundPosition Sets the sound's current playing position.
GetSoundPosition Queries the sound's current playing position
SetSoundVolume Sets a volume of the currently playing sound.
GetSoundVolume Gets a volume of the currently playing sound.
LoadSound Initializes a sound from file and makes it ready to be played.
Sound effects functions 
SoundFXNone Removes any sound effect currently assigned to this object.
SoundFXEcho Assigns an echo effect to the sounds played by this object.
SoundFXReverb Assigns a reverb effect to the sounds played by this object.
Event functions 
ApplyEvent Applies a named event to the object.
CanHandleEvent Queries whether the object has an event handler for a specified event.

Type (read only) Returns always "actor"
Direction The direction the actor is currently facing
Active Specifies whether the object is visible on screen
IgnoreItems Specifies whether the object appears to be non-interactive when an inventory item is used on it
SubtitlesPosRelative Specifies whether the SubtitlesPosX and SubtitlesPosY attributes are relative to default position, or absolute screen coordinates
SubtitlesPosX The X position of speech subtitles (either relative to speaker's position or absolute screen coordinates)
SubtitlesPosY The Y position of speech subtitles (either relative to speaker's position or absolute screen coordinates)
SubtitlesWidth Width of speech subtitles. Set to zero to restore the default behavior.
SubtitlesPosXCenter Specifies if the SubtitlesPosX attribute affects the center of the subtitle or its left side.
ParticleEmitter (read only) Returns the reference to the particle emitter object attached to this object, or null if the emitter haven't been initialized yet
NumAttachments (read only) Returns the number of entities attached to this object.
Name The internal name of the object.
Caption The caption of the object.
AccCaption A special caption of the object used for accessibility purposes.
X The X position of the object.
Y The Y position of the object.
Height (read only) Returns the current height of the object. In case of actors and entities the scaling is taken into account.
Filename (read only) Returns the filename.
Ready (read only) Returns whether the object isn't currently performing any action.
Interactive Specifies whether the object recieves user input.
SoundPanning Specifies whether the sounds played by this object are automatically panned depending on object's position on screen.
NonIntMouseEvents Specifies if the object can receive the MouseEntry and MouseLeave events even if the game is in non-interactive mode.
Movable Specifies whether the object can be moved by its sprites (in case the sprite frames have a "move" property set).
Scalable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's scaling levels.
Rotatable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's rotation levels.
Colorable Specifies whether the object is affected by scene's color regions.
AlphaColor Specifies an RGBA color of this object (overrides scene coloring); set to 0 to reset default behavior.
BlendMode Specifies how the object's image is blended with the background colors; 0...normal mode, 1...additive blending, 2...subtractive blending
Scale Specifies a scale of this object (overrides scene scaling); set to null to reset default behavior.
ScaleX Specifies horizontal scale of this object; set to null to reset default behavior.
ScaleY Specifies vertical scale of this object; set to null to reset default behavior.
RelativeScale Specifies a scale amount to be added to the default scene scale.
Rotate Specifies rotation of this object (in degrees); overrides scene rotation; set to null to reset default behavior; not available in compatibility mode
RelativeRotate Specifies a rotation amount to be added to the default scene rotation.
TalkAnimName The name of an animation set to be used for talking
WalkAnimName The name of an animation set to be used for walking
IdleAnimName The name of an animation set to be used for standing still
TurnLeftAnimName The name of an animation set to be used for turning left (counter clockwise)
TurnRightAnimName The name of an animation set to be used for turning right (clockwise)

Low level events
MouseEntry The mouse pointer has been just moved over the object.
MouseLeave The mouse pointer has been just moved away from the object.

Technical forum / Re: New to WME scripting
« on: March 11, 2013, 03:05:52 PM »
in scene_init.script

Code: WME Script
  1. if(!State*******.Visited)
  2. {
  3.   State*******.Visited = true;
  5.   // this is our first visit in this scene...
  7. }

Game design / Re: can't see character in run game mode
« on: March 02, 2013, 08:44:21 PM »
Hola Hi.

secene_init.script can show your file.

you may be out of the position of walk (actor.SkipTo(512,703);)

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