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Technical forum / Saved games and inventory
« on: May 25, 2006, 08:24:23 AM »

I recognized that when I save a game, then change something in one of the inventory scripts and reload the game, the changes in the inventory scripts are not active. That means that if I found an inventory concerning bug in my game and kill it, all the save games are for the trashcan. The same thing with changed inventory images.
Are the item things saved completely in the save games? Is there something I can do about it? Something like an "inventory.reset()" to call before loading a game?

Thanks in advance.

Technical forum / wme_comp.exe usage
« on: October 19, 2005, 04:00:19 PM »

I tried to use wme_comp.exe to check the syntax in scripts but I think I must be doing something wrong. It doesn't matter what script I test (with errors or without errors) I don't get any feedback from wme_comp. I tried it from my script editor and after that from DOS, too. I also tried to give it an output folder for testing but it only copies the given script to the output folder (including my build in errors) without doing anything else. What could be wrong ?


(By the way: I gave it both a project file and a script file as parameters)

Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WME Visual Script Editor
« on: October 13, 2005, 12:52:35 AM »
Hi all,

I wrote myself a little script editor for WME yesterday and of course I want to share it with the community. I wrote it because editors like UltraEdit and such are too much feature packed and too shitty for my personal needs.

- Simplicity  ;)
- Syntax highlighting
- Code block system (insert whole text blocks with a simple mouse click)
- Features all build-in WME methods, commands and keywords with parameters and short description - just double click a method and it pastes to your script (directly ripped out of the WME docs)
- Printing
- Quickhelp system

Not finished yet:
- Changeable printing color
- Block comment/Block uncomment
- Search in files

The current version is V0.7 (10/05/07):

Please write for suggestions, bugs and wishes.


Technical forum / Possible bug ?
« on: August 18, 2005, 08:47:55 PM »
I had problems with WME crashing while changing between some new scenes. I spend some time to figure out what's wrong. Now I found it but I can not explain myself why there was a bug.

This is the old object script of a door to another room (that one crashed occasionaly):
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick"

on "LeftDoubleClick"

on "RightClick"
   actor.Talk("Eine Tür.");

My aim was to let him go to the door and while he grabs it fade the scene out and change it.

This is what I had to change it to, to make it work (doesn't crash anymore, changing scenes for half an hour now):
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick"

on "LeftDoubleClick"

on "RightClick"
   actor.Talk("Eine Tür.");

Is it not possible to let the actor play an animation while the scene changes ?


Game announcements / Looky - The Adventure Demo
« on: August 17, 2005, 09:13:34 AM »

I'm proud to announce the release of a demo version of our game 'Looky - The Adventure'. It covers the whole game chapter 0.5 which is in fact an interactive intro. The DivX codec 5.0.3 or better is required to play the game. We don't really know the minimal hardware specifications but I think you will need at least 1.5 GHz, 256 MB free RAM and and a 3D graphics card to not only play but enjoy it. In addition you will need about 140 MB free hard disk space.

If you want to try it, here it is: Demo Setup.exe (137 MB, self-extracting RAR archive)

or go to the english Looky Website at:

The installer contains the german and the english version of the game.

We hope you like it.


Help wanted and offered / Help with english translation
« on: August 12, 2005, 08:59:12 AM »

we are about to release a demo for our upcoming game 'Looky - The adventure'. The last thing that is to do (or so I hope) is to get rid of misspellings and grammatical chaos in the STRING.TAB file I've made. My english I learned at school got very rusty I have to confess.

So if anyone has too much free time, is bored or something like that it would be really nice to take a look or two at this file

and tell me where it has it's awful parts.

Thanks a lot beforehand


Game announcements / Looky - The Adventure
« on: August 01, 2005, 03:28:23 PM »
Hello Wintermuters,

I announced our game 'Looky - The Adventure' on the German forum some time ago. I just realised I didn't announce it to the international community though this game will also be available in English, beside the fact that it is currently not planned to do english voice overs.

It's going to be a classic point&click adventure that plays on the planet Vermis far away from us. The habitants of Vermis are Worms (beside some runner snails, birds and none categorisable bugs).

For more infos and screenshots feel free to visit our website at:

There is also a small teaser movie, but currently only with german screen text: (Actually there ISN'T much text at all so if you want to see those wormies moving, just try it) (28 MB)


Technical forum / Problems with changing scenes
« on: April 04, 2005, 10:46:46 PM »

I have a problem with changing scenes that looks like this:

Like in the wme demo project, it is possible to change the scene immediatly with a double click in our game. But when I use the double click and I am in the next scene (for example I go from a location to the map), I have to use a double click again to go back. The 'LeftClick' event is no longer being triggered in the script.

In other words: When I use left mouse clicks to change the scenes it works perfectly but when I use left double click just one time, I have to use it always after that because changing with just a single left click doesn't work.

That occurs even if the executed script parts are the same, like this:

Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "LeftClick" {

on "LeftDoubleClick" {

Does anyone know a clue ?


Technical forum / Scrolling speed
« on: April 04, 2005, 04:04:57 PM »
Thanks for the reply.

I just tested ScrollingSpeedX set to zero, but without any affects. I compiled this scene from our game, so you could see how it works here if you want: (8mb)


Technical forum / Problems with AVIs in compiled project
« on: February 14, 2005, 10:38:08 PM »
Hi there,

I got a problem with my videos. I have an avi intro video to play at the beginning of the game and in the project manager everything works fine. But when I compile my project and run it independently it doesn't find the avi anymore.

Here is something to look at:

The script that plays the video:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

var NeuesSpiel=Scene.GetNode("NeuesSpiel");
var SpielLaden=Scene.GetNode("SpielLaden");
var Einstellungen=Scene.GetNode("Einstellungen");
var Credits=Scene.GetNode("Credits");
var Quit=Scene.GetNode("Quit");

// Neues Spiel beginnen.

on "LeftClick"

  Intro_Running = 1;

on "RightClick"
  // walk to the desk
  actor.Talk("Wenn Du hier draufklickst kannst Du ein neues Spiel beginnen.","hauptmenue\neuesspiel.ogg");

The wme.log file content:
Code: [Select]
22:07: ********** DEBUG LOG OPENED 14-02-2005 (Release Build) *****************
22:07: DEAD:CODE Games Framework ver 1.03 (Build 03), Compiled on Feb 13 2005, 11:29:54
22:07: Platform: Windows XP Service Pack 1 (Build 2600)
22:07: DirectX version: 9.0
22:07: Scanning packages...
22:07:   Registered 2870 files in 9 package(s)
22:07: Initializing scripting engine...
22:07:   Script compiler is NOT available
22:07: Loading string table...
22:07:   321 strings loaded
22:07: Enumerating Direct3D devices...
22:07: Enumerating DirectSound devices...
22:07: Available video devices:
22:07:   NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (accelerated)
22:07: Available audio devices:
22:07:   Primärer Soundtreiber
22:07:   SoundMAX Digital Audio
22:07:   EWX 24/96 Wave Analog
22:07:   EWX 24/96 Wave S/PDIF
22:07:   [kein Sound]
22:07: User selected:
22:07:   Video: NVIDIA GeForce4 Ti 4200 (accelerated)
22:07:          Windowed:no  Colors:32bit  T&L:no  Multisample:0
22:07:   Audio: Primärer Soundtreiber
22:07: Maximum texture size: 4096x4096
22:07: Data initialized in 359 ms
22:07: Error opening AVI file '.\intro\intro_sound.avi'
22:07: Shutting down...
22:07: Shutting down scripting engine
22:07: ********** DEBUG LOG CLOSED ********************************************

And here is a screenshot of my hierarchy in project manager:

Don't know what it could be.


Technical forum / Multiple mouse icons
« on: January 25, 2005, 05:13:53 PM »
Hey wintermuters,

I have the following problem:

I have mouse icons (cursors) defined for my scene objects. A 'use' cursor for things you can use, a 'take' cursor for things you can take and so on. That's cool, but if I go onto such an  object with an inventory item 'in hand', the defined cursor and the inventory item are both displayed as mouse cursors. Is there an 'elegant' way to avoid this. I mean without checking for low level mouse events and running through all the possible objects if the standard mouse cursor has to be hidden ?

Thanks a lot in advance.


Scripts, plugins, utilities, goodies / WME Talk Scanner
« on: January 25, 2005, 04:52:22 PM »
I wrote a little app yesterday that scans all script files in a wintermute project for talk lines and extracts the following data to a CSV table:

1. field    =>   Folder where the scanned script is located
2. field    =>   Script name (the name of the script where this talk line is from)
3. field    =>   Line number of the talk line in the script
4. field    =>   Speaker (name of the in-script object that speaks)
5. field    =>   Reference to STRING.TAB (for example: /SYSENG0503/) if there is one
6. field    =>   The subtitle text (that is shown on screen)
7. field    =>   Speech audio file (if there is one)

For me, this is very very handy because you can directly see missing speech files, or get an overview how far I am with my translations in the file. I'm sure someone else will have a use for it, too.

Just copy the app to your projects folder (where your *.wpr file is) and run it. It will create a file called TALKLIST.CSV.

And here it is:

Have fun

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