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Topics - fireside

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Technical forum / vista performance
« on: March 29, 2008, 01:21:55 AM »
I've been working on a game in xp.  Computer crashed.  Got a Vista with an nforce 6150 onboard.  Finally got my game off my old hard drive.  It runs very slow.  I have the frame rate thing clicked but it just shows a blank  where it's supposed to be, the other things like timer and scripts are showing.  Is that normal?  I'm a little shocked it would run this slow because it's 800X600 all 2d.  I've played a few games like Keepsake, Niburu,  etc with it and they seem to run all right.  It's weird because the talking seems all right, but the main character walking around seems much slower.

Technical forum / snoring scene entity
« on: October 25, 2007, 04:08:44 AM »
I have a scene entity that I want to appear snoring with two sprites with sounds, one for one part of the snore and one for the other part of the snore.  I want this to be free from anything else going on in the scene.  Any suggestions for the best way to do that?

Technical forum / blender export animations
« on: October 21, 2007, 09:20:39 PM »
Next question.  How do the animations get named and used.  I saw in the actor for the demo there was a rest and a walk.  I tried naming two actions in blender rest and walk, but the words weren't exported in the x file.  There was just an animation set and they were both listed under AnimationSet0, the animation set appeared to list key frames.

Technical forum / blender export no texture
« on: October 17, 2007, 12:30:39 AM »
I'm doing a test export from blender to direct x.  The model is fine as long as I uncheck flip z, but there is no texture.  I'm experimenting with another engine also (irrlicht) and that one shows the texture. 

Technical forum / scene entity
« on: October 13, 2007, 06:07:48 PM »
I have a scene entity which I take and set it to Active = false.  It disappears, but when I come back from another scene it's there again.  I don't remember this happening before.  I thought once it was set it stayed set.  Is this normally done with a global or some other way?

Technical forum / actor object variables
« on: October 04, 2007, 01:33:03 AM »
I'm going to be using 5 identical actors loaded into the same scene with global variables for each.  Call them joe1,joe2,joe3, etc.  I also have 5 positions that the actors will stand in, but the actors will be able to switch positions.  I want to be able to access the actor by the position it is in.  Using the x and y may be risky because the actor might not be perfectly in that position.  I tried using global position variables and storing the global actor variables but it locked up.

What I want to do is get actor in positon 2, move to postion 3, without knowing which actor is in that position. Any ideas on how I might do that?

Technical forum / second actor
« on: September 25, 2007, 04:22:58 AM »
I had a scene entity character but I needed an actor rather than an entity.  I used a Sceneload for it.  I imagine I use the actor script for the left click, but I also have other objects in the scene that this character talks when I click on the object.  I find I can't get the actor with Scene.GetNode.  How do I get the actor to talk when something else is clicked on?
Also, the main actor now can walk through this actor because they share the floor, what's the best way to prevent that?

Technical forum / changing music
« on: August 12, 2007, 12:42:22 AM »
I want to change music when one file is finished which would probably be easy if I wasn't using pause and resume for conversations.  How can I know when a music file is finished if I am using pause and resume?

Technical forum / overiding a method
« on: August 02, 2007, 01:09:13 AM »
I'd like to override PauseMusic and ResumeMusic so that they fadeout and fadein.  I don't quite understand where to put it from the help file.  Do you just write a method of the same name and put it in the base inc? Or would it better to write a fadeout() fadein()? Still, how do I attach it to the game object.  I don't quite understand that.

Technical forum / change scene after inventory choice
« on: August 01, 2007, 02:59:44 AM »
I have a dialog that gets called during an inventory choice.  If one selection is made, I want to change scene and have a character from that scene talk and then return to this scene.  I started with just a change scene.  However, there is a fade out and then it immediately comes back to the current scene.  This is a portion of the code:
Code: [Select]
on "berries"
{ actor.GoToObject(this);
  var berries = Scene.GetNode("berries");
  berries.Active = true;
  Game.Interactive = true;

I took out the flag so no matter what when the dialog ends it should change scene.  I imagine it's because I'm still in the event, but I'm not sure how to end it and change scenes.

Done / active checkbox
« on: July 27, 2007, 10:48:11 AM »
It would be nice if there were an active checkbox in the scene editor for scene entities.  Maybe it wouldn't work because entities are created at scene time and it would require a global variable.  I just like scene entities better because they set up easily.

Technical forum / lip synch
« on: May 21, 2007, 10:49:17 PM »
I know there's a topic on this, but I read it and I don't understand it.  Could you be a little more specific about how the phonemes are used and the text file for them, etc?  I forgot what program you were set up for also.  I plan to use a different one, I know, but maybe I can figure out some conversion.  I don't suppose there's a sample somewhere.

Technical forum / GetSprite problem
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:47:13 AM »
I have two entities using the same sprites.  The following code should get the same results because the sprite path prints the same to the screen, but the first one says "equal" and the second one says "not equal".
 var ball = Scene.GetNode(varPark2.currentBall);
 var ballSprite = "entities\ballRed\sprites\ballClear.sprite";
 if (ball.GetSprite() != ballSprite)
 {Game.Msg("not equal");}
 if (ball.GetSprite() == ballSprite)
 {   Game.Msg("equal");}

I'm totally stumped on what could be wrong. I've clicked between the two entities in the editor and the sprites are exactly the same.

Technical forum / entities and variables
« on: March 27, 2007, 11:28:35 PM »
I'm going to have multiple entities in a scene that are really the same entity like:
global ent1 = Scene.LoadEntity("entities\lift\thing.entity");
global ent2 = Scene.LoadEntity("entities\lift\thing.entity");

In the script, is there a way to find out which variable compares to the entity like:

if (this == ent1)
{ do something;}

edit:  Hmm.  I think it might just be simpler to use separate scene entities.  The logic is kind of complicated.

Technical forum / entity question
« on: March 23, 2007, 02:03:30 PM »
Looking at the old guy entity in the demo, it appears that entities are global.  What happens when these entities are used in more than one scene?  It would seem like the scripting would become complicated.

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