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Author Topic: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)  (Read 52961 times)

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WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« on: December 09, 2009, 07:14:14 AM »

v1.7a (12.01.2010):
  NEW: Decreased size of game executable.
  FIX: Fixed bug with checkbox definition (crash on game shutdown).

  WindowEdit.exe updates:
    NEW: Support for checkbox.
    NEW: An option "Draw selection for selected control only" in Tools->Options.
                      If disabled, selection will drawn for all visible objects in window, even if they are not selected.

v1.7 (10.01.2010):
  + Added new visual control: CHECKBOX. Similar to button control.
  Example of declaration in .window file:
Code: [Select]
    PRESSED=TRUE ; initial state: checked or not. true - checked.

    IMAGE="checkbox_checked.png" ; image of initial state. should be similar to "PRESSED" state.

 Example of mycheckbox.script:
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\"

on "init" // called immediately after script file has been read.
self.SetPressedOnImage("checkbox_checked.png"); // checked image
self.SetPressedOffImage("checkbox_unchecked.png"); // unchecked image.

on "checked" // current image of checkbox will be automatically switched to image, that you set in "SetPressedOnImage" call.

on "unchecked" // same. Automatically will be switched to image you set in "SetPressedOffImage".
 + Added "Type" identifier to in-game debug statistic. Now when mouse is over some object, its will show not "Name: active_object", but "Name: active_object (Type: type_of_object)". Plus little cosmetician changes in text output.
  + Added new param to exe's command line: "-nosettingsdlg" (Aleksandr Recoba request). Game executable started with this option will not show settings dialog in first time and in following startups of game also. But you don't have to call your game exe with "-nosettingsdlg" all time! Its need just in first time launch when your game has been just installed, settings are set automatically by your installer, and you just won't allow user to see settings dialog.
     If you gonna use this you have to write to registry(or ini), where you stored your game options, default settings via your game installer.
     Plus, this command line param is useful if all needed in your opinion options are already set in "Options" menu in your game.
  - Fixed Game.IsFullScreenSwitchSupported property. Now it works as suggested.

  Some notes that will be useful mostly to advanced developers who plan to merge his version of engine sources with mine:
  a) Compiled with DirectX 9 SDK November 2008 & Windows SDK v7.0. So you need to deploy d3dx9_40.dll with your game. WME_D3D9.exe still working fine on DX8-based hardware (I test every new version of KE on GeForce 2, in addition to mine primary gfx video card GeForce 9800GTX+), so you can don't use wme.exe(DX8-based renderer).
  b) d3dx8tex.h replaced with d3dx9tex.h
  c) Moved "b)" from 3DShadowGen.cpp to dcgf.h (prevent compile errors because "a)" changes)
  d) Added DIRECTSOUND_HEADER_VERSION & DIRECTINPUT_HEADER_VERSION to dcgf.h (prevent some compile errors because "a)" changes)
  e) PlatformWin.h: typedef GUID *REFKNOWNFOLDERID; -> typedef GUID *REFKNOWNFOLDERIDA; (prevent mass compile errors because "a)" changes)
  f) Internal Game->LOG function has been changed from (HRESULT res, LPSTR fmt, ...) to (int EchoInGame, LPSTR fmt, ...):
     Game->LOG(0, "bla") - echo to log file only.
     Game->LOG(1, "bla") - echo to log file plus echo to in-game window in manner of "Script Runtime Error" message. This will be widely used by me specially for situations like "Syntax error in BLABLA definition", which will be outputted via Game->LOG(1, error_message). In this moment its used only in checkbox definition. Try to make typo in token, and you'll see how it will be outputted in game.
  g) _WIN32_WINNT has been changed from 0x0500 to 0x0501.

  P.S. Yes, I know, checkboxes could be easily implemented via buttons and checkbox control not needed at all, but because I plan to add scrollbar & combobox controls, I had to start from something to understand how to add new visual controls in wme, and chosen checkbox control as "launch pad".

v1.6 (06.01.2010):
  + Added property Game.IsFullScreenSwitchSupported. Returns true/false. Check that game is running in supported resolution mode. If its not, SetWindowedMode() will not function. So you need to check it before show in options "Windowed"(for example) checkbox.
  * Changed behavior of how SetWindowedMode(bool value) works. Now it returns int as a result of its call. 0 - nothing to change (current state(windowed or fullscreen) of window is a value you want to set), 1 - mode has been changed successfully, 2 - Game is running in unsupported resolution mode (also, you will get script runtime error).
  * Deleted some (mine) debug messages.
  - Fixed possible crash in registry functions (regwritenumber, regreadnumber, regwritestring, regreadstring).

  Thanks to Mnemonic for suggestions.

v1.5 (03.01.2010):
  + libtheora has been updated from 1.0 to 1.1.1
  + Adds and fixes from latest WME v1.9.1 release.
  * wme.rc has been updated.

v1.4 (18.12.2009):
  + Method this.GetLayer() (namespace Entity) - returns reference to entity's layer (#4 in
     Example: (click on squares)
  + Now the buttons & static-labels have an AlphaColor (transparency) property.
     Example: btn.AlphaColor = RGB(255, 255, 255, 50);
  + Two new methods to namespace Entity: bool SetBeforeEntity([int index]) / SetAfterEntity([int index]) - changes position of entity in the layer. Applies only in case if the entity in the same layer.
     Useful for animation, for example, of opening door. Don't need to recreate entity anymore.
  + int GetIndex (namespace - Entity) - returns index(position) of current entity in the layer. (since entity could exist without layer, in this case function will return -1).
  - Fixed lack of cursor when its over window border, when application in windowed mode.

v1.3 (15.12.2009):
  + Gamma-correction feature.
     Game.SetGamma(int) - set gamma to integer value. values - from 0(darky-darky) to 254(brightly-brightly).
     int Game.GetGamma();
     Game.SetGammaDefault(int) - there you should set default gamma value for your game. (if its not defined, default value will be used, which is arbitrary, but close to my monitor - 140). This function, in difference to othera gamma-related functions, must be set. Once. In game.script for example.
     Game.RestoreGamma(). - set up gamma to value you specified by calling SetGammaDefault.
Code: [Select]
   const GAMMA_STEP = 5;
     Game.SetGammaDefault(249); // let eyes cry...
     // Imagine that user play with gamma-control slider in your options menu...
     var current_gamma = Game.GetGamma();
     Game.SetGamma(current_gamma + GAMMA_STEP);
     // User is done with slider, and he wants to set gamma as it was before he changed it. So assuming he clicking on button like... "Default gamma".
     Game.RestoreGamma(); // 249.
+ libpng updated from 1.2.22 to 1.2.41
  * Method Game.ShowText() renamed back to Game.ShowVersion(text, x = 863, y = 740, width = 160, text_alignment = 0). In replacement this change, method Game.Msg(text) has been expanded to Game.Msg(text, duration = 3000, x = 0, y = 20, text_alignment = 0).
  * Last argument in Game.ShowVersion() - text_aligment - now takes not 10/20/30 as before, but 0/1/2 (default value - 0, i.e TAL_LEFT). So now you can use TAL_* constants for text aligment in file.
  * Changes made to settings dialog in WME Kinjal Edition has been reverted to original WME 1.9.0beta state.

v1.2 (12.12.2009):
  + New theora methods in entity namespace: (      
      int GetTheoraPositionInFrames();  -- returns the frame, the video player is currently on
      float GetTheoraPositionInSeconds();
      float SetTheoraPositionInSeconds(int seconds); -- sets the video playback to the specified seconds.

      note: if any function fails, it returns -1.
  + Slightly decreased lag in GetSoundPosition, GetMusicPosition, GetMusicChannelPosition functions (tested on "ogg" files only). However, bugginess of these methods can't be fixed easily. (
  + Game.MusicFadeOut(fade_out_millisec, channel = 0) script functions added. (Mnemonic's todo).
       Game.PlayMusicChannel(0, ...)
       Game.MusicFadeOut(3000, 0);
  + Slightly optimized cursor responsivity, again (did you noticed reduced cursor lags? give me feedback about it).
  * Enhanced Game.ShowVersion(text). Its renamed to Game.ShowText now. Now its takes following arguments: Game.ShowText(text, x = 863, y = 740, width = 160, text_alignment = 10).
     note: alignment - takes 10 or 20 or 30. 10 - left, 20 - center, 30 - right.
     note2: but it still support hh/mm/yyyy hh:mins in "text".
  - Fixed engine crash with Game.TotalNumItems/NumItems. (
  - Other small updates(MusicCrossfade optimization, SetWindowedMode glitch fixes, fixed overflow bug in ShowText when this method has been called multiple times, no minimize/maximize/close buttons after switch to windowed mode via SetWindowedMode(true), etc...).

v1.1 (11.12.2009):
  + New script function for turn on/off vsync in fullscreen (without engine restart): Game.SetVSyncMode(bool true/false).
     Note: SetVSyncMode() function do not override user's driver settings.
  + A slighty optimized cursor responsivity in full screen mode with vsync enabled. (subjectively. test it yourself and give me feedback)

v1.0 (09.12.2009):
  1. Disabled settings dialog (by default, but still can be enabled via specified option in registry)
  2. Switching to windowed mode and back to fullscreen without engine restart by using method Game.SetWindowedMode(bool true/false). Mnemonic, why you still didn't done this feature? It was pretty much easy to implement it.
  3. Game registry functions has been rewritten a little. Disabled "PrivateSettings"-only restriction. Added third argument to functions - "Where".
      Example: Game.RegReadString("Subtitles", 1, "Video"). If "Where"(in this example its a "Video") not defined, "PriviteSettings" will be used as default where settings should be stored/readed from.
  4. Log file will now be erased all time on new exe launch.
  5. "Used memory" on game screen message in debug mode.
  6. libvorbis has been updated to 1.2.3 from 1.2.0.
  7. New method Game.ShowVersion(text) - will show in right corner version information about your game. Example: Game.ShowVersion("v0.1 dd/mm/yyyy hh:mins");.
      dd/mm/yyyy hh:mins - will be replaced to "Last modified Date" of data.dcp file, which placed in your game folder.
  8. Now you can store settings not only in registry, but in ini too. You just need to call Game.SetSettingsFile(text path) and specified ini file will be created in your game directory.
      Example: Game.SetSettingsFile(".\\mygameyohoho.ini");
      Methods: Game.IniReadValue(Key, InitValue, Where), Game.IniWriteValue(Key, Value, Where) - like Reg**** methods. Example: Game.IniWriteValue("ShowFPS", 1, "DebuGoGo");
  9. Something else... i don't remember

Thanks to AG|Spellbreaker of ApeironStudios for provide filehosting to me.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 01:54:20 PM by Kinjal »


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition)
« Reply #1 on: December 09, 2009, 11:36:35 AM »

Since wme sources are under LGPL you also obligated to provide a direct link to the modified sources. Solved
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 12:20:12 PM by odnorf »


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition)
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2009, 10:39:54 PM »

Sources posted by the author here.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition)
« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2009, 02:30:59 PM »

any plans on merging these changes into the main 1.9 WME branch?


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition)
« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2009, 04:35:44 PM »

I read something about disabling/enabling VSync, I really *hope* that funciton doesn't overide the Driversettings of the User.....And if so, I hope it doesn't make it into the official WME Branch ;)




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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition)
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2009, 04:48:51 PM »

No, its not override any driver settings.
Its made via setting directx caps.

any plans on merging these changes into the main 1.9 WME branch?
This question adrresed to me or to Mnemonic?
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 04:53:09 PM by Kinjal »


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.2)
« Reply #6 on: December 12, 2009, 01:06:36 PM »

curious about users feedback.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.2)
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2009, 09:46:46 AM »

Version 1.3.
There will be no new versions anymore.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.3)
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2009, 08:07:39 AM »

This question adrresed to me or to Mnemonic?
To Mnemonic.

So, Mnemonic - any plans on merging any of these changes into the main 1.9 WME branch?
most of them seem useful.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.3)
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2009, 08:40:39 AM »

So, Mnemonic - any plans on merging any of these changes into the main 1.9 WME branch?
most of them seem useful.
It's up to Kinjal now. Because practically, WME sources are dual-licensed (LGPL versus the proprietary license of WME DevKit), I will only include changes if the authors agree with such dual licensing of their contributions.
Yes, I do have a twitter account
Please don't send me technical questions in private messages, use the forum. ::wave


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.3)
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2009, 08:58:43 AM »

Kinjal: will you agree to the licensing so those of us that use the main branch can use your very useful sounding changes?


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.3)
« Reply #11 on: December 18, 2009, 05:39:15 PM »

It's up to Kinjal now.
Sent you link in irc to agreement with sign.

will you agree to the licensing so those of us that use the main branch can use your very useful sounding changes?
Of course you can guys.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.4)
« Reply #12 on: December 30, 2009, 11:30:41 PM »

Kinjal whenever I click on your links they time out.  Is it still possible to download this version from anywhere?


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.4)
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2009, 09:08:00 AM »

These changes were tested only a developer?


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.5)
« Reply #14 on: January 03, 2010, 07:47:28 PM »

Download links has been updated.

These changes were tested only a developer?
Not sure about others (because no feedback from users), but I & vpin(wme developer, in russian section of forum) uses it, and no any problems we meet in changes/fixes added in Kinjal Edition.
« Last Edit: January 03, 2010, 07:56:29 PM by Kinjal »
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