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Author Topic: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)  (Read 50623 times)

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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.5)
« Reply #15 on: January 03, 2010, 08:19:42 PM »

Hey...the Downloads do not work. If you allow, please send me the Files and I would put it up onto my own webserver which is 24/7 avail ;)




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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.5)
« Reply #16 on: January 03, 2010, 08:39:28 PM »

Links has been updated again. Now files are located on hosting provided by Spellbreaker.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.5)
« Reply #17 on: January 04, 2010, 12:21:47 AM »

Thanks Kinjal for updating your links and best of all thanks for your contribution to WME.


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Re: WME (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2010, 12:08:14 AM »

v1.6 is released.

Hm, may be to do some kind of modified version of WME's original docs(based on v1.9.1) with remarks of added/changed functions in Kinjal Edition?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2010, 12:48:16 AM by Kinjal »


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2010, 12:37:37 AM »

Okay, maybe I am overlooking something, but regardless...
I tried the SetWindowedMode function of your Release. What really lacks is a way to query what window mode the game was started upon in the first place, otherwise it's relatively useless because without querying that it's hard to predict which boolean to pick for the function, leading to unexpected behavior. So I'd like some way to query what display mode the game was started with, the return being either "windowed", "fullscreen" or "fullscreen2". fullscreen2 refering to Fullscreen with the "Use desktop resolution" checked. Speaking of which:

If you use fullscreen with "Use desktop resolution" enabled and then change to windowed, the resulting window will be as large as the desktop resolution. It makes sense as that’s what the desktop resolution feature does, but your function would be a lot better if the window would reset to the size of the games default resolution when calling the function under these circumstances. So if possible it would be nice if you can change that.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2010, 01:52:01 AM »

the return being either "windowed", "fullscreen" or "fullscreen2".
Just true/false as a result is not enough?
For example: if (Game.IsWindowed) { SetWindowedMode(false); }...

So if possible it would be nice if you can change that.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2010, 04:52:29 AM »

the return being either "windowed", "fullscreen" or "fullscreen2".
Just true/false as a result is not enough?
For example: if (Game.IsWindowed) { SetWindowedMode(false); }...
Yes, something like Game.IsWindowed and Game.IsFullscreen would be great. The booleans are good, I'm just trying to correctly determine what boolean it should use when using the first time (default condition of a switch) in whatever mode the player had initially.


EDIT: By the way, is it possible to save what Window Mode was selected so on next game start it chooses that setting? It should reflect in the WME Settings Box as well. Example: You start the game in windowed mode, change it to fullscreen from ingame, quit the game and next time you start it it will be in fullscreen again because it remembered what the state was. If you choose to open the Settings Box instead of starting the game, you see that Windowed is unchecked as well. Is that possible?

I believe some WME functions like the Audio Functions are saving their set value permanently, too, once they are called. For instance Game.SetGlobalMusicVolume(int), Game.SetGlobalSFXVolume(int), etc. and thats a convenient help for easily building Option Menus. It probably does it via Registry, but I havn't gotten around to that part of WME yet

Thank you for your efforts :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 05:02:11 AM by Darky »


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2010, 08:25:24 AM »

What really lacks is a way to query what window mode the game was started upon in the first place
There already is the Game.WindowedMode property.
Yes, I do have a twitter account
Please don't send me technical questions in private messages, use the forum. ::wave


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #23 on: January 07, 2010, 01:01:51 PM »

Oh  :D Thanks Mnemonic, that works fine.
@Kinjal: You won't need to implement that part of my requests then.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.6)
« Reply #24 on: January 08, 2010, 09:59:06 PM »

By the way, is it possible to save what Window Mode was selected so on next game start it chooses that setting?
Uhmmm I think its possible.
Remember value of your "fullscreen?" checkbox in options menu, then just try something like this: Game.WriteRegNumber("Windowed", bool_fullscreen_checkbox_checked_or_not, "Video"). This will reflect "windowed" in settings dialog too, when game will be restarted.
Is it what you has needed?


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.7)
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2010, 10:40:55 AM »

v1.7 is released.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.7a)
« Reply #26 on: January 12, 2010, 02:08:07 PM »

v1.7a is released.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.7a)
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2010, 10:55:46 AM »

Thanks a lot, great work!


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.7a)
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2010, 12:14:41 AM »

v1.7b (02.03.2010):
  FIX: Crash if you dynamically change 3D actor's texture from script and no effect file is assigned.
  FIX: Bug when a dynamically added subframe doesn't display properly

  (merge with WME 1.9.1 hotfix 2)

No sources available at this time. I'll upload them tommorow.


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Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2010, 07:25:25 AM »

v1.8 (07.03.2010):
ADD: Two new events: FocusLost, FocusReceived, and a property - bool Game.OnFocusLostPauseRenderer = bool value. (added by request of 2.0)
   FocusLost - this event happens when your application(game) lost its focus.
   FocusReceived - this event happens when your application receive focus back.
   Game.OnFocusLostPauseRenderer - if set to true, when game lost focus it will stop("freeze", like original WME do), if false - game will continue work (but music/sounds will be paused). Using of this property not needed if you ok with current state(that game freeze when focus lost) of things.

   These events are useful if you need something to do before game lost its focus. For example, show 'pause' menu.

   Note: Better to be declared in game.script.
ADD: New function bool Game.ScreenshotEx2(string filename, [int width = -1], [int height = -1], [int quality = 85], [bool AddDate = true], [bool SaveInDocs = true], [bool DoBMP = false], [string GameDirName = GAME_CAPTION_FROM_PROJECT_MANAGER], [bool Grey = false]).
   Differences from Game.ScreenshotEx:
   1) If DoBMP - false, function will save screenshots in JPG.
   2) Screenshot file extension in filename you DON'T have to set, it will be added automatically, in depends of DoBMP (true - ".bmp", false - ".jpg").
   3) In width and height you can set "-1", in this case for Width & Height will be taken game resolution (that you set in project manager).
   4) If AddDate - true, to filename will be added current date & time on this manner: Screenshot_dd-mm-yyyy_hh-mm-ss
   5) If SaveInDocs - false, screenshots will be created in current game directory, otherwise they will be created in user's My Pictures directory in this way: My Documents\My Pictures\\GameDirName\..., by the default value for GameDirName taken from caption field in project manager.
   6) quality - quality of picture for jpeg format. Ignored if DoBMP = true. Range of values - 0..100.
   7) If grey = true, screenshots will be monohromatic. Ignored if DoBMP - true.

   Example: Game.ScreenshotEx2("Screenshot", -1, -1, 85, true, true, true, "TestProject"); // a .bmp screenshot will be saved in "My Documents\My Pictures\TestProject\..."
           or: Game.ScreenshotEx2("Screenshot"); // if you ok with other parameters.
           or: Game.ScreenshotEx2("Screenshot", -1, -1, 85, true, false); // if you won't save screenshots in "My Documents\My Pictures", but in game exe's directory.

ADD: New property bool Scene.ShowGeometryStats = bool value - show additional statistics of your hidden geometry in current scene. Explanation of abbreviations:
   fn - currently loaded geometry file.
   l - lights count
   c - cameras count
   m - meshes count
   v - vertex count
   t - triangles(polygons) count
   This is how it looks:
Code: Text
  1.        if (Keyboard.KeyCode == VK_F1) Scene.ShowGeometry = !Scene.ShowGeometry;
  2.        else if (Keyboard.KeyCode == VK_F2) Scene.ShowGeometryStats = !Scene.ShowGeometryStats;
  3.        else if (Keyboard.KeyCode == VK_F3) Scene.ShowGeometryEx = !Scene.ShowGeometryEx;
ADD: New events ScreenshotDone and ScreenshotFail happens when Game.ScreenshotEx or Game.ScreenshotEx2 call is success. I don't think these events is needed because Game.ScreenshotEx/ScreenshotEx2 returns result of their call, but may be someone find them handy.
ADD: Properties void Scene.GeomWalkplaneColor = string color_hex_without_0x and void Scene.GeomGenericColor = string color_hex_without_0x. Waiting for color in hex, without 0x.
     Example: Scene.GeomWalkplaneColor = "FF1EEC07"; // green.
ADD: New property bool Scene.ShowGeometryEx = bool value - a bit more informative version of Scene.ShowGeometry, with following differences:
     1) You can set colors which will represent every object in your hidden geometry.
     2) On left side you can see list of objects in your hidden geometry file.

   This is how it looks:

   Note #1: Of course you cannot use ShowGeometry and ShowGeometryEx in the same time. In this case ShowGeometryEx have higher priority. But you can freely switch between each other.
   Note #2: This function has one limitation - supports not more than 20 colors. This is means that your geometry file should contain not more than 20 block-objects, otherwise use Scene.ShowGeometry.
   Note #3: If you set wrong color, white will be used as default.
   Note #4: If geometry file have objects more than you have set colors, black color will be used as default for these objects.
   Note #5: All colors are hex-values without 0x. For convenience you can use mine Color Picker*.
   You can find it in Tools directory.
   Note #6: You have to use void Scene.SetShowGeomExColors(array) to set colors.
   Note #7: You must declare colors and apply them in "SceneGeometryLoad" event(otherwise user-custom colors will not work) (raised automatically in process of geometry file parsing). Example:
Code: Text
  1. on "ScreenshotDone"
  2. {
  3.         Game.Msg("Done", 3000, 500, 400, TAL_LEFT);
  4. }
  6. on "ScreenshotFail"
  7. {
  8.         Game.Msg("Fail", 3000, 400, 500, TAL_LEFT);
  9. }
  11. on "SceneGeometryLoad"
  12. {
  13.         var scngeomblkdobjsclrs; // Scene Geometry Blocked Objects Colors :-D
  15.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[0] = "FFFD072D";  // 0, red
  16.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[1] = "FFF107FD"; // 1, pink
  17.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[2] = "FF3F07FD"; // 2, blue
  18.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[3] = "FF07F7FD"; // 3, cyan
  19.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[4] = "FF12CA03"; // 4, green
  20.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[5] = "FFFEF306"; // 5, yellow
  21.         scngeomblkdobjsclrs[6] = "FFD6AC02"; // 6, orange
  24.         Scene.GeomWalkplaneColor = "FF16D300";  // green
  25.         Scene.GeomGenericColor   = "FFE69C00";  // orange
  27.         Scene.SetShowGeomExColors(scngeomblkdobjsclrs);
  28. }   
ADD: New command line parameter -windowedmode. "game.exe -windowedmode" = game will run in windowed mode.
ADD: New function Game.ShowScriptErrors(bool value). If value = true - instead of "Script runtime error" you will see error explanation (its also logged). Better to declare it somewhere in begin of game.script.
CHG: Property Scene.ShowGeometry now save its state between scenes.
* - A little help for Color Picker:
    а) use BGRA-mode (set up by default). RGBA - for html and so on.
    б) if "auto copy" is enabled - generated hex value will be automatically copied to clipboard.

Links: - binaries (install: copy files to engine folder with replace) - sources.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2010, 04:10:55 PM by Kinjal »
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