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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - massey

Pages: [1]
Not a bug / Re: windowEdit/ stringtableMGR fail to initalise
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:24:45 PM »
from my searching outside wintermute related stuff it seems i may have a viral problem, so its a .net problem. beyond your control. hopefully i can get it solved. thanks for your help.

Not a bug / Re: windowEdit/ stringtableMGR fail to initalise
« on: September 20, 2009, 06:07:14 PM »
still the same error...hmmm. i uninstalled .net 2.0, ran the cleanup and reinstalled. with system restarts in between.

Not a bug / Re: windowEdit/ stringtableMGR fail to initalise
« on: September 20, 2009, 05:51:56 PM »
ok, i'm trying the uninstall reinstall of .net. will let you know how it goes. thank you for the quick reply.

Not a bug / windowEdit/ stringtableMGR fail to initalise
« on: September 19, 2009, 01:22:46 AM »
hi, i'm new to wintermute and just downloaded 1.8.011 a few days ago (wed 16th sept).
everything else seems to work ok, but windowEdit and StringTableManager won't launch.
i get "The application failed to initialize properly(0xc000007b).

i saw the updated "vredist_x86", it made no difference. from what i saw in that post this fix should already be applied to the wintermute version i downloaded.

any advice would be great. looks like a very exciting program.

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