I'd posted about this in the Technical forum, and it looks like a bug (rather than user error on my part), so I'm posting it here:
When using TalkAnimName to change the talk animation for a character, whatever value I set TalkAnimName to, the character still speaks with the default talk animation.
Game.Msg(Ego.TalkAnimName); // This prints "talk" which corresponds with the TALK animation set in ego.actor
Ego.Talk("Hello."); // Ego should (and does) say this with the TALK animation set
Ego.TalkAnimName = "talk2"; // talk2 is another animation set in ego.actor
Game.Msg(Ego.HasAnim("talk2")); // This prints "true"
Ego.Talk("Hello, again."); // Ego says this with the TALK animation set, not talk2
I can change the talk animation with Actor.ForceTalkAnim(), just not Actor.TalkAnimName.