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Author Topic: z sorting broken in compiled version of game but not in editor JIT version  (Read 10699 times)

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Hi, sorry if this is a known issue or a noob mistake. I tried a search of the forum but couldn't find the right words to search on...

Basically, my zsorting, walking behind sprites etc works fine within the editor JIT compiled version of the game. As soon as I compile the game it stops working and my actor floats on top of everything.  I think it may have something to do with using the 'direct draw' mode when i'm in the editor. I was given a registry entry to force this on my VM which i use to edit.

I tested the compiled game in linux under wine, and in a physical windows xp box with graphics acceleration - same result on both, the character floats. By the way I'm entirely using 2d sprites here.

Ah.. actually, i just tested the compiled game in my VM and it DID work fine just like in the editor.. so its just down to the different environments. Because it gives the same result in linux and windows, it seems like maybe my registry key (or some other factor) is affecting the compiler and it compiles a game that only works correctly using Direct Draw, OR there is some kind of conflict with my graphics card? (or else i've managed to stuff up 2 completely different environments some how, which is not necessarily out of the question)

Let me know if there is any more info i can give to assist - or anything i can test.



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It's more likely you reference some images (namely the overlay sprites) using some wrong path, so the engine can't find them on another computer. Enable error logging for the compiled game (in project settings) and you'll probably see some missing files reports in the log.
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Thanks - sorry about that. The sprites were also part of the background so i couldn't see the difference. I couldn't get it to print an error, but i re-imported the sprites and it worked fine.

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