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Author Topic: Score system  (Read 12058 times)

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Score system
« on: July 22, 2015, 09:40:29 PM »

Hi guys,

What do you think about scoring systems? Like Sierra adventure games used to have.

I would also be interested to know how you guys would implement a score system? From a game design point of view, not programming wise.
Perhaps 5-10 points for a puzzle solved, with more difficult puzzles valued at 15-20 points?


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Re: Score system
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2015, 07:57:42 PM »

What I DON'T like about scoring systems...
  They are potentially pointless (pun intended).
  It can be distracting, and take you out of the story, and remind you you're playing a game.

What I DO like about scoring systems...
   Some games have different endings or situations that happen, depending on your score. In those cases, the system isn't so pointless.
   The old Sierra Camelot game was like that, I believe. The score gave you a heads-up as far as whether you would get the "good" ending.
   Scoring system also alerts you to any puzzles you missed, assuming it's possible to do that and still progress to the end.
   It can also alert the gamer as to how far along they are, but I rather the story do that.

Personally, unless I'm playing Atari where there is no end, and score is ALL there is,  I don't care about score. And I would imagine a lot of gamers are like that.

I would use scoring if there were multiple ways to solve a puzzle, and it would be a way to "reward" and persuade gamers to figure out the "best" way to do it,
knowing they would get more points.
Otherwise I don't see a point to having scoring. They either solve it or don't. And the true reward for solving it is typically they get to progress through the story.



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Re: Score system
« Reply #2 on: September 07, 2015, 06:19:53 PM »

 Hello all.  I agree with all that's been said.  I would only add, If my target demographic were under 18 (age)  I would consider it, because it's familiar to them.   But (for me) my target market is over 30 .    I think the over 30's want to play video games But don't want to "feel" like they're playing a "child's game" (in reality we are - but that's another story).

  [ side note ]  I took a looked at your games. Great work.  I'm always amazed to see talent ignored by the masses. 
                    Happens everyday.   The mods and developer of Wintermute have every right to be proud of their accomplishments.
                    The WM engine is almost magical in itself. 

            - great read - WM fans will love it.
                    colors on canvas    - (hard to find - found by following your twitter feed)
                                                 Interesting concept.  I also write edu-games.  I don't think any of us knows what will
                                                 be successful - until it's successful.    Looks promising.
                        The 4th wall.       - mind blowing concepts. Very original.
a point and click <a href="" target="_blank">adventure game[/url] I wrote. 
It's a mixture of Drama and Dark fantasy,  set in a small town.


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Re: Score system
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2015, 08:13:24 PM »

Thanks for trying out the4thwall haroldw! :)  And for the kind words.  I'm hoping to finish a complete game in the near future, and perhaps expanding on The 4th Wall. 


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Re: Score system
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2017, 08:24:02 PM »

Back then, I didn't pay much attention to the score, as I concentrated on the adventure. However, when it was over, checking it out was informative of how much of the game I had let pass by, thus sometimes I would play it again to see what I had missed.

Personally, if I implemented a score system, I would not subtract points for wrong moves - as the player also has fun by trying out silly ideas and getting a clever remark from the main character or something of the sort. Since I'm not the kind of player that would be checking score often (for me the fun it's in the story itself), the amount of points I got per puzzle solved would not matter, just an the average (... out of 150) to be informed of what I'd missed.

Here's a curious approach (to indicate progress) I found in this post:

Quote from: Gini
In Grim Fandango there was a carved-looking drawing on the save game screen, and when you saved or loaded a game, if your game was further along then more of the drawing would be visible and fully focused, while the rest was dim or perhaps completely dark (can't remember now). The drawing itself was of a four year journey of a soul through the 8th underworld, quite parallel to Manny's journey, but with a sense that it's universal to all soul who pass. Later, that drawing also appeared in the game somewhere, something which made the save load screen even more symbolic. Amazing how little parallels and connections can make a difference.

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