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Messages - valter.home

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Technical forum / Re: Activities between two 3d animations
« on: April 18, 2016, 02:07:37 PM »
Thanks for your suggestion

General Discussion / Differences between WME and AGS forums
« on: April 11, 2016, 01:26:00 PM »
I continue asking myself the reason why there are such differences between WME and AGS forums.
Some of you wrote some time ago that the few actions in the forum depends on whether WME is a professional software and a large part of users do not have time to participate actively.
I not fully agree on this behavior that I believe was also one of the causes for which the development of WME has stopped besides the fact that I really see the few active SUPPORTER (donation, the spirit of donationware).
But really so many people think it is not appropriate to offer at least a beer to those who have dedicated so much time for this engine or spend a few minutes to help those in need (apart from the usual that respond)?
And meanwhile we ask clamoring WME 2.0.
About three months ago I posted a request for clarification on 2.5d and hidden geometry.
The post has been read by 1,122 people, then the forum is attended, WME is still alive (Shadows on the Vatican, The Lost Crown on Steam prove it), but needs change attitudes and participate in discussions.
My post received two responses with more than a thousand readings.
Newcomers now have to choose between AGS and WME (the best donationware engines), they  try  the software, read the forums, examine the games made with both.
If they want to develop retro games they choose AGS, if they want something more evolved they choose WME.
But those who choose WME begins to study and at the first difficulty ask for help (it can happen at the beginning, also in AGS forum).  Here no answer, they do not know how to do and end up switching to AGS where there is a question / answer continuously,  even very easy,  hoping they can achieve the same game they have in mind also with that engine.
I gave it up, going back to WME and hoping to be able to do everything on my own or with little aid arriving, but many others may not think exactly alike.

Why do not we accomplish a competition, such as a short game that takes place in two or three rooms ... or the best puzzle and open voting for them?
It could be a way to spice up the forum and show Mnemonic that his work is really appreciated as opposed to what it seems.

See you later.

Technical forum / Activities between two 3d animations
« on: April 09, 2016, 10:37:48 AM »
Hi everyone,
I'm working on an animation for my 3d character.
I have the "kneel down" animation, the character goes down, and "kneel_up", the character stands up.
Between the two animations I would put a actor.Talk and a Game.TakeItem.
My issue is that as soon as the first animation ends the character switches to the "idle" condition for a moment and then second  animation starts.
The visual effect is of course unwatchable, between the two animations you see the character who stands up (idle) and back down before making the second animation (kneel_up).
If I do not put instructions between the two animation, sequence is clean, the character goes down and stands up without unexpected frames.
I have tried several ways, with Async mode, with a while loop and IsAnimPlayer, with SetAnimTransitionTime but the results are not what you expect.
I can't add an action of any kind between the two animations without the character jumps to the condition "idle" before making the second animation.
Actually I've got some results assigning IdleAnimName = "kneel up" during the first animation and I restore IdleAnimName = "idle" during kneel_up animation, but is hazardous, if something goes wrong the character remains with wrong idle animation.
Some idea?

Game design / Re: Free Music Resource
« on: March 31, 2016, 04:45:18 PM »
Hi everyone,

I've received a lot of requests for sound effects, especially from game developers, so next week I'll be opening new pages with original free sound effects. Stay tuned!

Yeah, what we need often are the typical sounds, walk on different surfaces, open / close a door, knocking, various beeps, phone, clock, dog, cat, bird, car / motorcycle passing etc etc. And for each of these different tones to always use various tones in another rooms ...
On the Internet you can often find this material on multiple sites, it would be nice to find almost everything on just one...
Until now, though, thanks for your good work!

Technical forum / Re: Window Object and Scale Level
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:56:46 PM »
as far as I know windows are not subject to scale, thus even though it's in a container, if the container is not subject to scale then an object within it won't be either

Strangely the manual, in the section Script language reference, under the item Window object and also Entity container object, in the section Attributes of either, mentions Scalable with Movable, Rotatable and Colorable.

1. If you create an entity with create object, then it will be created at the top of the z-order for all scene based nodes,

I have created a sprite entity and a free entities directly in SceneEdit.
Moving them with the mouse on the screen the sprite was hidden depending on the location of the hotspots of some objects on the scene.
This happens in any position I put the sprite in the node window.

I have not, however, tried to create the object at runtime

you may be able to create an algorithm that reads the scene scale at a given Y point then applies a scale to the entity itself.

I'm not quite sure but I seem to have tried to change the scale at runtime (without a real algorithm) and I seem to remember that it did not work (with window container)

If this does not work, then another option would be to create a number of differently scales frames within a WME sprite. All you do then is have a persistent routine which checks the position of the Y of the object on the screen and selects the appropriate frame.

In this case I had done something similar with photoshop creating an animation of the item, about 20 frames from large to small and vice versa, also changing in the last few frames opacity to give the impression of fading, and it was ok, but how much work for each item!

Being able to use the scale level of Engine would be sufficient only one frame and the fade is created directly from the script

Technical forum / Re: Window Object and Scale Level
« on: March 23, 2016, 03:08:25 PM »
Thanks for your answers.
We were writing nearly all together :) .
I had found another solution, create a new layer and its own sprite and place it after Main. It seems to work, sprite is affected by the scale level and it is always on top, but perhaps some proposed solutions are better in terms of resource consumption ..? I'm going to try, my scenes are pretty heavy and where it is possible it is better to save too much work at the Engine.
Thank you.

Technical forum / Window Object and Scale Level
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:13:51 PM »
Hello to all,
I would need an object to be moved on the screen that is influenced by the scale level. It sounds easy... (maybe it is but I do not find the solution).
When the character acquires an item I want to release the item from the bottom, it rises up in the center of the screen and then enters in the icon inventory ...
This movement must be subject to the scale level.
The problem is that in my scene there are different objects, sprite entity, region entity, region, free entities and if to make the animation described above I use a sprite or a free entities (in accordance with the objects it encounters and their hotspot) it is not always visible but it remains covered by some objects.
The only solution I found is to use a window object that is always in front of all objects in the scene.
But despite the manual suggests the Scalable option the sprite does not change size according to the scale.
This using the sprite as a background of windows or as an Entity Container.
Does anyone have idea why the object in the windows is not affected by the scale of the scene or where I'm wrong?
Even alternative suggestions are welcome.
Thank you

Technical forum / Re: SceneEdit and its windows
« on: March 21, 2016, 02:12:17 PM »
I tried it on a win8 pc without getting this strange behavior.
So I formatted and reinstalled the tablet, now is ok.
Thank you

Technical forum / Re: SceneEdit and its windows
« on: March 20, 2016, 09:41:47 PM »
Hi Mnemonic,
I tried this but they will stick only horizontally.
It is a tablet with Windows 8. This does not happen on PCs with Seven but I don't think this is the problem.
I am surprised by this strange behavior. Given the window remembers the layout is possible that is there somewhere a inf file to be checked manually?

Technical forum / SceneEdit and its windows
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:44:21 PM »
Hello to all,
I have a little problem with Scenes Edit.
The two windows Scene and Properties became separated from the main window and I can't put them in their place.
I have tried using the SceneEdit menu (various options and reset) or dragging them manually, but they only go to full screen or at the top but do not stick to the left in their original position.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled WME and used CClenear to clean up files and registry.
No result (when I open the file menu it shows me even the last open files).
Perhaps is there a configuration file in Windows that I could delete or edit manually?

Technical forum / Re: Custom attributes
« on: March 13, 2016, 02:18:50 PM »
Hello eborr,
I too had the same problem and I thought that it was a non-modifiable behavior set programmatically.
In my case it was a region where the character was walking with a particular sound of footsteps.
Later it rains and the sound of footsteps changes.
Changing scene and coming back in it the sound of footsteps was reset.
I solved by creating a global variable as myScene.wet and I initialize it to true when I change the sound.
Then back in the scene I check in scene_init.script if the variable is true and in this case I change the sound again.
Having to check only one region this system to me is fine, I don't know if you have to manage many more nodes / regions.

Bug reports / Re: object1
« on: March 12, 2016, 05:42:58 PM »
Thanks for this alert.

Technical forum / Re: ANN: The future of WME
« on: March 10, 2016, 10:44:24 AM »
I'm afraid that's all stopped.
This is a great pity because despite the engine is no longer updated for several years I consider it better and more powerful than Visionaire which is continually updated (and it costs Euro 49,00).
The 2.5d offered by Visio has features significantly lower than that of WME.
With WME currently you can still create excellent games, but later?
Mnemonic long ago had said that maybe WME would be resurrected in another form ... I'd be willing to buy it.
Have you some news Mnemonic?  ::rock

Technical forum / Re: Strange artifact on scaled png
« on: March 05, 2016, 09:10:27 AM »
I too have always reduced as much as possible my PNG without issues.
In any case you say that even the sprite where you left edges has a very thin line, I don't think that the problem is how you cut sprites.
You always use the same software to save your PNG?

Technical forum / Re: Strange artifact on scaled png
« on: March 04, 2016, 06:55:16 PM »
Have you tried to simply use molly without using characters created by other software?
I am currently working on a 2.5D game but I have never seen these lines even on personal sprite.
If it does not happen with molly it is a good starting point to find the problem ...

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