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Topics - nikolas

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Help wanted and offered / North By Sound l Audio Productions l
« on: June 14, 2010, 11:42:40 PM »

Two of the computer game industry's seasoned music composers, Thomas Regin (Bergen, Norway) and Nikolas Sideris (Athens, Greece), have joined forces and launched an Audio Production company, called North By Sound.

Having set up an excellent communication channel between the two studios, Studio A(thens) and Studio B(ergen) we have already begun working on a number of computer games to be released shortly!

North By Sound Audio Productions demoreels can be found in the following locations: (orchestral) and (contemporary)

Nikolas holds a PhD in composition, University of London, and his music has been performed all around the world (USA, UK, The Netherlands...). Thomas comes from a composer-position at a high-profile audio production house in San Francisco and is self-taught with a passion for orchestral music.

For more information and more than 20 full tracks and videos please visit our website at:

If you wish to contact us please e-mail us at:

Our credits list includes high-profile titles as well as smaller indiependent games. Between us we have scored more than 50 game titles for both major and minor game developers and publishers throughout the world and we are ready to take on the next challenge!

We hope to hear from you soon and by able to offer our services as composers and sound designers.

Nikolas and Thomas

Hi all,

First of all I hope that it's allowed to make a second thread here (since I already have one dated back in 2007 or so). I'm Nikolas Sideris, a composer and sound designer, with extensive studies in music. I hold a PhD in composition (viva/interview pending) and an MMus in composition from the University of London, as well as other music degrees.

I've worked for more than 3 years now in the field and previous titles, mainly adventure games, include Diamonds in the Rough, Carrion Re-animating, Thale Cres, A Tale of Two Kingdoms and I'm currently working on Resonance by XIIGames.

I'd like to offer my services as a composer and sound designer to anyone interested! Only paid projects, please.

My demoreels can be found

Reviews on my previous work on computer games:
The music, composed by Nikolas Sideris, is highly professional and polished.  It adds a mood to the game that is perfect for the storyline. Checking out Mr. Sideris’ website, it is apparent that he is a man of no small talent and is experienced with scoring adventure games.

Background musical scores are quite remarkable. Samples of these are available for download on the game's website. The scores change not only with location but with the mood of the game. At times, when I wanted Jason to reflect a bit (compare Thoughts Panel items), I'd direct him to the library or pub, where relaxing rhythms were on offer. DITR's score is as good as any I've ever heard in an adventure game.

On the contrary, the music of the game is simply stunning. Each motif playing like a musical carpet is always very beautiful and captures the mood of the scene, while depending on the action it changes accordingly. So, when you find a new clue there will be a music crescento, and while you move further in the game the music themes are so great that at some points I just had to stop playing in order to listen to them. The composer did a fantastic job and he deserves our congratulations.

For more information and contact info as well as complete tracks (as opposed to chopped off ones found in the demoreels) please visit my website at

Thanks for reading,

Nikolas Sideris


Hi all.
There is already a thread about me, but it was made 2-3 years ago, and I feel that I really have moved on since then, so I would like to take this opportunity and re-introduce myself, my work and the services I can offer.

My name is Nikolas Sideris and I'm a composer and sound designer. I'm finishing in the end of 2008 my Phd in composition. Other formal qualifications include an MMus in composition, with distinction, degrees in harmony and counterpoint and a diploma in piano, with distinction.

Following are some examples of my work. More samples can be heard in my website at ||Nikolas Sideris||

Dragon. An epic, orchestral track with loud recognisable melody and big percussion!
The Forgotten Element. A calm orchestral track, with a choir and the soprano Sofia Zarani
Paws. A short loop, in retro style.
Ed. Some jazz, with solist the trombonist Robin Jessome.
Evil. A nu metal track, featuring heavy guitars, heavy bass, heavy drums and heavy processing.
Inferno. An industrial track, with heavily distorted bass lines.
Exeliksis For String Orchestra. A contemporary classical piece, conducted by Neil Ferris. As a classically trained composer, I can create scores and playable parts for a live orchestra, should the need arise and budget permiting.

I can provide music to picture, whether this is a normal video, or story based animation:
with normal orchestration,

but also provide music and inovative sound design for more abstract animation:
All sounds were created from piano and strings samples.

or even some sick soundtrack for an otherwise cute animation:
made from bits and pieces of audio material from a string quartet.

As a sound designer I can supply sound effects, readily available from the top libraries altered for the needs of each situation, or custom made, realistic or abstract. Very able in audio manipulation, any treatment I can be given in audio files, including cleaning up voice acting, matching volume, creation of effects based on existing recordings, etc.

My PhD thesis, includes 2 music creations, which are accompanied by the appropriate software and are closely related to interactive elements in music. Different layers in a music track, or adaptive music should present no problem.

Following is a list of computer games I've worked on, providing music, sound design and sound effects.

Resonance (unreleased), by XII Games
Diamonds in the Rough, by Atropos Studios
A Tale Of Two Kingdoms, by Crystal Shard studios
Thale Cres, by brothers Noren
What Linus Bruckman Sees When His Eyes Are Closed, by XII Games

For more information, or a quote, or maybe a friendly chat, please contact me at mail *AT* nikolas-sideris *DOT* com.

Nikolas Sideris


Just joined the WEF and I find it just great.
I'm a composer studying through my PhD in London (actually starting in Octomber).
I love computer games and I'd very much like to write music for the computer. Any genre. (except Jazz, please...)
If anybody is interested, PM or e-mail me and

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