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Messages - scutheotaku

Pages: [1]
Hi all,

I'm interested in composing music for a game or two. My style is definitely more on the electronic side of things, though feel free to give examples of different styles you're after and I can give some thoughts and samples.

As far as in the realm of electronic music...anything from House, Dubstep, Techno, Trance, Pop, etc... to ambient, IDM/Braindance, experimental, "Tron" (both the original and Tron:Legacy), 70's moody electronic movie soundtrack, Giorgio Moroder, etc...

You can hear some examples of my music on these two websites, though most of this is much more in the House and club side of things: (old)

Some particular examples-
A more "organic" style:
"Chillout" dance music, sort of ambient:
Classic, club-centric Filter House:
"80's driving music":
Instrumental pop:
Downtempo/old school electro/trip-hop/instrumental hip hop:
New Jack Swing meets Nu Disco?:
Kind of a "complextro" type thing, I suppose:
Indie dance type track:
Disco tech/filter house:
Another "indie dance" type track:
Filter house:
Chillout/glitch/jazz house:
Funky, deep, club-centric house:
Braindance? (more AFX than Aphex Twin though, I suppose):
More filter house:
Filter house:
I was never fond of this track, but it got me in a magazine, so...:



Game design / Re: Good 2D art tutorials?
« on: August 09, 2009, 04:03:36 PM »
Thanks guys, this really helps :)

Technical forum / Re: "faking" 3d scenes with an actor?
« on: August 05, 2009, 01:45:51 AM »
The two problems that I can think are-
1. Collisions. Can you rotate a .3ds Geometry File in real-time?
2. Lights. Can lights be moved in realtime, or are they "baked"?

1. No (unless it is an actor file)
2. No

Well, the lighting does mess it up. So that narrows it down to a Myst-style cartoony game with static ambient lighting, lol.

Well, atleast now I know :)

Technical forum / Re: "faking" 3d scenes with an actor?
« on: August 05, 2009, 12:06:39 AM »
You can not animate the camera or lights or anything like that

I don't think you quite get what I mean. Here is a more detailed description-

On the scene you have no background. The entire visual part of the scenery is a 3d actor file (hereby referred to as the actor). If the player wanted to turn right (perhaps by pushing a key, or clicking to turn like in Myst), the actor would rotate left, and then any entities would move with it (though not move in 3d space, they would merely move in a 2d space and, if possible, be scaled horizontally depending on angle). There would be no camera that is rotating, everything would be rotating around one center point where this "camera" would be.

The two problems that I can think are-
1. Collisions. Can you rotate a .3ds Geometry File in real-time?
2. Lights. Can lights be moved in realtime, or are they "baked"?

Now collisions would not be an issue in a first person game with predefined turn and movement rates (like Myst). But in a third person game or in a first person game with variable speed and rotation it would obviously be a problem (unless you can rotate the Geometry Files, which I doubt). Lights would be the real deal-breaker (except, of course, in a 2D looking 3D game).

And on it being painful to design scenes this way, I think if done right it wouldn't be THAT bad. Essentially the entities wouldn't be that bad once a base formula was made to properly move the entities and (if possible) scale their sprites with turning. I think this is most realistic in a Myst-style game (with, like I stated above, predefined turns and movements), and once the base setup was done I would MUCH rather do it this way then render FMVs - but then again, I'm not much of an artist.

But yeah, I'm just thinking - sorry if I'm being bothersome or newbish  :)


Technical forum / Re: "faking" 3d scenes with an actor?
« on: August 04, 2009, 01:36:10 PM »
You cannot create realtime 3D Scenes with Wintermute. 2.5D Simply means that you use pre-rendered or hand-drawn backgrounds with 3D Characters in it. Thats all. If you want real 3D, you can check out ogre, but you need good knowledge of C++ Programming Language for that, and I don't know if there's any adventure-related stuff available for ogre for free.

The only 3D you use in Wintermute is the Geometry File, which is simply a file which contains INformation on where the 3D Charater may walk, where Shadows should be cast, and so on.

Yes, I understand this. What I am saying is having a 3D scene by using an actor file.

EDIT : And I do see a few advantages. One would be faking 3d movement by moving the "scene/actor" file towards the "camera" when moving forward, and rotating it around a center axis (where the "camera" would be) when the "camera" turns.

Technical forum / "faking" 3d scenes with an actor?
« on: August 04, 2009, 05:19:33 AM »
Hey, I don't quite understand how the 2.5D part of Wintermute works (I'm actually really a newb to the engine as a whole), but I was wondering - wouldn't it be possible to do fully 3D scenes by have another actor in the room as the 3D model for the scene? My thought is you'd have that actor, then you'd either do the blocked areas in the scene editor, or have a .3ds for the scene walk paths (like you normally do with 2.5D as it is). Would this work? Would there really be any point to it (real-time lighting is the only thing I can think of at the moment)? And would this break the stencil shadows for the "player" actor (i.e. the actor wouldn't properly project shadows onto the scene)?


PS : Sorry for all the questions lately, I'm just trying to get a good grip on this engine ;D

Technical forum / Re: First person view?
« on: August 03, 2009, 05:42:44 AM »
Yeah, that's what I meant. But no, I love puzzles  ;D.

And I think I will try Pahelika. I looked at some screenies and read a little about it and it looked pretty good.

Technical forum / Re: First person view?
« on: August 02, 2009, 05:55:21 AM »
Thanks! I should be able to figure it out from that, but I'll make sure to let you know if I can't  ;D

Oh, and I agree, first person games CAN be awesome (unless of course it's some pixel hunting game, but that's just my opinion :)

Technical forum / First person view?
« on: August 02, 2009, 03:21:44 AM »
 So I was wondering, how would I go about making an adventure with a first person view? So basically there would be no actor and you'd just click things like normal to use them. So kinda like Myst without the turning around.

I searched the forums a little bit and saw someone mention something about and example or tutorial for this, though I haven't been able to find one.


Technical forum / Re: Four-directional movement
« on: July 31, 2009, 09:27:32 PM »
Isn't this just talking about the animations? Because I have done that (only defined four), and my actor still walks diagonally but it triggers whichever sprite is closest to the direction (i.e. 160 degrees is the Left facing sprite, 20 degrees is the Right facing sprite, 135 degrees is the Up facing sprite, etc...). If I'm wrong, please correct me ;D

Another good program is GraphicsGale. It's more aimed at pixeling then something like PS, but has a ton of features. It's great for making animated sprites.

The free version has-
Edit Animation Graphic (Real-time preview, Multiple layers, Onion skin...)
Image Browse
Batch Conversion
Acquire Image from TWAIN
Save and Load BMP,JPEG,PNG,TGA
Save and Load AVI (without audio)

There is also a commerical version with more features (1,995 yen, roughly 21 USD).

Technical forum / Re: Four-directional movement
« on: July 31, 2009, 08:46:07 PM »
Thanks. I think I'm just going to have to try and figure out how to draw my actors in 3/4.

Game design / Good 2D art tutorials?
« on: July 31, 2009, 06:44:08 PM »
First of all, sorry if this is in the wrong place. It's the only place that I saw that fit my topic.

And here's my problem : I suck at drawing characters. Well, at least for the type of game I'm making (think early Monkey Island or early King's Quest style). I can draw an alright Left/Right walking animation, and I can draw a decent Up/Down idle animation, but when it comes to Up/Down animated or anything 3/4 (Up-Left, Up-Right, Down-Left, Down-Right) I am lost. So basically, my question is two-fold- Do you guys know of any good tutorials for this type of art and perspective (any tutorials or templates I can find are either terrible, or they're are of the JRPG style), and do you guys have any tips?


Technical forum / Re: Four-directional movement
« on: July 31, 2009, 06:28:33 PM »
Yep, exactly.

Is this even possible without changing the source code? The more I look through the manual, the more I think 8-directional is hard-coded into the source code.

Technical forum / *SOLVED (well kinda :)* Four-directional movement
« on: July 31, 2009, 02:21:03 PM »
Hey guys,

First of all, I just wanted to say that this is a great engine and I'm really enjoying working with it. I still a newbie to it, but I've managed to make a few rooms and connect them all together, and it all seems pretty easy to work with.

Now, here's my question - Is there any way to make it so my actor only does movement in four directions? I know the whole thing on how you can define just four direction sprites and it will choose which one depending on the direction, but that's not quite what I mean. Here is an example to explain what I mean - Say I'm at coordinates (8,8) and I click to move my actor to coordinates (6,6). My actor would then (assuming there was nothing to block him anywhere) move to (8,6) then to (6,6), as opposed to go diagonally straight to (6,6).



[PS : The main reason I want to do this is because I'm not really the best artist in the world (well, I'm pretty good at things, but not at people and especially not at animation), and I can only manage to draw my actor going in four directions.]

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