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Messages - jzco

Pages: [1]
WME sources discussion / Re: Project Manager & Scene Editor Sources
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:17:46 PM »
Ok, once again thank you odnorf.

@Mnemonic :
Can you, please, release the source code of tools (WME Project Manager, WME Sprite Editor,WME Scene Editor).
My idea is to change/add more generated code capability from interface on wme1.

Thanks and continue your great job.

WME sources discussion / Re: Project Manager & Scene Editor Sources
« on: March 14, 2012, 06:37:50 PM »
Thanks odnorf.

May i ask if it is for some particular reason or just don't want nobody to improve/change those old tools but yet very used by our community.


WME sources discussion / Project Manager & Scene Editor Sources
« on: March 14, 2012, 01:40:23 PM »

I can't find the source code of Project Manager and Scene Editor. I will like to contribute adding improvements on this 2 tools.

Can someone give me the repository link ?


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