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Messages - Javi-Wan Kenobi

Pages: [1] 2 3
Technical forum / Re: Run game on Linux or Unix
« on: August 03, 2008, 04:41:53 PM »
I don't think he was implying that we don't care about the thread, I think he was saying that we should ignore the thread because he answered his own question.
That's right, maybe I didn't express it very well (my english isn't as good as I'd wish), but that's the idea.
Thanks anyway

Technical forum / Re: Run game on Linux or Unix
« on: August 03, 2008, 02:37:49 PM »
Well, don't you care about this thread.
The main goal was to run my game on the Wii using the homebrew Linux or Unix, but I've read a bit more about them, and since they currently support very few RAM and they didn't support the WiiMote, it's usless for me. Maybe later, with new and more powerful versions of the Linux for Wii...

Technical forum / Run game on Linux or Unix
« on: August 03, 2008, 10:08:16 AM »
I've created a WME game on Windows Vista.
Now, I want to play it in other computers, running on Linux or Unix. I don't know much about this systems, but I've read it's possible.
Can someone give me a step-by-step explanation on how to run a WME game in one of these OS?

Technical forum / Re: A little trouble with Game.PlayMusic
« on: April 15, 2008, 02:09:07 PM »
I think the size of music files doesn't matter, OGG files are the best for WME (IMHO).

You shouldn't compress music files inside the package that contain the ogg files (in ProjectManager go to menu Project->Project settings->Filters tab), you could see there a text field named 'do not compress'. You should have a text like this "*.wav;*.ogg;*.png" (without quotes). Try to see if that's your problem.

I did that, it works fine know.
Thanks a lot.

Technical forum / A little trouble with Game.PlayMusic
« on: April 15, 2008, 10:30:11 AM »
When I was developing and debugging my game, the game.PlayMusic("somemusicfile") lines worked fine.
With the compiled game, these script lines take a lot of time (five secons or so) to run. May it be because the music files are too big (and they're compressed on the music.dcp file)  It will work faster with these files uncompressed?
The original music files are ogg files, from 5 to 15 MB. What's the best file format and file size for a better efficiency?

Technical forum / Problem with "nested" variables
« on: February 28, 2008, 07:28:37 PM »
I want keep a series of data from a scene in the Statescene variable.
Since many of the data are arrays, I declare them like this in the scene_init.script:
Code: [Select]
  StateSomewhere.Visited = true;

  // this is our first visit in this scene...
  StateSomewhere.p1 = new Array("eje1", 108, 39);
  StateSomewhere.p2 = new Array("eje1", -94, 18);
  StateSomewhere.p3 = new Array("eje1", -94, 18);
  StateSomewhere.p4 = new Array("eje1", -94, 18);
  StateSomewhere.c1 = new Array(4, 3, 2, 1);
  StateSomewhere.c2 = new Array();
  StateSomewhere.c3 = new Array();
// etc...
But the problem come later, when I want to use those variables, for example:
Code: [Select]
//make something useful
Code: [Select]
//do something

If I make a variable like

global test = StateSomewhere.c1;

and then I call (for example) test.Length or test[2], there are no problems, but, will the changes made to test affect the original StateSomewhere.c1 variable?

Technical forum / Re: Change walking animation in some scenes
« on: December 26, 2007, 02:28:26 PM »
OK, thanks, I'll check it.
Since it's new in the 1.8 version, I haven't seen it before (I've updated recently)

Technical forum / Change walking animation in some scenes
« on: December 26, 2007, 12:00:36 PM »
I have a 2D actor with a default walking animation (walk.sprite), with a delay of 90ms and a movement of 12 pixels for each frame (well, it may change depending on the direction, but that's the idea).
It works great in most scenes, but in some others, the character is very small (scale 10%) and he moves exasperatingly slow.
¿Can I create a faster animation and make the actor use it just in these scenes and, when exiting the scene, return to the default animation?
Or, ¿can I change the delay or movements values of the default animation just for these scenes and, when exiting the scene, return them to the previous values?

I think I can do it with a whole new actor with the fast animations, changing between both actors when entering/exiting the scene, but ¿can I do it without changing the actor?

Technical forum / Re: Remember entity positions
« on: October 07, 2007, 02:11:17 PM »
Maybe I say something wild, but if there isn't a lot of entities in the scene (there isn't a lot of pieces on the torn note), you can try adding subvariables to the StateSceneName variable, something like

StateSceneName.posX, StateSceneName.posY and StateSceneName.direction

for every piece of the note.
Since the StateSceneName variable is a global one, it will remember the position and orientation of the pieces.

It's an idea, maybe it can be improved.

Technical forum / Two playing actors
« on: October 04, 2007, 10:29:23 PM »
I think I've read about this, but I can't find it.
It's possible to have two playing actors, each with his own inventory, and change between them, just like in "Day of the Tentacle" or "Fred & Jeff: A movie adventure".
You can send me to the appropiate post if this is already answered.

Technical forum / Re: Question on packages
« on: September 26, 2007, 12:03:04 PM »

Technical forum / Question on packages
« on: September 26, 2007, 10:59:28 AM »
I have a little question concerning packages.
My game has music and voices, but, since the distribution channel may have size restrictions, I've made several package folders: The main game data package, the localized texts and images package, the localiced voices package and the music package.
If someone wants, for exampple, to have a "lighter" version of the game, he can download only the two first packages.
Then, when the scripts arrives to a "Talk" sentence, I understand it searchs the file in the "speech" folder (which is in the voices package) and if it doesn't find it, it just present the text on screen and it works OK.
It works the same way with the music? If it doesn't find the file, it just skip the line and works OK?

Another question a little harder.
I have an Options menu window in which the player can select to show or not show the subtitles. Since the player may download or not the voices package, I want to disable the buttons when he only has the main packages, and enable them only when he has the voices package.
My idea is having the options.script file with the disabled buttons in the main data package, and another options.script file with the enabled buttons in the voices package, which will overwrite or replace someway the previous file. Is that possible?

Technical forum / Re: Problem with debugging startup scene
« on: September 20, 2007, 11:55:16 AM »
Oh, I'm so stupid... ::)
The only problem was that the Debug Mode wasn't active.
Thanks anyway.

Technical forum / Problem with debugging startup scene
« on: September 20, 2007, 11:23:38 AM »
I don't know if I've changed something important in my scripts, but now it happens that every time I run the game from the project manager, por debugging purposes, the game starts with the first scene, the one I've selected in the game.script file, no matter what scene is selected in the Debugging Settings -> Startup Scene option.
What's happening? Any ideas?

Technical forum / Re: Need help working with globle variables
« on: May 22, 2007, 07:27:15 AM »
Surely some other people may help you much better than I can, but I think that your problem is the same I had at the beginning of my project.
It is my understating global variables carry over from scene to scene.
I understood that too, so I was confused the same way. Now I understand: the global variables really carry over from scene to scene, so you can use one in a scene and you can use it in other scene, having the same value you left it the last time you used it, no matter what scene was. But you always have to define the variable in the scripts you want to use it.

The solution is to write the line
Code: [Select]
global progress;in every script where that variable is used (say, the "scene_init.script" of both scenes, the bookcase object code, the script for the character conversation...), not only in one of them.

Other solution may be defining the variable in the "" file. Since all the script files contains by default the
Code: [Select]
#include "scripts\" line, it makes that the global variable will be always defined.

One more thing:
Watch out for this line:
Code: [Select]
        progress.bookknown==”true”;If you want this line change the progress.bookkonwn value to true, it must be
Code: [Select]
        progress.bookknown=”true”;It's an error I usually have too and many times is difficult to see.
= for operations (say, change the value of the variables)
== for comparisons (logical operations, like conditions in "while" or "if" statements...)

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