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Messages - Lion

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How to make that the animation of conversation consisting of 3 parts was play:

- the beginning of conversation,

- looped animation of conversation

- and the termination of conversation?


I have a gait at the character.

How to me to make that it on each step had a random sound of steps?

To attach directly to sprite a random sound it is impossible...

How to make that a sound it was play from a script with positioning(panning)?


on "LeftClick"
   this. PlaySound ("sounds \hexagon_rotate_left.ogg", false);

does not work, the sound always sounds in the center.

Yes all is good, but our publisher speaks that at still more many monitors of 15 inches with the resolution 800x600.

And we do game in 1024x768. And I know such engines for 2D games where there is an opportunity to switch the resolution.

It is bad. But you can make simple updating of a WME.
All is necessary for you of coordinate in pixels to translate in relative units.

x = 0 pixel        - 0 unit (x / 1024.0),
x = 1024 pixel  - 1 unit.

y = 0 pixel        - 0 unit (y / 768.0),
y = 768 pixel    - 1 unit.

Then all with coordinates can be carried out operations under the formula:

X = (x / 1024.0) * width
Y = (y / 768.0) * height

the current resolution width * height

Game is developed for 1024 x 768, and to start it it will be possible in 800 x 600 or in greater.

So many engines of your competitors are made.
Our publisher very much wants, that game was started in different resolutions.

At us game resolution 1024 x 768, whether is an opportunity to start
it in other resolution 800 x 600?

Whether It is possible to run for animation during long loading a scene?
I tried DiplayLoadingIcon, but animation sprite does not work...

I wish to make moving of the actor to a concrete position of waypoint.
How it is possible to receive coordinates of waypoints of scene?

Technical forum / Re: One actor comes on other actor
« on: September 10, 2006, 06:07:58 PM »
About, perfectly, it almost that that is necessary.

actor1.GoTo(actor2.X-1, actor2.Y) Goes to a left edge of a blocking region
actor1.GoTo(actor2.X+1, actor2.Y) Goes to a right edge of a blocking region
actor1.GoTo(actor2.X, actor2.Y-1) Goes to the top edge of a blocking region
actor1.GoTo(actor2.X, actor2.Y+1) Goes to the bottom edge of a blocking region

It are necessary to make only scaling of a blocking region.

Technical forum / Re: One actor comes on other actor
« on: September 10, 2006, 12:55:17 PM »
I did various forms of blocking regions for the actor (narrow, wide and as a rhombus).

      POINT {  0,-50}
      POINT { 50,  0}
      POINT {  0, 50}
      POINT {-50,  0}

      POINT {  0,-55}
      POINT { 55,  0}
      POINT {  0, 55}
      POINT {-55,  0}

And on the command actor1.GoTo(actor2.X, actor2.Y), one actor approaches to the lowermost point
of blocking region of other actor.

Whence he would not go. Here something not so works.

You could not see and write an example of blocking region.
That one actor approached to another at the left or on the right,
depending on a direction of his movement.


How to transform floating-point data type to integer data type?

var ttt = 250 / 10;  (floating-point data type)

var fff = ttt; (integer data type) ????

Technical forum / Re: One actor comes on other actor
« on: September 02, 2006, 12:10:09 PM »
Whether you plan to correct it in the near future?

It is good that the actor goes to the nearest accessible point.
But why he always goes to top of a BLOCKED_REGION and when does not go to left or to the right to edge?

Technical forum / Re: One actor comes on other actor
« on: August 31, 2006, 08:09:40 PM »
I have put to actors of adjustment:

      POINT {-60,-45}
      POINT { 60,-45}
      POINT { 60, 45}
      POINT {-60, 45}

      POINT {-65,-50}
      POINT { 65,-50}
      POINT { 65, 50}
      POINT {-65, 50}

Now they began to bypass each other.

But there are some questions:

- Whether takes into account BLOCKED_REGION and WAYPOINTS scaling of objects of a level?
BLOCKED_REGION Can be big on one scene and small on another, depending on scaling.

- Why on function actor.GoTo (this.X, this.Y), the actor always approaches to top border BLOCKED_REGION?
And one actor closes another. Why he does not approach on a straight line to the nearest point BLOCKED_REGION?

Technical forum / Re: One actor comes on other actor
« on: August 28, 2006, 07:33:24 PM »
I has downloaded last version WME, but a difference has not seen.

By a call  this.GoTo(actor.X, actor.Y), one actor becomes exact on a place of another.

And it is necessary to me, that he has approached closely for conversation...

Something is necessary:

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