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tutorial desk script
« on: March 03, 2007, 07:45:08 AM »

Without this script, Molly starts at the defined startup position just fine.  Everything works well.

When I add the desk script, letter perfect and in the proper place in the file tree, Molly appears, moves to the position at the desk on her own.  When I test the icons, she moves to and faces the closet and goes through the "blahs".  What gives?  Why does the actor take my saved desk position as the initial start position?  Why then move away to a third, undefined position?

Later... Still stumped.  The exit the scene via the door script works perfectly.  I've read logs, tried many things, still no luck with the desk.  Only now, the actor starts at proper place, then goes to the closet on the click on the desk.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2007, 09:51:50 AM by the_taxman »


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Re: tutorial desk script
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2007, 10:00:56 AM »

You can define the "walk to" position for each scene object easily in SceneEdit. Select the object in node list (for example the desk), then use the actor placement tool and setup the actor appropriately. Then click the "<" button on the left sidebar and you're done. The script attached to desk should then only contain something like actor.GoToObject(this); that is, "go to desk". The actor will then use the walk-to point you assigned to desk in SceneEdit.
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Re: tutorial desk script
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2007, 08:07:47 PM »

Yeah, thanks.  I read ahead and found that option.

I knew this was going to happen. (look like a complete noob) Anyway, this is what the problem was.

As usual, you have to do EXACTLY as instructed.  No shortcuts.  To create a script, you MUST create it in the  Scene_tut.wpr ....MyScene\scr\   as instructed.  Then you MUST go to the SceneEdit (being sure to highlight the proper node(I made this mistake)) and click the scripts button and work through the overwrite(yes) notice, edit script in the Scripts for .... object window, and finally get to the notepad.

Upon completion, save notepad file, close it, OK the Scripts for...object window, and save the SceneEdit.

A lot of steps, some of which will probably be eliminated as redundant in future versions.

Thanks Admin.  Just a short intro to who I am.

XOPS unofficial homepage - I wrote many of the guides - It was Japanese, translated by a Russian, and further clarified by me, a Canadian.  I created some workarounds for some of the bugs in that freeware and highlighted some options no one knew about.  Made many missions.  Never thought I'd find some authoring freeware that was as easy to use as XOPS block and point editors until I stumbled upon this.(so far)  I know QBasic, some DarkBasic.  Big supporter of freeware.  Looking forward to being a product tester for you.


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