Hi there!
Got a strange problem and hope somebody can help.
While playing the demo I noticed some white spots/pixels on the edge of my character.
Opened with Photoshop and underlayed with a dark background there's absolutely nothing special to see.
I tried to figure out what the problem is but i haven't got a clue.
The entire graphics we use in our game are .png without interlace and RGB colors in 8 Bit.
I also tried 24 and 32 Bit - for nothing. I've changed the format to .tga with alpha channel for a transparent background - without success.
I've taken a look into the WME Sprite Editor but didn't find a solution.
Here's a part of a screenshot with focus on the white spots.
If you can't see them, please zoom in:
When the character is standing in brighter scenes the spots aren't really noticable ... but in darker scenes it's kinda ugly, especially when playing in fullscreen.
Any ideas?
Shame on me.
I totally overlooked this one:
http://forum.dead-code.org/index.php?topic=5343.0But to be honest i don't really understand what needs to be done ...