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Messages - Jeroen

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Feature requests, suggestions / Re: 3D characters discussion
« on: June 20, 2005, 10:14:10 AM »
I don't have experience with cal3d. Strange that every game dev company kind of re-invents the wheel by developing their own format.
I think its important that good importers/exporters exist (e.g MAX and MAYA exporters to e.g Cal3d).

Technical forum / Re: moving 3d objects
« on: June 20, 2005, 10:09:15 AM »
Aaaah I didn't know such a command already existed! I was thinking AddMesh did something different.

Feature requests, suggestions / Re: 3D characters discussion
« on: June 18, 2005, 09:38:05 AM »
Hey there Jan,

What also could be an option is to support B3D which is the 3D animation+mesh format for BlitzBasic. An open format specification is available on the website (I can look it up for you if you like). There are several third party tools that support exporting/importing to this format. What is cool is that it supports "weighted bones" animation (3ds does not. darn I wish I could explain this better). B3D generally keeps more information inside the format than e.g 3ds files. For example, you can say "the head must be shiny and the limbs musn't".

If WME wants to support 3d characters, I guess 3ds won't cut it (and maybe B3D too). Perhaps WME could have its own format where for example the technical focus is on facial expressions and such? 

Also, it would be cool to be able to do this (pseudo code):

Code: [Select]
var gun = loadMesh("gun");
var arm = actor.getBone("arm"); // find the bone called "arm"
gun.parentEntity(arm); // attach the gun to the arm limb. NULL = detach.
gun.turnEntity(40,0,0); // turn the gun so that it positions the right way.

Now, the actor is walking with the gun!

I must admit I never fiddled with 3d characters in WME (Project Joe only has some pre-rendered characters as you know) but 3d is a very important
feature for WME I think.

General Discussion / Re: 3D characters public test
« on: October 23, 2004, 07:39:53 PM »
EDIT: Damn. I should have read the other pages. I was looking at an old demo.

1) does the demo run at all?

2) do you see a shadow at character's feet?

3) is the character affected by colored lights?

4) does the demo exhibit any unexpected graphical glitches?

- Is Trinity supposed to not visible when walking behind the gray boxes?
I can see her walk through those boxes (z-ordering problem or it's on purpose, I don't know)
- When walking towards the chair, the chair becomes "dimmed" (full colors dissapear)
Incorrect z-order (Trinity in front of chair)
- Technically: the scrolling does weird things (shakes). Perhaps it has something
to do with the walking path.

5) what videocard do you use with how much videomemory?
ATI Radeon 9700 pro with 128 MB memory. Direct X 9.

6) what's the approximate FPS (a the upper left corner)?
190 FPS

General Discussion / Re:Silence detection question
« on: August 21, 2003, 12:11:12 PM »
Batch conversion all the way!  ;D

General Discussion / Re:Someone, please lend me $85,000
« on: August 20, 2003, 10:17:36 AM »
Hahaha no it was just a joke :D
Cameron Diaz is just for moral support. Like a Windows wallpaper  :-\

General Discussion / Re:Silence detection question
« on: August 20, 2003, 10:14:58 AM »
Yes, but if it isn't realtime I'd have to adjust and browse through approx 1000 samples of samples - silence detection IMHO should be an exception where you enter something like this in the actor definition:

SilenceDetectionMinVolume = 10
SilenceDetectionMinDelay = 30
SilenceSprite = mySprite.sprite
// when the volume drops below 10 for 30ms the sprite reverts to SilenceSprite.

OR if this will be a performance dropper, a TALK editor tool should be smart enough to detect silence parts in a sample.

Feature requests, suggestions / Re:TODO list online
« on: August 19, 2003, 02:10:54 PM »
Somewhat I feel a bit guilty when I read the list  ::)

General Discussion / Re:Someone, please lend me $85,000
« on: August 19, 2003, 02:09:50 PM »
Hehe yeah, she was going to and also Chuck Norris, but I guess the game is way out of their league...They even didn't respond to my mails  :P

General Discussion / Re:Yay
« on: August 19, 2003, 02:08:15 PM »
At least I'm a REAL newbie with Glumol :P

General Discussion / Re:Someone, please lend me $85,000
« on: August 19, 2003, 01:07:37 AM »
Maybe I can get a discount if I ask Cameron to blow the bubbles. I can buy and ordinary bathtub then.

General Discussion / Re:Terminator hacked
« on: August 19, 2003, 01:06:46 AM »
LOL I love those "mistakes" :D

General Discussion / Re:Yay
« on: August 19, 2003, 01:04:15 AM »
SCFI: Jep very true :) Todd gave me the theory to pathfinding in his engine, so I made it work in Flash, as an experiment, but it turned out to be very slow in Flash (back then I used version 5, MX is lots better with scripting).

Well although I fiddle around with WME a lot (fromout a version that Jan doesnt even WANT to put in his history ;)), I haven't experimented as much as you guys did. Fromout the beginning my focus was programming on Joe and bombarding Jan with feature requests and ideas. So that is why I'm glad to see the little experiments with DLLs and the sun-lens flare stuff.

Technical forum / Re:Easter Egg ?
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:35:16 PM »
Most of the programmers are posting stuff in their underwear on forums in the middle of the night  ;D

Help wanted and offered / Second animator and musician wanted
« on: August 18, 2003, 08:32:24 PM »
Hi Y'all!

Synthetix Interactive is looking for a musician to join the project. Also, we're looking for a second animator to team up with Mikel and Dennis.

I'll keep it short; you do the asking :-)


please contact me: jeroen AT theclue DOT nl

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