I wouldn't call it HATE, but here goes:
WME - engine
1, certain improper script behavior (case as a case in point, nesting I know all of this will be in WME 2).
2, additional layers don't have the same quality as the main layer.
WME - tools
3, lack of features like "region based selection". If I need eg. reposition 20 buttons in the window I need to manually ctrl+click them. I curse a lot
Also inconsistencies like eg. you can't create a new script in Window Editor as you can in Scene Editor.
4, Lack of 3D, theora and particles integration into Scene Editor. With Julia it's a major pain to position all these theoras manually. It usually is a trial and error process. A lot of hours passed.
5, Music and Sound extended features (3d sound, doppler effect, 5.1 or 7.1 sound etc.). I feel limited with the current stereo only. It's sooo 1990.
Anyway, thanks for the great work. A lot of stuff I see in Kinjal edition would have been great in main release (windowed - full screen runtime switch etc.), but I guess we have to wait for the WME 2.0. With Julia being the most complicated game I've created so far, I have to say that even by putting WME on big stress-test, it's rock solid engine. That's a great achievment indeed!