Hey all, so far we have overcome our other problems and they game is coming along very well (demo on show very soon, look foward to it please). One thing I am having trouble with is screen scrolling.
Our game is currently running at my monitors native res of 1680 x 1050 and there is a scene where the bg is huge and about twice as long as that. So obviously it has to scroll as you move about the room. The actor has a speed set so it looks natural when he moves but also fast enough that you don't go insane waiting for him to move from one side to the other. The only problem is that the screen is scrolling at about 1/3 of his speed. You make a move and you literally have to sit there and wait for a few seconds for the screen to catch up so you can move again.
Where abouts can I can I change the scrolling speed?
The second thing is that I don't want the characters sub titles to appear above their heads. I want the text to appear across the bottom of the screen in the same place for every char. To tell who is speaking I have made images of their heads that I want to appear to the left of the words. Like how it works in the latest Sam and Maxes.
Can someone point me into how to go about doing this.
Cheers in advance.