Общий фор�?м / Re: Финан
« on: May 13, 2010, 12:19:12 PM »
IRC channel - server: waelisch.de channel: #wme (read more)
It doesn't seem that the lack of shaders prevented you from selling several wme-based games, did it?
But i cant expand engine render. Multitexturing\Shaders\Post-effects etc - its almost impossible to add such features to wme 1.x. Its the only feature i really need in wme
Game.PlaySound ("sounds\fireplace.ogg");
Game.LOG ("this.GetSoundPosition() = "+ Game.GetSoundPosition());
I have made game "Klaymen Episodes".
At the moment the pilot episode is complete and available for download.
"Klaymen Episodes" is a non-commercial, non-profit indie sequel to the games "Neverhood" and "Skullmonkeys".
Official website - http://klaymen.site88.net/
Trailer - http://youtube.com/watch?v=kx1ghav_hQQ
I wanted to ask some of you guys here,that have expirience in making games,how much time will pass before I be able to make my own ,,good,, game?How much time you spent learning everything about scripts in WME?