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Topics - Stucki

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
Feature requests, suggestions / fading actors
« on: November 13, 2007, 01:00:30 PM »
it would be nice if i could fade in / out an actor.
especialy for the sky actor it would be very cool. so i could fade a new sky slowly above an existing one ..
is this already possible ? ( i did not find any alpha value for actors )

for ghosts it would be useful ,too

best regards

Technical forum / entities inside of windows
« on: October 30, 2007, 02:28:44 PM »
i am experimenting with an automap for schach-welten

so i have the main window "automap"
inside is an entity for the background "map_back" ( entity because i want to animate it )
and a nested window "map_buttons"
which contains all the buttons "1","2","3" etc. for the map pieces
and another entity "map_front" for the preview pictures of the map buttons

now i am altering the map_front by a script that checks a global variable called "automap" via while (true) loop
the autmap is ste to a number by the buttons ( on MouseEntry and on MouseLeave )

everything is working (but i think it is not very well scripted ) except i want to fade in the preview pics in "map_front"
this isnt working.
it seems only alphavalues 0 and 255 are accepted. there is no fading inbetween.

so i tried it with a sprite for the entity - 15 frames slowly fading in
but the same result.
only alpha value 0 and 255 are displayed no inbetweens.

why is that so
and how can i change it if possible ??

best regards


Fixed / window editor bug ??
« on: October 25, 2007, 09:30:06 PM »
i have a problem with the inventory window / definition

i have a script for the inventory which slides it in from the top of the screen.
in the inventory window i have to entities. both have a script which fades them in seperately - both have a different sleep value at the start.
but they do not work...
if i assign the scripts in the window editor and save the window the scripts are unassigned/lost when i load the inventory window again ...

so now the inventory slides in everything visible / no seperate fadeins from the two entities.

why is that so ...
and why dont the editor keep the scripts assigned to the entities ??

Technical forum / particles in windows
« on: October 23, 2007, 02:46:46 PM »
is it possible to have particles running inside windows ?

Technical forum / window problem
« on: October 21, 2007, 04:43:54 PM »
Hello i have a little problem concerning a window i want to use for an automap. it should act just like the inventory.
if the mouse is over y=700 it should come in and if it is under 650 again it should get away.

the coming in part works fine but the get away part gives me this error:
17:34: Runtime error. Script 'scripts\game_daemon.script', line 64
17:34:   Call to undefined method 'FadeOut'. Ignored.

here is the part of the gamedaemonscript:

var InvWindow = Game.GetInventoryWindow();
var MapWindow;
// display the inventory window
if(Game.Interactive && Game.MouseY < 100 && !Game.ResponsesVisible && !WinMenu.Visible && Scene.Name!="Intro" && Scene.Name!="Kapitel_1" && Scene.Name!="Schachwelt" && invsichtbar==0)
else if(Game.MouseY > 150 || Game.ResponsesVisible || !Game.Interactive)
// display the automap window
if(Game.Interactive && Game.MouseY > 700 && !Game.ResponsesVisible && !WinMenu.Visible && Scene.Name!="Intro" && Scene.Name!="Kapitel_1" && Scene.Name!="Schachwelt" && invsichtbar==0 && Map !=true)
     MapWindow = Game.LoadWindow("interface\automap.window");
else if(Game.MouseY < 650 && Map==true )

and here is the automap.script:

#include "scripts\"

method FadeOut()
   for (var i = 255; i >= 0; i = i - 15)
      this.AlphaColor = RGB(255, 255, 255, i);
   this.AlphaColor = RGB(255, 255, 255, 0);
method FadeIn()
   for (var i = 0; i <= 255; i = i + 15)
      this.AlphaColor = RGB(255, 255, 255, i);
   this.AlphaColor = RGB(255, 255, 255, 255);

anybody any idea ??
greets stucki

Done / particles starttime
« on: October 18, 2007, 03:26:33 PM »
it would be nice to have a value for the time the particles should already be running when they are called.
for example:
i have a scene with three chimneys smoking dirt in the air.
everytime the player enters the scene the smoke starts polluting out of the chimneys. thats a little bit unreal ...
is there already a way to get these "prestarted" particles
or would it be possible to add a "prestarttime" attribute

best regards

Technical forum / has anyone exported a animated mesh without bones.
« on: October 18, 2007, 10:39:45 AM »
Hi everybody.

i want to export a mesh that is animated with a bend modificator.
but when i export this mesh the animation gets lost. the mesh comes in first frame status but the bending wont change by time.
any ideas ??


Won't implement / have a region in another layer
« on: October 18, 2007, 10:37:06 AM »
i am having 3 layers
- back  - here is a mountain view - smaller than the main layer
- main  - here plays the scene
- front  - a door frame (lookin through this door into the scene)

and i am having a sky actor .( a circle mesh with a sky texture that rotates slowly ).

by now i can only place a region in the main layer and have the sky actor stick to this region
but that meens my sky actor is in front of the back (moutain) layers and hides it.

it would be wonderful if i could have a region in the back (mountain) layer too and stick the sky actor to this region.

best regards

Not a bug / actor looks different in project manager and in engine
« on: October 13, 2007, 09:59:23 AM »
for testing purpose i have created a sky actor. its an extruded circle with a sky bitmap on it and it rotates slowly around the scene.
in front of it are some are some cloud entities [ which will become 3d-actors, too ]
so i can have any speed i want without having the exact pixel per pixel movement when doing the Entitie.X=Entitie.X + 1 method ...
everything is working fine just one problem at the moment  ;)
in the preview screen in projectman the circle is intact and i can see the hole sky ...
here is a picture:

but in the game engine there are holes in my sky:
here is a picture:

first i thought about a problem with the normals ... but i tried everthing [ unified normals opposed normals ] and nothing changes.
and why is it showing like it should in the preview of projectman and not in the engine ??

Feature requests, suggestions / negative value for scaling
« on: October 12, 2007, 10:22:16 AM »
Hello again.
just working on a scene with some animated trees in the background and got to a new wish ...
could it be done that negative x and y scaling would mirror the entity in dependance from the value. if set to -100 it is mirrored to 100 . if -50 it is mirrored to 50 and so on
so i could make one animation for one tree and use it more often in one scene without having exact copys of it.

what do you think about it....
best regards

Feature requests, suggestions / bend sprites
« on: September 25, 2007, 10:28:33 AM »
hi again.

would it be possible to have a like the rotate and scale properties.
i want to do various animation on flowers / plams and wheet shaking in the wind.
and it would be very helpful if it is possible to do it dirket in the engine.
by now i am just using the rotate funktion and it looks good but not perfect .
so now i am thinking to render a lot of animations and put many many animated sprites in the scene. [ a lot of work for me and the engine ]

so it would be perfect for me if there could be a bend attribute ...
what do you think about this. can this be coded ?


Technical forum / Problem in compiled game
« on: August 24, 2007, 11:33:02 AM »
Hello again.
I have a problem with the compiled version of our game ..
if i run the game from project manager it runs without any problem.
if i compile the project and run the executable file it runs fine too, except in one scene change it hangs up.
i know there is a log somewhere where these errors are noted.
where can i find this ? or does anybody know what the problem could be ?!?

greets from leipzig

Technical forum / is it possible to have a not flat walk plane ?
« on: August 09, 2007, 01:58:21 PM »
how about 3d actors and uneven ground.

i have a beach scenario and the ground has some slight hills. Is it possible to have this 3d geometry used for the walk plane ?? so the actor would walk on it depending on the hill structure and not like on flat ground ??

Technical forum / 3d actor stays visible
« on: August 08, 2007, 05:54:44 PM »
First of all. I love this engine !!! it absolutely rocks. Today i was so proud on the work i have done with this engine. I want to share with you !!! thanks for this amazing tool !!!!

now my today problem ....

i have a scene in which stands a 3dactor. this has 3d geometry
now i change to another scene. this one has no 3d geometry

my char stays visible even when the first call in the new scene is actor.Active=false or a actor.SkipTo(-500,0); command. when the first Talk command is actve my char behaves like he should and disappears to the position assigned to it

than i changed the scene change to the game.fadeout . scene.change ("name",false, false); and game.fadein method. same problem.
than i deactivated the actor bevor the scene.change by actor.Active=false; doesnt change,too

what am i missing ?? any idea ??


Technical forum / how to get the alpha value from an entity
« on: August 04, 2007, 08:38:14 AM »
i am trying to create a script where the 3dlights are set according to the alpha value of the relevant entities.

the script works fine and lets me alter the 3dlights but i cant find the right way to query the alpha value from the entitie

is there something like Get.AlphaColour ??
or better Get.Alpha ??


Sorry for posting.
Found the solution. Stupid me !!! can use .AlphaColor to query and to set the value ...

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