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Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download

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Messages - eborr

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General Discussion / Re: Differences between WME and AGS forums
« on: April 13, 2016, 02:38:59 PM »
Just give you my views.

Personally I like WME and it has been my development vehicle of choice for the past 7 years. For me it has the right blend of flexibility and power, vs productivity. And to my mind does everything I need it to for the production of a 2d game.

I am currently working on a project with it which I will hope will have a KS in the next few months. However this may be last project that I do with WME, for the following reasons.

1. The current version is not being further developed, I well understand why that is and have no problem with it as a stance.
2. WME 2 is also on ice, and again I have no issue with that decision.
3 The guys I work with would like to have non PC versions of the product, and despite the good work of a number of people with WME lite, and don't see that as a viable option, given that so much of what goes on with IOS and Android is in the fickle hands of powerful and  rather arrogant suppliers, and with my appreciation of their technologies, I would worry that even if I managed a successful IOS/Android /MACOS build, they would make changes to the OS, and the fixes would not only be difficult but expensive.

So going forward it looks like I may have to learn another dev engine.

I expect that even if I develop a level of familiarity with an alternate engine, projects will take longer, and the output require greater resources than a typical WME game.

I suspect a number of people think like me. Whilst I am still working with WME I will continue to dip into the forum and help if and when I can. I have never done anything with 3 d models inside WME, so I cannot offer any assistance  regarding  a 2.5 d game

Although I have not stuck my hand in my pocket to support WME yet, if I ever make any money from a WME game, I will payback a proportion of my winnings.

Technical forum / Re: Window Object and Scale Level
« on: March 23, 2016, 02:35:57 PM »
as far as I know windows are not subject to scale, thus even though it's in a container, if the container is not subject to scale then an object within it won't be either.

I have a couple of thoughts for coding round the problem, none of them have been tried or tested so use at your own risk.

1. If you create an entity with create object, then it will be created at the top of the z-order for all scene based nodes, obviously if you have on screen elements which are windows based then these will be on top.

2. This will take a lot more coding but maybe it will solve the problem. Although a screen based scale cannot directly effect an entity within a container(or so I think) you may be able to create an algorithm that reads the scene scale at a given Y point then applies a scale to the entity itself. If this does not work, then another option would be to create a number of differently scales frames within a WME sprite. All you do then is have a persistent routine which checks the position of the Y of the object on the screen and selects the appropriate frame.

if you are made enought to attempt any of these ideas please share the results

Technical forum / Re: Custom attributes
« on: March 14, 2016, 02:00:38 PM »
Yes creating globals is the obvious solution, but the issue with that is the process I want to achieve will involve something which will occur on most scenes and with a variable number of nodes. I dont want to handcraft the process for each scene, nor is it a desirable situatuion to creare and manage what will eventually turn out to be a large number of globals. I think I have worked through a logical solution to the problem, which in theory should work in WME. It will involve the creation of a single complex global object

Technical forum / Custom attributes
« on: March 12, 2016, 08:17:20 PM »
I have added a number of custom attributes to Scene Nodes. The value of these nodes is changed programatically during play. This works. However if I change scene and return then the original values are reset.

The remember nodes checkbox is true, and I have added a line of code to set the PersistentState of the scene to true right before the changescene statement.

Any ideas ?

Bug reports / object1
« on: March 12, 2016, 10:43:38 AM »
not as massive thing and it has a simple work around- But if you create a scene node called object1 and then try to assign it a variable it is not recognised as an object. The fix is simple - just change the name

Game announcements / Re: Shadow Of Nebula
« on: March 02, 2016, 08:00:33 PM »
I was going to back this on K/S so simple decision to buy, looking forward to trying it out

Technical forum / Re: AddResponse
« on: February 17, 2016, 12:50:29 PM »
Thanks for the replay, I am aware of  that option, but the thought of having to prepare a whole load of pngs, is not desirable, especially as the goal for this game is to have it available in at least 3 languages one of which will use  cyrillic script - So it;s essential I can pass the text through.

The solution to the problem is to have a variable background image which is triggered by the number of responses. Getting the graphic  the correct size is fiddly as with elements in the response box you don't have the same level of dynamic control - but we will get there

Technical forum / AddResponse
« on: February 16, 2016, 03:26:05 PM »
Don't know if anyone has come across this, but what I want to do is to add a background for each line in a response box, and what seemed like a neat solution was to add an icon as well as some text - the third parameter that AddResponse() accepts is an icon file name. What happens though is that the icon overwrites the text - eg it's drawn after the text - any idea out there ?

Technical forum / Re: Game.Interactive and mouse click
« on: January 20, 2016, 03:31:26 PM »
with most windows you can do this by setting the ingame attribute, I don't know if this functionality extends to the inventory though

you get the entity to "Talk" and set the subtitle.X and subtitle.Y accordingly - you can then set the subtitle width if that would help

Don't know if this might help, but I was in my usual bumbling way trying to work out how to fade a single control in a window, didn't work with the static control, but I was able to achieve the result I wanted by using an entity container, and applying my fade method to entity object. As the entity uses a sprite you have full access to all the attributes of a scene object, such as size

I have investigated something similar to this before, the problem that you have is although though methods appear to be available I think they are only implemented on scene objects and not on window controls. You only option, unless you want to mod the engine is to do the classic character count and when it exceeds you line length go back to the last space and through a carriage return line feed. I note what you are saying about non standard font, in which case the you simply have to allow for less characters than you otherwise might with another font - eg you drop your max characters from 80 to 60

Technical forum / Re: After load
« on: December 07, 2015, 11:15:36 PM »
No-one replied to this - and I am getting the same error occurring now - it's got something to do with a loaded game

Hi took the trouble of running the past couple of posts  through the google translate, I don't believe your problem  has anything to do with the compatibility of the engine with windows and it's newer versions, or the use of the latest tech. I run WME on a pretty much state of the art machine- with a X99 chipset an I7 extreme processor.  with windows 10 64 bit build. It also worked on this box with the vile windows 8, and it also works perfectly on my hp laptop which is an I5 with the latest version of the intel graphics.

Your problem lies elsewhere

A couple of diagnostic idea's for you.

I am assuming on the notebooks you are running the game in compiled mode ?

If not you could try to try to install the IDE and see what happens

If either case you have a look at the wme log file which is in the project directly, at the top of this it should give you some indication as to the problems with the hardware

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