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Topics - HelLRaiseR

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Technical forum / Use of
« on: May 21, 2009, 11:26:43 PM »

I'm going to prepare the for the demo game, and I made several test, but only works in some cases.

For example:

If I put in the caption of a entity /ID_TEXT/Default text, works OK. If I put in the script a line like actor.Talk("/ID_TEXT/Default text"); works OK.

But if I put in the script a call like MyObject.DisplayText("/ID_TEXT/Default text"); this string not is interpretated, and WME pass to the DisplayText method the string "/ID_TEXT/Default text" and the method print in the screen /ID_TEXT/Default text not Default text only.

Is it correct? The Localization system works only with captions & methods like actor.Talk() or works will all strings of the game?

I've made a tutoria about photorealistic cartoon backgrounds. Can be viewed in the wiki, this is the link:

Technical forum / Sprite sound volume
« on: May 09, 2009, 02:51:52 PM »

I've several sprites that makes repetitive sounds, for example, a metalic letter with wind swing that make a creacking sound.

When the player has a long time in the scene, the sound is very irritate and I want to play the sound in a low volume.

Can I change the volume of the sprite sound?

Thanks in advance.


As says in the website :

Celtx is the world's first all-in-one media pre-production software. It has everything you need to take your story from concept to production. Celtx replaces 'paper, pen & binder' pre-production with a digital approach that's more complete, simpler to work with, and easier to share.

Nothing more to add. Very good tool.

General Discussion / WME hispanic community website is available
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:09:27 PM »
The website of the WME hispanic community is available. the address is

Foro general / Web de la comunidad hispana de WME
« on: March 25, 2009, 09:07:23 PM »
Ya está disponible la web de la comunidad hispana de WME, la dirección es

Foro general / Sobre James Peris
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:14:25 AM »
Pues nada, me he bajado la demo del James Peris y la verdad es que es un puntazo, muy, muy divertida, me ha gustado especialmente la bronca continua con el narrador, es una cosa que no había visto antes y es muy original y divertida, aunque algunas veces se repiten cosas.

Yo subiría un pelin la dificultad, te la meriendas en un plis.

Ya he visto las limitaciones que teneis sobre todo en el aspecto gráfico debido a la falta de equipo, si quereis puedo echaros un cable en el apartado gráfico. No os puedo prometer una gran dedicación, posiblemente solo cosas puntuales, pero tengo algo de tiempo para alguna cosilla, aunque ando bastante liado con el proyecto mio.

En fin, felicidades por el juego y a darle caña.

Technical forum / To Mnemonic: Problem with the wiki
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:01:54 AM »
Hi Mnemonic, I post this in the forum becouse the private message system does'nt work. When I send a message the forum says: "user not found", but the name of the user is correct. This error has been reported for other users in the spanish forum.

Well, the problem with the wiki

I think that I've a mistake with the wiki. It's appear that I don't have translated the content, I'm afraid that I have replaced two articles, the tutorial about the footsteps sounds and the tutorial about multi entrances in a room.

I think that the error that cause my mistake, is in the configuration of the wiki, becouse I don't have the english icon, but I have two spanish icons in the language section, when you can see in this picture:

I've a copy of the spanish contents, Could you restore the original contents in english?

Thanks and sorry.

Technical forum / Problem with 3d actor position
« on: January 09, 2009, 04:37:55 PM »
 I have a problem with a character. I've been created a .x character from max exported with Panda, the problem is that the character is not in the correct position.

I try to explain it better:

If I specify the position with actor.Direction (DI_UP), the result is the same as actor.Direction (DI_LEFT). The character is rotated 90º to the right

If I put a light in the geometry file, the shadow is projected 90 degrees to the right, but instead of placing the light in the geometry file, I put the light in code with actor.SetLightPosition (x, y, z), where x, y, z as the same position that in the .3ds file, the shadows is display correctly.

I thought that maybe the character had to be in a exactly position respect to the z axis, we have rotated the character 90 degrees to the left, but the result is the same.

Any ideas?

This is a scene with actor.Direction(DI_UP) and the light in the 3ds geometry file:

This is a scene with actor.Direccion(DI_UP) and the light is in the script with actor.SetLightPosition(x,y,z):

Foro técnico / Traducciones de los contenidos de la wiki
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:11:25 PM »
Como parte de la creación de la comunidad española de WME, se encuentra la traducción de la mayor cantidad de material posible del que hay disponible sobre WME en la wiki.

Os recuerdo que siendo usuarios registrados podeis crear versiones en español de cualquier contenido de la wiki, asi como ampliar cualquier artículo existente.

Aprovecho tambien para invitaros a colaborar en este sentido. Si alguien tiene dudas del manejo y uso de la wiki para hacer una traducción, posteadlas en este hilo y las aclaro.

Un saludo a todos y gracias anticipadas por la ayuda ;)

Foro técnico / Bienvenidos al foro técnico
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:07:42 PM »
Bienvenidos al nuevo foro técnico de WME en español.

Aqui podeis postear sobre cualquier duda, experiencias, trucos, etc. que tengan que ver con el WME. Espero que os sea de utilidad y pronto tenga un gran movimiento.

Aprovecho tambien para informaros que en breve estará disponible el website de la Comunidad Española de WME, donde poco a poco se ira traduciendo la documentación, aprtaciones, tutoriales y todo el material de la wiki al idioma de cervantes.

Foro general / Bienvenidos al foro general en español.
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:02:48 PM »
Bienvenidos a este nuevo foro en español, en el podeis postear sobre cualquier tema, desde las presentaciones hasta las felicitaciones de cumpleaños, pasando por lo que se os ocurra y tengais a bien poner.

Espero que pronto tenga mucho movimiento.

Technical forum / Problem with 3D actor volume
« on: December 06, 2008, 02:21:06 AM »
I don't know that has happened, but in any moment my actor has lost the volume. In the preview is perfect, but when I put the actor in the scene the actor lost the volume and this is plain (don`t has any shadow). If I put the actor in the demo3d instead of trinity, the actor get the volume again.

Any idea?

Actor in preview

Actor in the scene

Technical forum / Problem with shadow or mesh (I,m not sure)
« on: December 02, 2008, 07:55:03 PM »
I have a new problem with my actor. Whe I use this in the game, wintermute show several vertex that don't exist in the mesh (I've checked this several times), and the shadow use this non existent vertex. Additionally, the shadow don´t respect the geometry. but the .3ds file is correct.

I've checked the model with several programs and the visualization is good, the model can see correct with fragMOTION and Deep exploration and don´t see correct with the DirectX viewer, but I think that this isn´t a problem, becouse several models of the Panda webpage and Trinity, cannot see ok with the DirectX viewer, (the actor "Victor" can see OK with this viewer)

I attach images of the model in  MAX, FragMOTION and  Deep Exploration, and a image of the model in the game.

The model in fragMOTION, Deep Exploration and 3DS MAX

The model in the wintermute game. You can see the non existent vertex and the bad shadow, and that the shadow don´t use the geometry.

When you can see, the geometry work OK with the actor Victor

Technical forum / Tool for view the animation name in .x file
« on: December 01, 2008, 03:31:31 PM »
I need to know the animation name of the .x file, becouse I need test the game with other .x models (I continue withe speed problem, my model does not work, but "victor" and "trinity" works ok). ¿Does any people know any tool for view the name of animation?

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