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Messages - HCDaniel

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Development / Re: Using more SDL projects?
« on: March 21, 2014, 11:30:40 AM »
Hi Mnemonic,

I want to integrate the SDL_mixer variant into regular wmelite. It does not make sense to keep the fork around if there are in fact just 2 files "replaced".

Here's my idea for integration, please let me know what you think:

1) Add dedicated macros for LOBYTE/HIWORD/MAKEWORD... into BPersistMgr.cpp. Currently the #defines from BASS are used, but the non-bass version should not depend on that. The Macro's names should be different to not be redefinitions in case bass.h is there. Once that is done, wmelite is prepared to cope with different sound system implementations :)

2) Move the BSoundBuffer.* and BSoundMgr.* files into a "BASS" subdirectory, and place the "SDL_mixer" counterparts into its dedicated subdirectory as well. Regular wmelite now includes the former, the SDL_mixer based implementation uses the latter sources and header files.

As a result, every platform would now have a "default" build target (BASS) after some small path adaptations. For those who want SDL_mixer, a separate build target/Makefile/whatever would be required.

I hope that with this approach it will be possible to package wmelite for Linux distributions (without BASS), up to the point where a distribution might decide to add it to their official repositories (sometime in the distant future). There's still a lot of work to be done before the implementation is ready though.

What is your opinion on that?

Development / Re: Using more SDL projects?
« on: March 08, 2014, 03:48:22 PM »
I put all my changes into this repo:

It requires a modified SDL_mixer from here:

The other dependencies are unchanged.

The WME touch demo seems to work. Bigger projects start behaving funny when the mixer channels are all used up. So this will require some more work until it is usable.

Development / Re: Using more SDL projects?
« on: March 07, 2014, 10:55:47 AM »
Ok, I'll look into it and see if I can get it to work somehow.

Development / Using more SDL projects?
« on: March 05, 2014, 10:18:24 AM »
I'm wondering why wmelite uses "separate" libraries for font rendering, image loading and audio processing, and not "SDL_ttf", "SDL_image" and "SDL_mixer".

It surely makes no sense to change the first two now, as they work fine on all platforms. I wonder whether it would make sense to have SDL_mixer as replacement for BASS, allowing packages for several Linux distributions to be built (and accepted).

Mnemonic, do you have any insights how difficult the BASS replacement might be?

Technical forum / Re: 2D Turn 45 degrees animation never plays
« on: February 10, 2014, 04:17:34 PM »
I've uploaded a wme executable with the fix here:

This commit

is the one that fixed our problems. Maybe it helps you as well.

Technical forum / Re: 2D Turn 45 degrees animation never plays
« on: February 09, 2014, 06:19:24 PM »
Hi to all!

I wonder if someone has experienced this issues with turning animations:

1) My game is 2D and i have my actor turning animations made with several frames, so it looks better than just a single frame. Now if the actor turns more than one direction - 90 degrees or more (f.e. from down to right), everything works fine. But the engine never plays the turning sprite, if the actor is supposed to turn just one direction - only 45 degrees - f.e. from down to downright. It always skips straight to the first frame of the idle animation of the destination direction...
2) If the actor turns more than one turn, f.e. from down to up, there are apparent  pauses between the each sprite is played, so the turning isn´t fluent...

Many thanks for posibble advices.


I had a similar or maybe the same Problem. There's a fix in the wme sources at the bitbucket site, that might help you. It fixed the turning animations in our project.

WME Lite / Re: Any Linux developers out there?
« on: January 11, 2014, 01:33:20 PM »

wmelite itself cannot.

Regular WME seems to work quite well with "wine" in Linux. Haven't tested 3D though but I guess that D3D9 is now pretty well supported. 2D games work fine for me.

You could try to compile regular WME for Linux using "winelib", there seems to be a helper program called "winemaker" that assists with most of the required conversions. That might give more performance than the Windows .exe via "wine". Similarly it might work for Mac OS.

But it might be quite some effort to get this working, so I wonder whether it is really worth it.

WME Lite / Re: Problem compiling for Android. SDL2/SDL.h Not found
« on: September 19, 2013, 11:21:04 AM »

please check that the paths from the file

Code: [Select]
wmelite / android / jni / src /

can be resolved. For SDL, for instance, the path is defined like this:

Code: [Select]
SDL_PATH := ../../../dependencies/SDL/jni/


so you should have a path "wmelite/dependencies/SDL/jni/include" on your system. The same is true for the other include paths.

This way you should get rid of all "evil" ;) Linux include paths.

WME Lite / Re: Problem compiling for Android. SDL2/SDL.h Not found
« on: September 13, 2013, 01:15:34 PM »

you should never use Linux include files or include paths in your Android project. All dependencies shall be satisfied by the "dependencies" and "prebuilt" folders, which you copy to the wmelite project after compiling all dependent libraries.

Could you successfully compile all the dependent libraries (including SDL2)? If that didn't work, wmelite itself will most likely also not compile ;-)

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 19, 2013, 08:37:11 AM »
Yes, you launch the eclipse version that comes with your Android tools. Create a new "HelloWord" app and play around with it.

Using eclipse to build the wmelite project would then probably just need a "New Android Project from existing code" from the project creation wizard.

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 17, 2013, 02:51:39 PM »
Please "cd" to your project first:

Code: [Select]
cd \path\to\sdk\tools\apps\test

then try the line with "android" in it.

BTW: Maybe its better for you to use eclipse? Just start the "eclipse.exe" and play around with the GUI.

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:21:25 PM »
Change to the root path of your android project (...\sdk\tools\apps\test) and then use the command 1:1

Code: [Select]
android update project --path .

Previously you were in a different directory, not the directory of your game.

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 17, 2013, 01:08:10 PM »
Doesn't look so bad actually. Just don't forget the "--path ."

So if setting the path doesn't work you would type

e:\adt-and-so-on\sdk\tools\android.bat update project --path .

Doesn't that work?

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 17, 2013, 11:14:21 AM »
You run the command from a command line. Open "cmd", change to the directory of your project and then type the command (with full path).

If you haven't worked with the command line a lot, download the complete ADT bundle from here . Play around a bit with example android projects (File->New->Android Application Project). Once you have a simple "Hello World" running on your device, you will know what to do with the wmelite Android project.

WME Lite / Re: Convert game by windows to android
« on: August 17, 2013, 10:49:00 AM »
I just checked and the script for linux is doing something comparable. Did you try calling

Code: [Select]
android.bat update project --path .

like explained in a previous post?

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