WME Lite / Re: Any Linux developers out there?
« on: June 15, 2013, 12:41:27 PM »
I have uploaded a new build with viewport transformation removed. It works for me using the demo project. Can you give it a try?
Latest WME version: WME 1.9.1 (January 1st, 2010) - download
point->x = point->x / m_RatioX - m_BorderLeft / m_RatioX + viewportRect.x;
point->y = point->y / m_RatioY - m_BorderTop / m_RatioY + viewportRect.y;
point->x = MathUtil::RoundUp(point->x * m_RatioX) + m_BorderLeft - viewportRect.x;
point->y = MathUtil::RoundUp(point->y * m_RatioY) + m_BorderTop - viewportRect.y;
void CBGame::GetMousePos(POINT* Pos)
Pos->x -= m_Renderer->m_DrawOffsetX;
Pos->y -= m_Renderer->m_DrawOffsetY;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
but then I found out that its not as easy as I thought. The Debug mode will only be used if read from the "local" settings.xml, because that happens very early, before the "non-local" settings.xml is read.* I removed boost dependency.Let me check whether Linux/Android still works.
* I added dependency on libtheoraplayer. That's a big one, I'm afraid. I guess it will complicate the Linux/Android build. Perhaps I could add a preprocessor switch to disable video functionality so that the engine builds without the video libraries?For the moment that would be a good idea. I can enable it once I have integrated it.
* For the iOS project I added a DejaVu font. It gets copied to the app bundle and the engine will use it as a fallback if loading a TrueType fails. Perhaps the Android version should do the same?Yes, I already added a callback to retrieve a path for searching fonts. Probably its not yet working, but at least I'm prepared