hi mnemonic,
thank you for answering that fast !

one question, are you using the latest version of WME (the one that can be downloaded at this forum)?
i just discovered and downloaded the patch - unfortunately there is the same problem. i even tried that "DumbVideoCard=1" but I'm quite sure the error is far easier.
The problem was: 1) SceneEdit couldn't load the background pricture 2) therefore it "forgot" it after saving the scene. I don't know whether it's your case too.
hm, i can load the background image in the scene edit (its displayed correctly), but it doesn't save the image with the correct path, it just saves "background.bmp", so when executing it just says "Error opening file "background.bmp" !" when i open Room.scene with UltraEdit and enter "scenes\Room\background.bmp" as path, the executable works! BUT - entering SceneEdit again, the background is gone again.
Unfortunately, it's possible the paths can be messed up a bit in the templates
The templates certainly need a revision before new version is released...
ok, just to check if you get the same error, you maybe could try this:
1. open project manager
2. create new (basic) project
3. jump to scenes\Room\Room.scene (the "insert your scene image here" picture should be visible!)
4. doubleclick it - sceneedit opens - without the background picture and without a path in the sprite input field. (duh!)
5. open the file requester for the sprite and open background.bmp.
6. save and quit scene edit
7. discover, that by refreshing the preview of Room.scene the background has gone. executing throws the "not found" error. adding the path manually in room.scene corrects this.
Thank you, I guess you'd like to spend your time better...