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Topics - Chris

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / how do use dll ?
« on: September 28, 2010, 05:25:00 PM »
hi all
i cant use this dll .
please help me . To load this file you help me?.

Technical forum / change looping animation
« on: June 25, 2010, 09:02:47 AM »
how to change looping animation in 3dactor and how to change name animation ?  ???


Technical forum / i cnt use animation charecter ???
« on: October 22, 2009, 12:44:29 PM »
i use this method and then i cnt use animation talk for charecter .
my chaecter name is actor

how do use "method Talk" with animation charecter

plese help me

Code: WME Script
  1. method Talk(srcString,srcActor,xPosition)
  2. {
  4.         var twin;
  5.         if (srcActor == null) twin = "talk"; // basic window with ghost
  6.         else
  7.         twin = srcActor; // NPC window
  9.         var tmpState = Game.Interactive;
  10.         Game.Interactive = false// we save the interactivity state for later and turn it off
  12.         var dlgWin = Game.LoadWindow("windows\dlgWindow.window"); // load the dialogue window
  13.         var  talkRobotEnt = Scene.CreateEntity()// create the entity used for talking
  14.         var tString = Game.ExpandString(srcString)// prepare the localized string to handle formatting
  15.         var tLength = tString.Length;
  16.         var lines = ToInt(tLength / 300) + 1; // find out how many lines will we need
  18.         dlgWin.SetImage("windows/"+twin+".png");   // set the image
  19.         dlgWin.Y = 425
  21.         // set the caption parameters
  22.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlePosRelative = false;
  23.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosXCenter = false;
  24.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesWidth = 680;
  25.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = 90;       
  27.         if (xPosition != null) talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosX = xPosition;
  30.         talkRobotEnt.SubtitlesPosY = 630 + 15* lines;  // position the caption in the window based on number of lines
  33.         talkRobotEnt.SetFont("fonts\verdana.font"); // set the speech font
  35.         talkRobotEnt.SoundPanning = false// make the sound centered
  36.         talkRobotEnt.Talk(srcString, null, "", "", 0)// say the line
  38.         Game.UnloadObject(dlgWin)// dispose of the window
  39.         Scene.DeleteEntity(talkRobotEnt); // kill the talk entity
  41.         Game.Interactive = tmpState;   
  43. }

Technical forum / How to create a selected region ?
« on: September 23, 2009, 04:09:14 PM »
I need help to make selected area  ???

My item is wire

I can not choose item in transparent mode

I need all the selected region is available

How do I do it?

not select


which CHARSET number do I use for Indian languages?  ???

Technical forum / How to make puzzle ???
« on: March 08, 2009, 08:03:00 AM »
how to make puzzle ??? hard or Easy .

and how to Connect to game

plese have  Example .

plese help me .

Technical forum / how to change sound walking ?
« on: February 19, 2009, 03:10:40 AM »
how to change sound walking in which surface

for ex:

sound 1 in carpet

sound 2 in wood
or more

WME sources discussion / i have problem in exiting
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:26:39 PM »
i rebuild wme.exe . in my computer worked but in other computer when run I get the message:

other computer 1 ( windows 2000 sp4 )

other computer 2 ( windows Xp sp2 )

visual studio 2005 sp1 pro

directx SDK June 2007

plese help me

Technical forum / how to change this name ?
« on: February 16, 2009, 04:54:10 PM »
how to change or this name ?

plese help me

Technical forum / how to show CURSOR with button
« on: February 15, 2009, 04:49:46 AM »
how to create script show CURSOR after Click button ???

plese help me

thanks a lot

Technical forum / how to use AmbientLightColor in game ???
« on: February 14, 2009, 08:56:59 PM »
thanks for new version

how to use AmbientLightColor in game ?

actor.AmbientLightColor = ( 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;

correctly ?

Technical forum / how to create template with boolean
« on: February 04, 2009, 06:07:06 PM »
i don't know create template file with boolean .


$$PROP activeate,,false true,name X,,Boolean,0,1

but not good work

i need chose false or true in template selection window .

plese help me

Pages: [1]

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