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Topics - Atelier Sentô

Pages: [1]
Technical forum / Strange artifact on scaled png
« on: March 02, 2016, 03:00:49 PM »
Recently, I've been noticing strange things happening on the transparent pngs I use for my game when they are scaled by the engine.
Here is an exemple:

My main character has subframes for animations (turning the head, blinking,...):

Sometimes, when the character is scaled in-game, strange lines appear on the edges like this:

(those images are screenshots from the game. I've created a scene with a white background so the problem is easier to spot)

You can see there is no strange line on the 100% size. They appear only when the character is scaled.

- it happens when transparent png are downscaled but also when they are upscaled.
- on my example it happens on subframes but I also saw it on single sprites with no subframe.
- it happens when I play the debug version from Project Manager but also when the game is compiled.
- it doesn't happen all the time but only from time to time.

I have no idea where it comes from!
And I don't how to solve it.
So if you have any idea, it would be wonderful!
Many thanks in advance.

WME Lite / Problem with Japanese font on WME Lite
« on: February 06, 2015, 03:15:45 PM »

I'm localizing my game into Japanese but I have a problem.

I've created a for the subtitles and I've encoded it in UTF-8 using Notepad.

This tab is loaded when the player clicks on a little flag which launchs this script:
Code: WME Script
  1. on "LeftClick"
  2. {
  3. Game.TextEncoding = 1; //Switch the game to UTF8
  4. Game.LoadStringTable("", true);
  5. }

The font I use is Arial and the settings are:
Code: WME Script
  2. {
  3.   SIZE = 30 
  4.   FACE = "Arial"
  5.   FILENAME = "fonts\arial.ttf"
  7.   BOLD = FALSE
  10.   STRIKE = FALSE
  12.   CHARSET = 11
  14.   COLOR { 0, 0, 0 }
  15.   ALPHA = 255
  17.   LAYER
  18.   {
  19.     OFFSET_X = -3
  20.     OFFSET_Y = 3
  21.     COLOR { 0, 0, 0 }
  22.     ALPHA = 255
  23.   }
  25.   LAYER
  26.   {
  27.     OFFSET_X = 0
  28.     OFFSET_Y = 0
  29.     COLOR { 255, 255, 255 }
  30.     ALPHA = 255
  31.   }
  32. }

When I click "Run game" in WME Project Manager, the subtitles are displayed: there's no problem at all. It works perfect!

But when I try to run the compiled data.dcp in WME Lite, the Japanese subtitles are invisible.
All other languages work fine.

Maybe there is something to know about wme lite when using UTF-8 ?
I did some researchs on the forums but I couldn't solve my problem.

Many thanks for your help!

Technical forum / Frames per second VS milliseconds ?
« on: April 25, 2014, 04:14:47 PM »
Because I know nothing about programming, I've made some mistakes in my scripts.
Thanks to HCDaniel's help on this topic, I'm starting to understand that I should pay more attention to FPS.

I used to script scrolling scenes this way:
Code: WME Script
  1. // set the horizontal scrolling speed
Most of the time the scrolling speed was OK but sometime it was incredibly faster!

HCDaniel explained:
What makes me sceptical are the settings you use. You want the engine to scroll one pixel at a time, every 1ms. That would in theory result in 1000 pixels/second. Maybe with regular WME you use full screen, and it could be that the frames per second are limited (maybe to 100 or 60 I'm not sure), so there you'll get only 60 pixels per second at max.

I was thinking that, every 1ms, the scene would move by 1px.
But if I understand well, it all depends on FPS.
So if the game is played in 60FPS, my scene will scroll by 1px every 16ms. Am I right?

I've changed the script and wrote:
Code: WME Script
  1. // set the horizontal scrolling speed
And I have no problem with scrolling speed anymore.

After this revelation, I started to search for more infos on the WME Forums.

On this topic, I've read this comment from metamorphium:
it's quite usually bound to bad scripting. Constructions like Sleep(1); and the likes. You should always count with some FPS to boot and adjust wait cycles accordingly. Then you don't have this problem.

And on this topic, this other comment from metamorphium:
It's quite easy to set the Delays or Sleeps to desired framerate. If you are targeting for example your desired animation for 30fps, you know that every frame would take 1/30s so Delay or Sleep would be 33.

WME (unlike some other engines) doesn't limit you to certain fps, it rather lets you choose what suits you the best.

So if the game is played is 60FPS, when I write:
Code: WME Script
  1. Sleep (10);
Code: WME Script
it won't be OK because the screen is only refreshed every 16ms.

So I should write instead

Code: WME Script
  1. Sleep (16);
Code: WME Script

Am I right?
Or do I misunderstand something?

So here are my questions:

1- Should I design my game with a frame rate in mind?
Per exemple by using only multiples of 16 (16ms, 32ms, 48ms, 64ms,...)

If yes, what is the best value to use for having an homogeneous results on most of the computers?

2- When I write a Sleep(); command in ms, will this exact duration be used in all computers?
Or may it vary because of the computer frame rate, or any other factor?

Per example, let's imagine I want an animation to start during a dialogue when a character say one specific word.
I listen the dialogue and measure the length: the word is said 1400ms after the beginning.
So I write this script:
Code: WME Script
  1. actor.TalkAsync ("subtitle text", "filename.ogg", 3000);
  2. Sleep (1400);
  3. // the following node contains the animation sprite
  4. var animation = Scene.GetNode("animation");
  5. animation.Active = true;
  6. // then the game wait for the dialogue to end
  7. Sleep (1600);
Is there a risk for the animation to start too late or too early?
Is there a risk for the 2nd Sleep command to end before the end of the dialogue or too long after?
Should I trust the milliseconds?

I am sorry for asking so many questions those days.
Wintermute is very simple to understand and to use. And it's a real pleasure for a beginner like me to create a game with this tool.
Most of my problems come from the fact I know little about computers and how they work.

Thank you for reading me!

Technical forum / Saving memory using small upscaled images?
« on: April 09, 2014, 11:04:08 AM »
I have a question about memory usage.
If I use one image several times in the same scene, will it weight as one image in the memory?


1- Backgrounds:
In a very wide scene (10000x1080px), I use a repeated image for the background.
My background image is 1000x1080px and is repeated 10 times.
When the scene is loaded, does it load the background image only 1 time, even if it's used 10 times?
Is my scene as light as if it was only 1000x1080px, or as heavy as if it was 10000x1080px?

2- Actors:
My game takes place in Japan so my character is supposed to take off her shoes everytime she enters a house.
My idea is to have 2 main actors loaded in the game.
The first actor has naked feet.
The second actor's sprites reuse the same frames as the first actor. And I add small subframes for the shoes.
So my question is:
If I have 2 actors using the same frames (plus small subframes for the second one), will it be loaded in the computer's memory as 2 actors (loading the frames 2 times) or as 1 actor (loading the frames one time for the 2 actors + subframes)?

I hope my question isn't too muddled... It was difficult to explain in English.
Thank you!

Technical forum / Layer opacity / subframes opacity ?
« on: February 05, 2014, 10:11:02 AM »

I need your help. I'm not good at programming and I have this little problem:
I'm wondering if it's possible to change the opacity of an entire layer.

Per example, when the player opens a close-up layer, it smoothly becomes visible.
When the player closes it, it smoothly becomes invisible.

I've made a test with the  AlphaColor command :

Code: WME Script
  1. on "LeftClick"
  2. {
  3.   var layer = Scene.GetLayer("closeup_winch");
  4.   layer.Active = true;
  5.   layer.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 50);
  6.   Sleep (100);
  7.   layer.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 100);
  8.   Sleep (100);
  9.   layer.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 150);
  10.   Sleep (100);
  11.   layer.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 200);
  12.   Sleep (100);
  13.   layer.AlphaColor = MakeRGBA(255, 255, 255, 255);
  14. }

And the FadeIn command:

Code: WME Script
  1. on "LeftClick"
  2. {
  3.   var layer = Scene.GetLayer("closeup_winch");
  4.   layer.Active = true;
  5.   layer.FadeIn(500, 255, 255, 255, 0);
  6. }

Both didn't work.
Is there anything else I can try?

Or maybe it's just not possible?

Thank you for your help!

If I understand well:
A game made with Wintermute won't be able to open full screen if the game resolution is larger than the screen resolution.
Wintermute can up-scale but can't down-scale.

I've read in this topic :
WME Lite scales both ways

I've created a new project with a larger resolution than my computer's screen and open it on wme lite.
When I launch the game on Windows, it automatically starts in full screen... but the game isn't scaled.
I see only a part of the game displayed at its original resolution.
So a large part of the game is outside my computer screen and I can't see it.

A picture to explain what I mean :

I see only the bright part on the computer's screen while the dark part is outside.

Is there something to do to activate down-scaling?
Or maybe down-scaling isn't possible on windows, even with wme lite?

I hope I understandably explained my problem. Thank you for reading! And many thanks for your help!

WME Lite / Questions about compiling WME Lite
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:26:13 PM »
I'm currently working on a game using WME and I'd like to make some tests with WME Lite.

I'm trying to compile WME Lite but I have encountered some problems.
I've made some searchs on the forum and I've finally found the solution.

But I'm not a programmer so I've followed instructions without understanding anything at all.
Maybe someone more skilled can check if I made some mistakes? It would reassure me a lot.

Here is a step by step of what I did from the beginning.
I use Windows Vista.

Step 1 :
I clone the repository to a folder on my computer :

So in my folder I get this:

Step 2 :
I download dependencies for Visual Studio and I unpack them to visualc\dep directory.
So I get:

Step 3 :
I open the solution file (visualc\wmelite.sln) in Visual Studio.

I dont know what to choose so I try Visual C# Express 2008 and I get an error message.
Then I try again and I choose Visual C++ Express 2008 and it opens !

Step 4 :
Compiling wmelite.
In Visual Studio, I click on "Build solution" and I get this error message :

1>.\wme.rc(10) : fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'.

I've searched on the forum and I've found this topic :

Em, I don't know if this belongs here, but I'm having some problem building the code for wmelite with Visual Studio 2008 Express for Windows. I followed these instructions

First off I get the error: "fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'." in wme.rc.
I looked around on the internet a bit, and I tried to solve it by changing it to 'windows.h', since that seemed to work for some people (on different projects though).

Now I get "error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..." instead. So yeah, I look at the post-build events,

@copy dep\bass\lib\*.dll $(TargetDir) > nul
@copy dep\sdl\lib\*.dll $(TargetDir) > nul
@copy dep\FreeImage\lib\*.dll $(TargetDir) > nul

Guess I'll just copy them manually and disable the post event. Seems to work.

So for me the solution would be to do this:

First off I get the error: "fatal error RC1015: cannot open include file 'afxres.h'." in wme.rc.
I looked around on the internet a bit, and I tried to solve it by changing it to 'windows.h',

Step 5 :
I open wme.rc on Notepad.
And I write 'windows.h' instead of 'afxres.h', on line 10 and on line 98.

I save.
I open the solution file (visualc\wmelite.sln) in Visual Studio.
I click on "Build the Solution"

I get a 32 warnings and new error message, the same Airwaffle spoke about (in the quote above):
"error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing Post-Build Event..."
So I look in BuildLog.htm and I see :

Code: C++
  1. @copy dep\bass\lib\*.dll d:\Atelier Sentô\the coral cave\wmelite\bin\Debug\ > nul
  3. @copy dep\sdl\lib\*.dll d:\Atelier Sentô\the coral cave\wmelite\bin\Debug\ > nul
  5. @copy dep\FreeImage\lib\*.dll d:\Atelier Sentô\the coral cave\wmelite\bin\Debug\ > nul
  7. @copy dep\libtheoraplayer\lib\*.dll d:\Atelier Sentô\the coral cave\wmelite\bin\Debug\ > nul

Step 6 :
I go to 'dep\bass\lib\' and I copy 'bass.dll' to wmelite\bin\Debug
I go to 'dep\sdl\lib\' and I copy 'SDL2.dll' to wmelite\bin\Debug
I go to 'dep\FreeImage\lib\' and I copy 'FreeImage.dll' to 'wmelite\bin\Debug'
I go to 'dep\libtheoraplayer\lib\' and I copy 'libogg.dll', 'libtheora.dll', 'libtheoraplayer.dll' and 'libvorbis.dll' to 'wmelite\bin\Debug'

So, in my folder Debug, I have now all those files :

Step 7 :
I put the .dcp package file in the same directory, I double click on wmelite.exe... and it works, hooray!

Do you see any mistake or is WME Lite correctly compiled on my computer now?

I also have a few questions:

1- WME Lite seems to be compiled as "Debug" but I see on Visual Studio that I can choose "Release" instead.
Should I do that? Or maybe it doesn't matter?

2- I'm worried about the 32 warning I got when compiling WME Lite (in Step 5)
Here is my BuildLog.htm
Do I need to fix something? How? I understand nothing about this BuildLog!

Thank you for having read me.
I apologize for the long post: I've tried to be as complete and precise as possible.
Sorry too for the small bits of french in the pictures and the BuildLog. I hope they won't be a problem.

And if someone has answers to my questions, he would be very helpful. Thanks a lot in advance!

Hello !

We are the Atelier Sentô, a duo of French comic artists working on our first point & click adventure.
Because we know nothing about programming, it was a huge relief when we found Wintermute.
It's very easy to learn and we can't see any limit to what can be achieved with it.
So we want to thank Mnemonic for this beautiful software.

Of course, we'll probably have questions in the near future, when we'll try to implement complex features in your game.
So it's time for us to enter this forum and present our project.

The Coral Cave is a point & click adventure game. It will be entirely handmade in watercolors and will feature lots of animations, characters and backgrounds!

The player controls a little Japanese girl named Mizuka who lives on a small remote island, in the Okinawa archipelago.
One night, she has a strange dream. When she wakes up, a terrible danger is threatening her village.
Mizuka must explore the surroundings and enter a mysterious spirit world in order to save her island.

Screenshots :

The main menu.

The first room, set on a idyllic beach.

On a mysterious islet.

Our work is only at its beginning but we should be able to share more screens, character designs and maybe a video soon.

See you!

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