Technical forum / Re: WME 1.9.1 (Kinjal Edition, v1.8)
« on: June 26, 2012, 09:08:35 PM »
WME Community Edition v2.0 (based on WME 1.9.1), 26 June, 2012:
[ + ] Added limited support for hardware cursors.
Related functions:
bool Game.EnableHardwareCursors(bool flag) - enable or disable hardware cursor.
bool Game.SetHardwareCursor(string external_path_to_cursor_image, int cursor_type) - allows you to specify a cursor image for specified cursor action type.
external_path_to_cursor_image - path to hardware cursor, which location is HAVE TO BE start from directory where game exe is located. DCP-archives are not supported.
bool Game.IsHardwareCursorsEnabled - return true, if HW cursors are enabled.
Example of use (you can place this code in beginning of game.script, for example):
1. Hardware cursors will work only in fullscreen mode. If you switch to windowed mode - software cursor will be shown automatically, and back to hardware cursors when you switch to fullscreen mode again. So, if you want to use hardware cursors, you still have to keep your software cursors.
2. Hardware cursors are not supported for entities (with custom cursors). When you mouse over on such object, related entity's software cursor will be shown.
3. You can use only .cur or .ani files for hardware cursors. Other extensions/types are not supported.
4. If you do everything right, but HW cursors still won't show, please look into WME.log for errors.
[ + ] Added new stats: graphics (dc = draw calls, pc = polycount, tex = total texture size in video memory), sounds (total, playing, paused).
[ + ] Added "VSyncEnabled" setting to "Video" section in WME.ini
[ + ] Added bool Scene.ShowGeometry2D property.
Red color - sprite rectangle.

[ + ] Added quick save to Game.SaveGame. Now it looks like this: Game.SaveGame(int Slot, string Desc, bool useQuickSave). You have to update your game scripts prior to use Game.SaveGame and add third parameter (true or false), otherwise game will crash on attempt to save a game.
[ - ] Fixed potential crash with modern scene transition.
[ - ] Fixed a few first-chance exceptions happens in WME debug version only.
Download link: http://kinjal.apeironstudios.com/wme-ke_v2.0_bin_src_26june2012.7z
[ + ] Added limited support for hardware cursors.
Related functions:
bool Game.EnableHardwareCursors(bool flag) - enable or disable hardware cursor.
bool Game.SetHardwareCursor(string external_path_to_cursor_image, int cursor_type) - allows you to specify a cursor image for specified cursor action type.
external_path_to_cursor_image - path to hardware cursor, which location is HAVE TO BE start from directory where game exe is located. DCP-archives are not supported.
bool Game.IsHardwareCursorsEnabled - return true, if HW cursors are enabled.
Example of use (you can place this code in beginning of game.script, for example):
Code: [Select]
global HWC_NORMAL = 0;
global HWC_ACTIVE = 1;
global HWC_HOVER = 3;
global HWC_NORMAL2 = 4;
Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor.cur", HWC_NORMAL); // Will search cursor.cur in "PATH_TO_GAME_EXE\cursors\cursor.cur".
Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_active.cur", HWC_ACTIVE);
Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_noninteractive.cur", HWC_NONINTERACT);
Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_hover.cur", HWC_HOVER);
Game.SetHardwareCursor("cursors\cursor_normal.cur", HWC_NORMAL2);
1. Hardware cursors will work only in fullscreen mode. If you switch to windowed mode - software cursor will be shown automatically, and back to hardware cursors when you switch to fullscreen mode again. So, if you want to use hardware cursors, you still have to keep your software cursors.
2. Hardware cursors are not supported for entities (with custom cursors). When you mouse over on such object, related entity's software cursor will be shown.
3. You can use only .cur or .ani files for hardware cursors. Other extensions/types are not supported.
4. If you do everything right, but HW cursors still won't show, please look into WME.log for errors.
[ + ] Added new stats: graphics (dc = draw calls, pc = polycount, tex = total texture size in video memory), sounds (total, playing, paused).
[ + ] Added "VSyncEnabled" setting to "Video" section in WME.ini
[ + ] Added bool Scene.ShowGeometry2D property.
Code: [Select]
if (Keyboard.KeyCode == VK_F2)
Scene.ShowGeometry2D = !Scene.ShowGeometry2D;
Green color - region rectangle.Red color - sprite rectangle.

[ + ] Added quick save to Game.SaveGame. Now it looks like this: Game.SaveGame(int Slot, string Desc, bool useQuickSave). You have to update your game scripts prior to use Game.SaveGame and add third parameter (true or false), otherwise game will crash on attempt to save a game.
[ - ] Fixed potential crash with modern scene transition.
[ - ] Fixed a few first-chance exceptions happens in WME debug version only.
Download link: http://kinjal.apeironstudios.com/wme-ke_v2.0_bin_src_26june2012.7z