That partly worked. (I am using Visual Studio 2005 with the debug configuration and used the absolute path to the demo project.) I got the settings screen and then a black screen. Frames per second are displaying in the top left. On the right, it displays the mode, the polycount (190), running scripts ("0(r:0 w:0 p:0)"), mouse position (it changes correctly as I move the mouse but the scene value is the same as the mouse value), Scene ("prev:

"), and the timer which continuously recycles. There are no images on the screen.
Do any of the other executable or library files files have to be copied to the directory with wme.exe? I only have wme.exe after building the source files but I see quite a few other files in the development kit with wme.exe. ProjectMan.exe, Integrator.exe, wme_console.dll are a few. Should I be seeing the demo game at this point?