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Messages - FogGobbler

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Technical forum / Re: Walking problem
« on: March 07, 2007, 08:44:56 PM »
Sorry  ;D

Well I´m using a 3d model and exported it with the panda exporter from 3d max 7. My character is biped, like the example from the panda site, but with a simple walking animation using footsteps to do some testing.
The animations works fine, but it does the animation and then jumps back to the starting position on the screen. So the loop not only affects the animation but also the position of the model.

Hope I´ve made myself a bit clearer. 

Technical forum / Walking problem
« on: March 07, 2007, 07:25:49 PM »

I´ve got a problem with my walking character. My character takes two steps (my animation cycle) and then jumps back to the starting position. Then it takes another 2 steps and so it jerks along.

And when it turns to another direction, it seems to circle around a different center point and not around my character.

Greets, Oli

Technical forum / Re: Snoop key function
« on: March 01, 2007, 01:24:59 AM »
Great, I got it to work  :) .

It doesn´t seem to run in windowed-mode, that was the problem I had.

I would also like to use it in our project, please.

Greets, Oli

Technical forum / Re: Snoop key function
« on: February 28, 2007, 10:49:24 PM »
Hi, Mac!

Well I tried it with the standard 3d-demo, but it didn´t work. I changed the sprite and the layer, because it is called "main" in the demo.

I really can´t find any error in the script, but it seems that it doesn´t find any entities. Can you (or anybody else) please help?

Technical forum / Re: Snoop key function
« on: February 28, 2007, 03:28:23 PM »
Wow! Thanks a lot for the quick reply and for sharing your code  :)
  I´ll give it a try ..

Technical forum / Snoop key function
« on: February 28, 2007, 02:55:47 PM »

Is it possible to program a function that shows all the hotspots in a scene (like in "Geheimakte Tunguska"), when the player presses a certain key and could anbody offer me some kind of code-bits or ideas to get me started?


General Discussion / Finding a publisher..
« on: February 27, 2007, 11:26:16 AM »

We (from Germany) are developing / planning and creating a commercial adventure game (using the WME of cause  ;D ) . Now I´ve got some general questions about selling the product.

1. How do you get in touch with a publisher?  Do you send them a demo, the whole story as a script or what is the best way to present your game/ideas?

2. if 1. = yes ;-) --> how long should this demo be?

3. How far does the game have to developed, before you get in touch with the publisher?

4. Do publishers offer a financing scheme for the time of development of some kind?

5. Do you have to a lot of capital?

6. Can anybody perhaps offer a list of publishers in Germany?

7. Has anybody had any kind of experience with this "problem" and would like to tell me how the dealt with it?

Thanks for your time and answers,

Technical forum / Re: Debugger
« on: February 26, 2007, 10:26:37 AM »
Thanks!  :)

Technical forum / Debugger
« on: February 26, 2007, 09:16:25 AM »

How can I start the debugger? I´ve installed the microsoft files, but I still don´t have any option in the  project settings menu.


Technical forum / Re: Problem with alpha masks
« on: February 18, 2007, 09:38:53 PM »
Yep, GI=global illumination.

So, found out how to do it, had a bit of masking problem.  ::)

Many greetings,

Technical forum / Problem with alpha masks
« on: February 18, 2007, 08:04:55 PM »
Hi, everybody!

I´ve really got a problem, you could call it a mental blockage in my brain, if you want  ::)

I´m using the 3d-program cinema 4d to render my backgrounds. Am I right that the foreground objects have to be a sprite i put on the background, so that the character can move behind it?

Well, how can i isolate the foreground objects in my picture? I´ve got the option in my renderer to just render a single object and then i´ve got a nice and clean alpha, but since i´m rendering with GI the colors of this object are not correct anymore.

How do you seperate the foreground-objects from your background?

I hope you understand what i´m talking about?  :-\

Thankful for any reply,

Game design / Copyright Questions
« on: September 07, 2006, 10:37:15 AM »

I´ve got some copyright questions you could probably solve.

1. The new adventure "geheimakte tunguska" has a function they called "snoopkey (R)". With this button you can show all available hotspots in the scene to avoid pixelhunting. Now we had this idea, too, but our project hasn´t even got to preprepre-alpha :-) . Am I allowed to use such a function in our game, or is it protected by copyright?

2. I know you should not present things like coca cola bottles (with the original lable) in a game, but what about furniture that comes from i.e. IKEA?  Do I have to "design" my own table or am I allowed to use things from a catalogue as a template (right word for that?? I hope you know what i mean) for my 3d work?

Technical forum / Re: Scene fitting problem
« on: August 31, 2006, 10:56:11 AM »
Sometimes I also get confused with vertical and horizontal, too..  ;)

Thanks for your idea. I´ll try that out. It really would be a bit of a bother to change all the scenes, but possible of cause. There isn´t a way of shifting the geometry (like the background-pic) in the scene manager, or am I wrong?

To explain to you, what I want to do, here an example :

I want the inventory to be fixed at the bottom (also for text) , a small space at the top to display some text and the scene centered in the middle.

Yes, all scenes should be this format.

Technical forum / Re: Scene fitting problem
« on: August 31, 2006, 08:25:14 AM »
Any ideas?

Technical forum / Re: Scene fitting problem
« on: August 29, 2006, 06:32:46 PM »
Well, this is what I just tried:

in project manager : resolution width / height : 1024 x 768
                          : Scene viewport : 0,90 and 1024 x 576

in Scene manager : main layer : 1024 x 576
                           3d game resoultion : 1024 x 768

But i can´t line the geometry up without moving the background and it doesn´t fit in the game ..

edit: it looks as though I would have to move the geometry up, to line it up with my background in the scene manager.

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