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Messages - FogGobbler

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16
Technical forum / Scene fitting problem
« on: August 29, 2006, 04:58:39 PM »
Please help me with this simple problem.

My backdrops are 1024 x 576 and I want to place it in the middle (vertical) of the screen. I want a game resolution of 1024 x 768 px.

I changes the game resolution in the project manager to 1024 x 768 and in the scene setup I set the main layer to 1024 x 768. Then I positioned the backdrop to 0 x 90. I also set the 3d geometry to 1024 x 576 changed the camera FOV and it fits roughly in the scene manager.

When I run the game, the backdrop is positioned in the middle, but the geometry doesn´t fit.


Done / Re: Stencil shadows
« on: July 21, 2006, 02:43:52 PM »
Believe me, if it as so simple, it would be already there

Yeah, I´m quite sure about that. Sorry, didn´t want to offend you by any way.

it's in the pipeline

Great! I´m looking forward to this new feature.

Oliver  ::beer

Done / Stencil shadows
« on: July 20, 2006, 11:23:15 AM »
Hi,Mnemonic & all WME-users!

I´m sorry to bother you again (because I asked this a couple of months ago) with my question, but I´m just curious..

Will a new version of the wme be able to handle stencil shadows? That´s the only thing that bothers me at the moment with wme. Real-Shadows like in "still life" seem quite important (just talking about the graphics) to me for a modern adventure game. Or is this only my opinion?

I guess this feature could be integrated without to much trouble (please don´t hit me  ;D ), because the hidden geometry is allready there.

So what do you think about this?

Technical forum / Animated sky
« on: August 25, 2005, 09:01:58 AM »

Yesterday I was quite bored (something that happens not very often  ??? ) and browsed through the internet, not really looking for something special.

Then I went to adventure-treff and had a look at the new adventure "Geheimakte Tunguska". Looks really great im my opinion. Well, boerdom had gone and wondered, if it´s possible to create such an animated (!) sky (moving clouds) with this new video-entity (perhaps some sort of animated texture).
If not, how could you create such effects, without stuffing up the memory?

Best regards,

Game design / Re: Is Germany a boring place?
« on: August 10, 2005, 11:53:15 AM »
I think the indiana j. took place in austria.  I can remember the films and this nazi castle in austria. I haven´t played gn 2, only the later ones. 

Yeah, i think you´re right about the vacation-theory. I´d sooner play a game that has its locations  on an caribean island right now ;)

I think I´ll get my old monkey island game out :-)

All these new games are so depressing with their rain and snow effects  ::) (stil life and syberia an so..) :-)


Technical forum / Re: video entities - couple of questions
« on: August 10, 2005, 08:10:10 AM »
yeah, i did some quick renderings to test it and was quite disappointed  :'( .

Anyway, tv-screens are also useful  ;D


Game design / Is Germany a boring place?
« on: August 10, 2005, 08:06:25 AM »

I´ve played quite a lot of adventure games in my life, but I´ve never played a game that had locations in Germany. I find that quite odd, because the Germans like to play adventure games and its quite a big market. So, I ask you, is Germany a boring place for an adventure-setting ?
Perhaps locations like N.Y. or Prague in the old days are more interesting?
Where does your story play?


Technical forum / Re: video entities - couple of questions
« on: August 08, 2005, 07:54:16 PM »
yeah, I´ll give it a try..


Technical forum / Re: video entities - couple of questions
« on: August 08, 2005, 04:11:39 PM »
Well, I was actually thinking of putting the video of my animation on top of the scene in the right position, without any transparent aeras. So I would line up my animated "machine" with the background.  The same with my "kicking the door" animation. The video should be on top of the background not not turned on yet (invisible). Action is triggered an the, character walks to the right position, turn off, video is played and stops, character is turnded on again. talking about 3d character..Hope that makes sense.

You´re right with the doors and drawers and so, because the engine qould have to "remember" the right state and I can´t jump to a frame in this viedeo entity, can I?

 ::beer oli

Technical forum / video entities - couple of questions
« on: August 08, 2005, 01:33:43 PM »

I´ve just got a couple of questions concerning these new video-entities. I´m not quite sure, if I´ve got this right, so please correct me if not.

Can I create an animation, say an opening door, cupboard, boxes, working machines (simple examples) in my 3d prog, make a "video" of it and insert it into the pre-rendered scene? So if the character opened the i.e. door, the video-entity would be "triggered" and  play the animation. Would you notice a difference between the rendered picture and the video (i´m talking about the quality) ?

Is it a good idea to use the "video-animations" for all kind of "moving parts" in the scene? Would it clog up the memory, be slow, or is this even a better way of dealing with animations since you don´t have to have so many single pics. I could imagine that even 20-24 pics/sec smooth long and loopded animations would fit into the scene without any performance hit, or am I wrong?

And .. ehm ..finally.. what about character animation. I would like to do all scene-specific character-animations (except walking, taking) in my 3d-programm and save them as a video (i.e. kicking in a door; no, i´m not violent :-) ). Good idea or not?

Thanks for your comments & time,

Feature requests, suggestions / plugin system questions
« on: July 07, 2005, 12:04:22 AM »

I can´t remember where I read it, but somebody said that the next big vresion of the wme would contain a better plugin system.

Does that mean i.e. that some clever guy could program a plugin for a dynamic particle system, other 3d character effects or sucdh things?

So is it possible to override some of the functions and create other / new ones.

Sorry, perhaps I dreamt this all, but if so, it is another point on my wishlist  ;)


Feature requests, suggestions / Re: dynamic shadows
« on: May 22, 2005, 04:58:13 PM »
Well thats nice to hear.  ;D

keep up the good work.


Feature requests, suggestions / dynamic shadows
« on: May 20, 2005, 11:12:38 AM »

I know, its been said 1.000.000 times, but I have to say it again... GREAT WORK!

So, back to my topic. I´ve just played the new adventure "still life" and I must say, i like the shadow-effects.

Will wintermute be able to have  this kind of shadow effect in future and how long would it take about to program this (stencil shadow, or am i wrong?).


Technical forum / animation question
« on: March 01, 2005, 12:11:51 PM »

I´ve got a question concerning the best way of integrating animations into wme. I´m doing all me backgrounds and animations with a 3d progamm. Now to get a smooth animation it is recommended to have at least 24 pics per sec. So if I want to have several little animations, in a scene, for example opening a door, turning on a tap or activating a switch, I will have at least 100 animation pics just for one scene.

1. It that stretching the limits of wme?
2.Does wme load the animation pics every time the scen is being entered or does it have a kind of cache system?

3. And does it free the memory after the scene is left?

4. And, finally, what you recommend for a max. number of animation pics - i konw it depends on the size, but I talking about little ones,    not big background-animations - for a scene?

Thanks a lot,

General Discussion / Re: WME 1.3.2
« on: December 27, 2004, 11:43:26 PM »

Great work! Thank a lot for the fov-option! That really saves me a lot of time.  :)


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